How can I eat slowly?

The thing is.. I always eat quickly! & I think this means that i will eat more..
Maybe this is one of my problems..

Any ideas how to overcome this?
I tried chewing my food for 30 seconds and all that.. I always fail :(

Please, share any thoughts<3


  • EASY!! join in on a conversation. im always the last to finish bc i talk so much!!! yup or if ur alone, u could listen to music and sing so it takes you longer. and you could not get seconds until after 5 songs or so. hope this helps, and feel free to add me! :3<3
  • gladjar
    gladjar Posts: 21
    I noticed really chewing your food and eating with your less dominate hand helps you not eat as fast and get full faster! :)
  • kitkatkait
    kitkatkait Posts: 87 Member
    chop sticks! :D
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    I keep trying to eat slower too. I just choose my portion size ahead of time, carefully, and make myself wait 10-15 minutes before going for seconds if I do at all. Problem solved.
  • maybe drink water while you eat. i try and take some bites then drink water between.
  • Put your fork down between mouthfuls so you wait until you have finished chewing before taking another mouthful :)
  • nixickle
    nixickle Posts: 229 Member
    Eat everything with chop-sticks! I know this sounds crazy but it really does slow you down! If you feel too silly doing that you could try putting your knife and fork down whilst food is in your mouth, eating with others can help...I normally talk so much it slows my eating down! Or you could split a meal into several servings, so you physically have to stop to go and get more, this also can help you realise when you are full. Another thing you could try is to eat things that take longer to chew, like celary etc try to include something that takes longer to chew with every meal. Not sure if any of that helps?
  • nixickle
    nixickle Posts: 229 Member
    Lol sorry I seemed to have said everything that everyone else said! Slow typer!
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    Lol sorry I seemed to have said everything that everyone else said! Slow typer!

    Were you eating celery while typing? :D
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I only make enough for one serving, if cooking for myself, or two, if cooking for both of us.
  • well since everyone else had useful advice I will give some non useful advice.
    I try and often fail, lately I have been changing the foods I eat drastically, simplifying them. instead of loading a sandwich with tons of veggies, I am now building very slowly and using as little as possible so I an relearn what individual foods taste like, savoring the sting of an onion without the sweet tomato and cucumber to counter act it's bite.

    I am really only doing this with sandwiches, but I am trying to savor individual flavors, and really having a more intellectual and emotional meal.
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    chop sticks! :D

    lol best answer
  • I usually drink a half of a glass ( or more ) of water before each meal.
    Then I try to take a sip between each bite. :)
    Hope that helps. :D
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    If i eat slowly, my food goes cold!

    Can't stand lukewarm food..have to eat it fast before it cools!
  • nikkizmom1962
    nikkizmom1962 Posts: 93 Member
    use a baby spoon sounds stupid but it does work...................
  • eggmcg
    eggmcg Posts: 40
    chop sticks! :D

    No good for me, my party trick is to eat with chopsticks in both hands! :laugh: