Seeking new motivation

I'm 7 lbs down from where I was, so why don't I feel like I am actually getting anywhere. I know it's going to take time. Heck, it took me a lot of time to put the weight on. It's not going to fall off over night. However, I get on the scale and am like "YAY" for each .whatever that comes off. But then, I go to get in the shower and catch my reflection, and nothing has changed. Not outwardly anyway. I guess I'm looking forward to the time that I actually SEE something.
I have a crazy funky wild work schedule so I don't get enough sleep. That translates to never feeling like I have a lot of energy which also doesn't help that I'm soooo heavy still. Ugh.
I am motivated to stick to this and I am not going to give up. I'm just feeling down that I can't SEE it yet. I'm getting measured by my personal trainer on Tuesday. That will help in the motivation department. I only wish we did that at the beginning so I can see that part too.
It WILL happen. I WILL get there. It's just hard at the moment. I feel like I am doing awesome with the exercise and diet. I see the number changing. I guess it's still not something I feel like I can be PROUD of.


  • kir911
    kir911 Posts: 228 Member
    I know you are probably looking for someone else to reply to this, but, I am going to also! LOL You just got started! You are doing are on the right track and you ARE going to do this!! Just keep your mind going in the right direction. Don't allow the need for instant gratification to bring you down. You will see results as long as you keep going. Once you do, it will be infectious and you won't want to stop. It may take a few weeks for the results to be noticeable to you physically, and others will see it before you do, but IT WILL happen! I'm not gonna let you quit and neither will brad. I can say all of this because I am in the SAME boat as you. I lack motivation, I want to see results, I get frustrated when I don't when I know I am doing the things I should be. But, I got myself into this situation and it is gonna take some hard work to get myself out. I KNOW you can do this. We are gonna do it together!! Keep up all the good work, you are on the right track! Feel the burn! LOL
  • I love seeing 'will' in caps, i really do love the emphasis on success. I think keeping positive is probably more important then anything else in the struggle for body image or health or whatever anyone wants to call it. Now this is some advice I got from my Mom, and she got it from some psychologist she knows, I don't always put a lot of stock in psychobabble, but this kinda makes sense to me.

    Apparently visualization is a powerful tool, unfortunately most people visualize wrong. I guess he said that if we constantly visualize ourselves already at the finish line achieving our goal, our brains start to trick itself into believing we have already accomplished something even if we haven't actually done it, as such we lose motivation since we effectively lied to ourselves about our success.

    He says the key to good helpful visualizations is to visualize what it is we have to do in order to accomplish our goal. so that we are constantly reinforcing the good behaviors.

    I don't know if that helps or not, i hope it does. I hope it made sense what I wrote.
    you'll do it, and you'll feel great, and it will be wonderful.
    we are all beautiful.
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    If you get impatient you could try doing the 30 day shred It's marketing catch cry is "lose inches not pounds". I'm about 9 days in and while I haven't noticed my weight go down and the measurements haven't changed, I think I look a little better in the mirror though (maybe just my perspective has changed ha ha).

    Also concur with the slow process/lifestyle change. I've set my weight loss per week to a mere half a pound so I won't being seeing change too soon but I'm finding it much more sustainable.
  • melcowenfitness
    melcowenfitness Posts: 221 Member
    Hi Nicole,

    When I first started out I didn't think I looked any different in the mirror after 30 days of an intense workout program. I was frustrated! I had lost weight but I could not see the difference in myself! The program I did had encouraged me to take before pics and I'm so glad I did. When I compared those before pics to the pics I took at 30 days, I was amazed at the actual difference!

    Our eyes don't always see what others see. We're our own worst critics. But you can't argue with a picture. I encourage you to take pics now and again in 30 days. The changes might be slow but you WILL see changes; and those changes will encourage and motivate you to keep going!

    Take it one day at a time. Anything worth having takes time. Be patient - as hard as that is!
