Zeal8 Member


  • Cardio after strength training is best...but for completely different reasons. It's because if you do cardio before strength training, you will have spent much of your energy stores on the cardio exercise, leaving you with a lethargic weight training regime. Oppositely, doing cardio AFTER, does exactly what it's supposed…
  • the change in diet and the lack of major change in weight could be a whole lot of things. your metabolism isn't always the same. also, try alternating the types of calories you take in (carbs, fats, proteins). and as others have suggested, going to the gym and possibly gaining a bit of muscle may give you an appearance…
  • at the end of the day it's all calories in vs calories burned. assuming you're a gamer, pushups and/or situps between loading screens is good motivation too =]
  • Working in junk food and the snacks/foods you really want can work really well if planned. Pick a day and tell yourself that day you're allowed to eat it. Otherwise, doing it now is giving in to your impulses, and impulse is one of the main culprits of fat gain to begin with.
  • How about casein or egg protein? Both are fairly easy to find and maybe only 10-20% more expensive. Oh yeah, and eat whenever you're hungry =] And there is NOTHING wrong with eating at night or at a specific time of the day, this is such a bad myth people need to stop spreading. Breakfast is called so because you BREAK the…
  • Complete back/bicep compound exercises posted today, complete chest/tricep workout posted 9/6. Legs or Shoulders to come tomorrow! Check into my exercise diary for all my workouts. (Please note the amount of exercises are for the advanced only, try half or so of the items listed.)
  • those wings alone on your ankle would look great too, since you already have a foot there naturally lol
  • Sorry, should have explained, a negative rep is when a person cannot the support the weight they're working out with, so they put themselves at the maximum contraction position, then very slowly let it down. To apply it to a pull up, get a box or something to elevate you to reach the bar better. Since you cannot pull…
  • It could be a ligament or cartilage issue. I tore my ACL, and minor tear on MCL years back. Have you had a previous injury that may have kicked up now? I'd see a sports medicine doctor, he can either evaluate it in-office with a series of movements, might send you to an x-ray, if not clear, MRI would be needed to really…
  • You may find it hard to run in place and keep track of intensity or "distance." Stairs are a great substitute. You can even do stairs in sets and reps. A good alternative is trying to find a cheap kettlebell, maybe about 20lbs or so, and then youtube the countless cardio exercises you can perform alongside calisthenics.
  • As a general consensus, the best type of shoe for running or high intensity cardio would be a a lightweight and breathable cross-training shoe, like Under Armour. For walking and daily activity, a sole with a consistent cushion is best, like Nike AirMax. For all around moving around, flatter shoes like indoor soccer shoes…
    in Shoes?!! Comment by Zeal8 September 2011
  • 1000% right, you have to lose overall body fat. Women store most fat in their thighs as men store most fat in their belly area.
  • Pull-ups are a very specific exercise and 1 of the big 3 exercises. Honestly, you can try to go to a park or playground and use a nice bar you find there, like in the monkey bars. I'm from NY and I've seen bored people on the sidewalk use the Walk/Do Not Walk sign to do pull-ups, or scaffolding, I don't advise this! But a…
  • I did not expect such a strong reply, but I'll gladly look into a way to organize this all better in a useful way that can be applied to anybody that's interested. zeeeb: If you don't keep track, how can you see improvements in strength and/or endurance by seeing how many sets/reps you've accomplished? And yes, not doing…
  • On point!!! You should not be able, physically able to do more than about 16 reps of whatever weight lifting you are doing, if so, more weight is needed. MOST women believe that lifting heavy will make them look like men, when the truth is, you have 1/15th to 1/20th the amount of testosterone of a man, making it impossible…
  • dude, just wear Under-Armour type shorts/boxers with some unrestrictive soccer shorts over it. That's what I'd wear to some of these MMA classes and such.
  • Well that's an easy work-around. Thanks!