I don't believe I can do this whatsoever. I have been back for 30 days now, and lost a little (3kgs) but I am so scared of putting it all back on because I am just not motivated whatsoever in continuing.
I tried eating clean a couple of times.. and I lost 10 kgs each time... only to regain it because I was so strict with myself that I would lose all the weight and then go on a massive binge and gain it all back!
I'm so scared to undo all the hard work I've already done, even tho it's only a few kgs, it took determination and courage to get there. I was finding MFP so easy (especailly compared to "clean eating") because I was allowing myself to have that treat if I had worked out 500 calories for that day.. I got to have that dessert because I worked hard for it!

At the moment, I just don't want to get into the gym.. I just want to eat whatever I want and how much I want. I am so upset, because I really thought I had this in the bag.. I thought I could continue this as a lifestyle change, and i was getting there!! I don't know what happened?!

How do you get back on track personally? What has worked for you? Maybe hearing others ideas may be motivating for me.

Thanks everyone.


  • Nt2Badhuh
    Nt2Badhuh Posts: 107 Member
    If you don't mind me asking... Why do you want to lose weight? or change lifestyle?
  • dreamerearthchild
    my main motivation is just from myself. i hate the way i feel when i don't exercise and eat unhealthy. i mean, i do love sweets and i treat myself here and there, but if i'm not eating at least two healthy meals every day i feel awful and lethargic. and when i go a few days without exercising i just feel sick and slow. being healthy and fit is the best feeling and sometimes you just have to really push yourself. sometimes i just want to sit in bed and watch a movie, but when i finally make myself get up and even just go for a quick 2 mile run i never ever regret it!! and coming home to shower and crawl in bed to watch that movie feels so much better.

    i think living in florida helps because it's so incredibly hot in the summer and i don't want to feel uncomfortable wearing shorts and little skirts and sundresses and tank tops. i feel so much more confident when i know i've been working out and have lost a bit of weight, ya know?

    I also suggest taking a look at some fitspo blogs! not thinspo, because that could encourage really unhealthy behavior, and trust me i've dealt with eating disorders for 8 years in my past. and i feel 20000x better now that i've recovered. but check out fitspo because it's super motivating!!!!

    i believe in you, i know you can do it! everyone here supports you and is cheering for you! :):):)
  • tahneesummers88
    tahneesummers88 Posts: 52 Member
    If you don't mind me asking... Why do you want to lose weight? or change lifestyle?

    That actually is a really hard question to answer. I don't really know.. I haven't even thought about it. Is it as hard of a question for everyone ? I guess if I thought about it he first thing that comes to mind is just pure confidence.. i want the confidence I used to have when I was smaller back. I want to be able to walk into clothes shops and have anything look good on me.
  • tahneesummers88
    tahneesummers88 Posts: 52 Member
    my main motivation is just from myself. i hate the way i feel when i don't exercise and eat unhealthy. i mean, i do love sweets and i treat myself here and there, but if i'm not eating at least two healthy meals every day i feel awful and lethargic. and when i go a few days without exercising i just feel sick and slow. being healthy and fit is the best feeling and sometimes you just have to really push yourself. sometimes i just want to sit in bed and watch a movie, but when i finally make myself get up and even just go for a quick 2 mile run i never ever regret it!! and coming home to shower and crawl in bed to watch that movie feels so much better.

    i think living in florida helps because it's so incredibly hot in the summer and i don't want to feel uncomfortable wearing shorts and little skirts and sundresses and tank tops. i feel so much more confident when i know i've been working out and have lost a bit of weight, ya know?

    I also suggest taking a look at some fitspo blogs! not thinspo, because that could encourage really unhealthy behavior, and trust me i've dealt with eating disorders for 8 years in my past. and i feel 20000x better now that i've recovered. but check out fitspo because it's super motivating!!!!

    i believe in you, i know you can do it! everyone here supports you and is cheering for you! :):):)

    Thank you :-)
  • watchhillgirl
    watchhillgirl Posts: 597 Member
    When I want to go on a binge I go for walk or go to the gym for a bit. Just by getting out and listening to some music helps to bring me back to reality and get my mind off do food.
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,568 Member
    Why do you currently feel the way you do when you have successfully lost 3kg? Which is great progress so far btw and great work! Are you afraid to actually succeed? You can do this, to me it sounds like self sabotage and you are singing to the chior on that one with me. Stick with it, you can do this. Do what is sustainable, figure out what works for you. If you think your cals are too low change your weekly goal to a half pound per week less and increase your cals. You want to make a change, the tools are right in front of you. You CAN do it! Don't beat yourself up if you have an "off" day. Celebrate your small victories. To me every pound lost or every time I exercise is a victory. Keep it up and give yourself the credit you deserve.
  • Nt2Badhuh
    Nt2Badhuh Posts: 107 Member
    If you don't mind me asking... Why do you want to lose weight? or change lifestyle?

