samurphy23 Member


  • Thank you to everyone! I am excited about giving it a try! I love DVD workouts, they help me know what to do and keep me more honest about pushing myself then giving myself my own workout to do in the mornings. Keep up the awesome work and I hope to be telling you all how much I love it too within the next few weeks! I…
  • This may be an ignorant question - I haven't read the book so please don't get mad but why can't you have a string cheese snack on HC days? Also how do you eat 2 fists of veggies 4 times a day? Does that get old? You are doing awesome so obviously it's working, just curious!
  • You have done a lot of work, this is a great post. Good luck to you, I will be anxious to see how this works for you!!!
  • Hi there! I see you did this back in February, since it has been several months can you tell me what your thoughts are now? I am just learning about this now.
  • I am doing the CHX/TF hybrid Chalene's sister put out. I absolutely love it, I don't know if I have lost a bunch of inches but I feel much stronger and looked more toned. I feel like I have lost some around my mid-section too. I LOVE Chalene's program, will still pop in Turbo Jam from time to time. I am not sure what to do…
  • That is awesome, good for you!!! What kind of eating program if you don't mind me asking? I am stuck, I can't seem to get the scale to move, I record my food, eat really well during the week, a little relaxed over the weekend but still try and make good choices, overall a deficit on the calories though.
  • I wanted the Bowflex too when I started. I looked on Cr*ai*gs*li*st (I don't know if that was necessary to spell it like that but I have seen where this site takes out names of some stores, etc) and a resale fitness store regularly until I got them because they are expensive and I didn't want to buy brand new ones. I ended…
  • I think that's a good idea, just modify the TF days with TJ. I love Chalene and Turbo Jam, TF is a lot like that maybe just pumped up a bit but she does have a gal on there that does it low impact. But, if you already have TJ you might as well give it a try. Good luck!
  • I am in the Push phase of CHX/TF (week 5) hybrid and loving it! I haven't been on a scale for quite some time but I feel stronger and my husband comments so... (I might get up the courage to weigh this week but I will be so depressed if I have gained!!) Anyway, I did BBL before and I did see results as well but like Tina…
  • I just started so I really can't give you advice per say. I do agree with everything Pip said and those were wonderful words of encouragement! I just wanted to come out here and say that I too think you are being way too hard on yourself and good for you for looking to improve your health!! Take it one day at a time and…
  • Good luck to you on P90X and to every one on CHX!! I am on week 4 of the TF/CHX hybrid and love the way I am feeling and look forward to the workouts. I don't know that I see any big difference, especially since I was on vacation over the weekend and indulged a little too much. I am back at it though and feeling better.…
  • Good for you! I sent you a private message with questions. Keep up the awesome work!
  • This worries me too about the calorie burn, I saw a post of another one of our Jillian Michaels BR friends where her burn wasn't as high with Chalean as with BR. I have 3 weeks to go on BR and then I am joining you guys with Chalean.
  • Great job!!! Yes you do look amazing, much more toned and stronger! I am on week 9 and after reading the reviews of workouts 9 & 10 a few weeks ago, I have decided to do them for 3 weeks. I do feel stronger and my clothes fit better, I have gone down a size, but I am just not seeing great results on the scale or…
  • I too called and they sent me out the cable that is in the video. When I got it there was a $30 invoice that said I was being charged, I called and they said that was a mistake that I wasn't going to be charged, they were very nice about it. I like this cable much better!
  • Awesome job!!! Keep up the great work, you can most definitely see a big difference!!! Thank you for posting pictures, I love seeing before and afters, it is so encouraging. I have to admit I don't have the guts to do it.
  • Thanks for posting this! This is definitely me and it's frustrating, I tried much harder this weekend and actually filled out my tracker and made better choices knowing I was going to enter it in mfp then in weekends past. Although I know I need to work hard to flush the sodium out from not eating at home, I don't feel as…
  • I have never heard of TDEE (I actually had to google it) until today. Where is the best place to calculate all of these numbers, is there one source? I am hoping this clicks for me like it does for you! Good luck!
  • That is AMAZING!! Wow, the difference is very obvious and it has only been 30 days!!! Keep up the great work!! This is very motivating. I am on day 2 of week 2, I hope to have as great of results!! Good luck with your meat allergies.
  • This cracks me up and makes me feel better all at the same time. I am on day 3 and I agree, when I was doing the moves I enjoyed them and didn't think they were that bad. I am sore in all sorts of parts today. It is a good sore and I am really happy about it. I have read a lot about the "suicides" and how awful they are, I…