Something I've noticed about weight loss photos

This is by no means every picture, not is what I'm noticing a BAD thing but... It looks like people who have gone from a higher weight to a lower weight (but not at their goal weight, maybe 35-60 pounds away) lose more weight in their legs than their upper bodies. Does this balance out? I noticed the same thing for myself. Anyone else?


  • yukimiyazawa
    yukimiyazawa Posts: 83 Member
    It just depends on the person's body type. I'm the complete opposite. I lose the majority of my weight in my upper body (stupid pear shape).
  • FatDadSlim
    FatDadSlim Posts: 497 Member
    I'm the opposite, my legs and waist still have a long way to go but my upper body has seen the most weight loss.
  • randa_behnam
    randa_behnam Posts: 488 Member
    i never seem to lose from my legs, they are my problems areas, my waist has gone so slim but my big ol' *kitten* still wiggles behind me !!
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    aaaggghhhh - wish I would lose more in my legs - I saw all these cute summer dresses today but with my "fat" knees there is no way I can wear them ;-( ....
  • mum2littledove
    mum2littledove Posts: 53 Member
    I'm a pear too - although I have lost weight in my legs, and this is most dramatically visible in my before & after pictures (not posted by the way), most of my weight loss has been from my top half, in terms of inches & fat loss. I still carry fat and wobbly bits in my bum & thighs, but there isn't an ounce left above my hips. I think pictures can be deceptive that way, maybe it's an optical illusion.
  • Yep - another pear here! First places the weight goes on - hips and thighs. Last place the weight comes off - hips and thighs. My upper body feels like it has very little fat (I can feel my ribs) but, still can't get my butt and legs into my jeans! Just the way I am :o(
  • Blackthorne99
    Blackthorne99 Posts: 250 Member
    I've lost 135 lbs, and I melted like a snowman. Face first, the shoulders (oOOo collarbones!), boobs next, my legs started to thin out finally, and even NOW, my belly is still hanging in there dead set on being the last to leave.
  • Teliooo
    Teliooo Posts: 725 Member
    Not for me. Size 10-12 top half 18-20 bottom. Have lost 12 pounds and the hips are still here. No sign of budging. My top half however is shrinking rapidly.
  • Dragongrl
    Dragongrl Posts: 186 Member
    I have the apple shape. You know the kind where the person looks like an apple on a stick? LOL. My legs have always remained in great shape. I don't know if this is just because of genetics or what but I spend a lot of time on my feet so this could be the reason also. All my fat goes on my gut, back, and boobs. It's a bummer. Thank God the last thing to go will be my girls!!!!!
  • I haven't lost enough to know where I lose my weight from
  • I'm apple too - skinnish legs, no butt - all boobs and gut, hate it. I'm so jealous of people who lose it on the upper half first, they tend to look normal sooner and I still look like a piggy (sorry)
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    I've only lost 12 or so pounds and I've noticed it mostly in my face or pant size :D
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    i've lost more weight in my legs and butt than the stomach area... i'm hoping it'll all come off eventually. the main thing i want to lose is the tummy, and it's not going anywhere.
  • I tend to lose it more all over. My boobs are the first thing I notice shrinking and that's the only place that I don't want o shrink lol.
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    My legs got more toned first of all, but as I cycle, I guess that's only to be expected. :bigsmile:

    My chest and tummy are always the last to go and to be honest... I've never ever lost all my tummy/boob fat... which is probably why I always thought I was FAT when I actually was not. My hubster has seen my "thin" photos from when I was late20s/early 30s and he thinks I look stunning and not at all fat... but I remember looking at myslef naked then and thinking I was FAT.

    I've statred taking monthly photos for before/after and also to compare and see what I need to work on :happy:
  • I lose it all pretty evenly. I think the previous poster is correct. It really depends on your body type.

    I'll lose it anyway I can!