

  • I feel so restricted by nerd labels O.o lol....much prefer to just mention what I like without trying to fit into any specific niche. I'm an obsessive, life long learner type for sure (what else would I be, getting into medicine? xD). I float back and forth heavily between a few fandoms. I'm very into science and art. I…
  • Did you stay within your nutritional goals? Yes and no. Calorie deficit was good, but didn't hit all my macros. Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? Yes. What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? Ate in moderation and worked it off anyway ;) What would I have done differently? Got some exercise in earlier in the day.…
  • Amusing list, I've lost an ostrich egg already! ;)
  • I don't mean to sound harsh or unsympathetic (I get it! My family is obese but not interested in being healthier. They're not supportive) but honestly I think you will only succeed when you want/need it too badly to consider giving up. It has to come from a place inside you that is stronger than the desire to give up, the…
  • I think I'll be counting calories for the rest of my life, yes. Maybe some of it will end up being more in my head, a little less thought to it and a better understanding of just 'eyeing' portions and such. Especially by the time I'm in maintenance mode. Still though, I'll be counting them for the rest of my life, and I…
  • I just go with the kind of music that I enjoy the most to begin with... (shuffled around a bit to account for intensity changes/boosts) Slipknot - Before I Forget Mudvayne - Not Falling Pantera- Walk Godsmack - Awake Institute- Bullet Proof Skin Foo Fighters- Aurora Nine Inch Nails - Head Like a Hole Tool - Lateralus Rise…
  • Cardio 5-6 days a week, lifting 2 days, 1 low intensity/rest day. But I'm just starting out, so I'll probably change it up soon.
  • I cut out soda altogether; never could stand the taste of diet but now even regular tastes disgusting to me. They're obviously not healthy for you, but if it's something you really enjoy, moderation is the key.
  • Old one but I want it saved in my threads =).
  • I love this thread...definitely need a few nerd friends on here =).
  • We have the opposite problem, I get hit on too often and I *don't* want it. And my wedding ring only seems to make some people MORE encouraged -_-. People are weird. You're probably intimidating to people who don't know you....wish I was :/ lol.
  • Finished Everything I Learned in Medical School: Besides all the Book Stuff by Sujay M. Kansagra MD. Just starting The Dreams that Stuff is Made of by Stephen Hawking. :)
  • I'm 5'4, my initial goal is 140 but I'd like to be closer to 120 eventually and then maintain at that.
  • Not so much, at worst the irritating and stupid ones can be pretty amusing. Life's too short to be that angry over idiots you'll never even meet O.o.
    in RANT. Comment by JessieSky April 2014
  • ^ I second fitness blender, they have some great ones. I found them just doing general searches on youtube and they're definitely among the better ones I've found.
  • I'm 21, you can add me if you'd like =).
  • I get a lot of my exercise outside of gyms, or when the gym is less while I might consider skipping the gym to opt for exercising elsewhere, I wouldn't cut down on the actual exercising even if I "didn't need to" do it. It definitely is a mental thing, it has to be something you want...even if the only…
  • Thanks for the thoughts everyone! I think some of you may have been fairly accurate. I'm still experimenting with what times work best regarding eating (and what to eat) in relation to when I exercise. I was also unaware that I wasn't drinking as much as I should have been, so I'm upping that and seeing some improvement.…
  • Other people and their stories and support can inspire you to a point, but ultimately you have to be your own motivation. Decide that you want it badly enough to stick with a plan....and perhaps spend some more time thinking of what exactly will be sustainable for you. Maybe make little cut backs/cut outs in your life at a…
  • That sounds amazing :O.
  • Thanks. I don't think I need to cut it down *that* much...but I jumped right into doing 30 min-1 hr at a time, HIIT some days, lower impact on others; so I might just need to work up to the specific intensities and times I'm hoping for. I do walk a lot, too, but that's never a problem for me.
  • Yeah, I think you may be right. My body might need a little more time to get accustomed to doing so much more. Sorry to hear about your troubles with sprinting. & I have an appointment with my doctor for annual check up kind of stuff, so I'm going to talk with her about it in about a week and a half, but it not being too…
  • Motorcycle Drive-by - Third Eye Blind
  • You all look stunning! Really making me motivated more to be able to add my own sooner rather than later ;).
  • It sounds like I might be similar to where you were a few months back...when you started doing those things, did it take long to improve? I'm guessing now that you've been working out for a bit longer you're not having as much of a problem? I haven't tried much of that, especially the extra consideration to warming up and…
  • Hm, that's interesting...I had a lot of thoughts about what it could be, but heart rate wasn't one that came to mind. Thanks for sharing that with me. I'm planning on getting a HRM, probably a polar, I'll see if that might be contributing to it.
  • That looks like a great resource...thanks for sharing it :).
  • I typically have a small breakfast, under 300 calories, 300-400 for lunch depending on the day and then a slightly larger meal for dinner; with 100-150 calorie snacks.