    That actually is a really hard question to answer. I don't really know.. I haven't even thought about it. Is it as hard of a question for everyone ? I guess if I thought about it he first thing that comes to mind is just pure confidence.. i want the confidence I used to have when I was smaller back. I want to be able to walk into clothes shops and have anything look good on me.

    I think you really should take some time and figure out why... but in the mean time here are some things I do that work for me....

    I try to remember that I am not on a diet but I am trying to change my life and what it would mean if I kept eating the way I did.

    I make small changes that I KNOW I can commit to. Do not set yourself up for failure by being super strict or something like that.

    I do not buy what I know I can not control myself around. I compulsively overeat so if i am not positive I can just take one ( which I know I cant) I dont even bring it into my house.
  • aaroneous89
    Well, I tell you what, I weight 220 pounds now, lost 10 pounds this month, and the way I did it was eat healthy, but I did it in a smart way, I love chicken, so I just grill it in a george foreman, if you don't have one, then you can bake it, so tastey, and if you grill chicken, you can eat more than 1, as it has no carbs and very low in fat, and not a whole lot of calories, if you like green beans you can eat a whole can, considering it's healthy. But if you like veggies, mix it up. My mom lost 35 pounds in like 2 and a half months just eating the same things everyday (which can be boring), and that was grilled chicken and green beans for every meal. Find meals that you enjoy, and make them healthy.

    example, if you like cheeseburgers, make them this way, 100 percent whole wheat bread, or 100 percent sugar free whole wheat bread, and either fry turkey burgers in olive oil, gives it a nice flavor, or grill it, get some low fat mozarella cheese to sprinkle on it, if you like spinach, put raw spinach on it in place of lettuce, a tomato, and an onion, and just make some greens or green beans for the side, makes an awesome meal. As for treats, find some healthier options, I love the fiber one caramel nut protein bars, pretty healthy, but still tastes like I'm cheating ;p. But do include fruits for atleast 1 to 2 meals of the day unless your looking for no sugar or starch at all. Fruit before 2pm has been working the best for me.

    So my motivation, is find the foods you enjoy, and just make them healthier, if you still eat what you like, but in a healthier manner, you will keep motivated, and it's ok to have a cheat meal once or twice a week.

    this may have not been the best motivational reply, but this is what motivates me for the dieting. I got to the point I'd rather have green beans, spinach, kale, etc, rather than fries and mashed potatoes. If you enjoy pop, it wont hurt to have a can a day with your favorite healthy meal of the day, although water and green tea would be the best.
  • tahneesummers88
    tahneesummers88 Posts: 52 Member
    Thanks everyone,

    I do agree with the reply that I am deliberately sabotaging myself.. I know I can do this DEEP down.. but it's like my head is saying I can't.. when I have proven to do it before, so I know that I am quite capable. I had my calories at 1400 and I think this is what was making it difficult.. I have upped it to 1500 so I will see how I go, and if need me I will up it a little more. I don't want to do the whole crash diet this time around.. I have done this and I have seen first hand it doesn't work!! I really do want a lifestyle change and one that I can sustain. I have come across quite alot of amazing advice on these threads from all the members on MFP.. a 1200 calorie intake per day is just not sustainable for me, and neither is 1400. It may be for some, who eat very little.. but I LOVE FOOD. lol..

    I couldn't live eating 1400 calories a day everyday for the rest of my life.. but while I am trying to lose, I think i might be okay at 1500 a day. At the moment I am just not motivated to exercise, I have alot going on being a student and a stay at home mum. I get into my huge motivation spurts and I just go flat out 5-6 days a week at the gym burning 400-600 cals per session.. but it's okay to have a week or two off right and not feel motivated? People do that all the time don't they? lol

    Thank you all for your replies, they have helped alot!! I think i was being too strict on myself!!
  • JessieSky
    JessieSky Posts: 79
    Other people and their stories and support can inspire you to a point, but ultimately you have to be your own motivation. Decide that you want it badly enough to stick with a plan....and perhaps spend some more time thinking of what exactly will be sustainable for you. Maybe make little cut backs/cut outs in your life at a time, slowly increase exercise, whatever it takes so that it can be something you'll keep up with.