

  • I want to tell my best friend to divorce his wife and get his manhood back in the process, but He hasn't spoken to his friends or family for a year, we have no clue where he is living or what he is doing, she has broken him. maybe I'll just yell it here BROOK DIVORCE HER!!! SHE IS NO GOOD!!! RETURN TO THOSE WHO TRULY LOVE…
  • Ashely Judd is afamous Country Singer who gained fame as part fo the family band The Judds
  • funny i do the same thing with the shaveing cream can. I keep my music collection in a very specific order. Neil Young arrange by chronological recording date (not release date) then all other records are alphabetical by band/artist name unless the artist isa solo that came from the original band (like Ozzy is from Black…
  • It's all mental. Once you are so close it is easier for people to et lazy and say oh well good enough. the body has nothing to do with just this little parasite in our brains called the mind
  • I set a goal which would be difficult but very much so attainable. I think in my case the amount of weight I wanted to lose wasn't the hard part of the goal, it was the process of achieving it. No more fast food, no more soda, no more candy and chips, I ate that stuff like veggies weren't real. I also like setting multiple…
  • I used to eat sweets like there wasn't any other food in the world, but i use fruits during the day, and I always check my calories and serving sizes if I am really jonesing for a chocolate or whatever. I personally love the mini resses the ones ones that are still wrapped, 5 of them are plenty sweet, and they are 220 per…
  • I used to eat sweets like there wasn't any other food in the world, but i use fruits during the day, and I always check my calories and serving sizes if I am really jonesing for a chocolate or whatever. I personally love the mini resses the ones ones that are still wrapped, 5 of them are plenty sweet, and they are 220 per…
  • well since everyone else had useful advice I will give some non useful advice. I try and often fail, lately I have been changing the foods I eat drastically, simplifying them. instead of loading a sandwich with tons of veggies, I am now building very slowly and using as little as possible so I an relearn what individual…
  • Scarlett Johansson and Eva Mendes
  • i must be behind the times. Glad you're sticking to your guns, but me I love bread, I use it to get fruits, veggies, and protein into my mouth. so why did you decide to stop eating bread?
  • yup i agree with everyone else, it is great here. I get no support from friends or family, but here my mfp friends and even strangers blogs are a great resource.
  • Kava is a traditional Polynesian drink, made from the water and the kava root ground up in it. Traditionally it was only used for special ceremonies,and drank by the chiefs and other high ranking members of the village. Made the traditional way it comes out very think almost like a syrup and causes a minor to major…
  • I haven't checked out your diet or anything and my advice comes from a very stubborn and selfish point of view. First some questions who is pressuring you? your partner or yourself, who is pressuring you to do what, and what is most important. Answer these three questions and I think things will become clearer. No need to…
  • metal all the way, Metallica, megadeth, Slayer, Static X
  • babyblake is right, other wise your body goes into starvation mode, which while it sounds like a weight loss plan what actually happens is the body burns muscle for fuel and stores every single calorie it can as fat since it believes that it will not be receiving enough food. This effectively slows your metabolism to a…
  • garruns braddah
  • go for it, and give it your all I knew I didn't have great eating habits but once I started keeping track of everything I consumed it was a major eye opener don't fret if you stumble on the way to a healthier you, everyone does
  • I haven't lost enough to know where I lose my weight from
  • I agree that a little break can reap more benefits then struggling and stressing over it. I think it's like when I am close to finishing a house I've been working on hardcore for weeks or even months. The closer in sight the finish line the easier and more tempting it is to quit early, but that comes from the voice of…
  • i love it here. It has been such an eye opener, I knew I wasn't that healthy, but once I was tracking everything I was shocked at just how unbalanced my diet lifestyle really was. Just keep at it and you can't lose.
  • I love seeing 'will' in caps, i really do love the emphasis on success. I think keeping positive is probably more important then anything else in the struggle for body image or health or whatever anyone wants to call it. Now this is some advice I got from my Mom, and she got it from some psychologist she knows, I don't…
  • great site, good motivation to keep at it, if they can we can too
  • you've done so much already, you're instructor is right keep on the positive side, you look great!
  • I am sorry to say that I think I may be a hopeless romantic. There are 4 girls I have loved. Or believed I loved them at the time. I have grown a love over 3 or 4 years, and then she broke up with me. I have confused love for lust, and still dream about trying to make things work a second time around. I have Loved at first…
  • Good Job!!!
  • welcome back, I myself just restarted today. I was on here about a year ago, and life got in the ay or maybe i got lazy? either way I'm glad you're back.