Tarshlee Member


  • Hey! I'm getting married in may next year and feeling the same i had already started to get back into fitness but have added motivation now! I used mfp years ago when i got down to my lightest so i have come back to keep be on track again. I want to lose about 30kg though. Congrats on the engagement =)
  • i get a wrap with the chicken pieces warmed up, mozzarella cheese, lettuce, onion, gherkin, capsicum, tomato...basically everything except carrot and sometimes jalapeno depending on my mood with honey mustard or sweet onion sauce its like the only thing i have now since the first time i had it <3
  • i just completed stats, business finance and corp law last semester one of the worst semesters i have had! and stats was actually the best subject out of the lot as it was y second time round doing that one and they have completely changed the subject and made it so much more easier! i found finance to be absolute murder…
  • i use to just hula with a hoop that was my mums with my ipod in ears so i would just wiggle with the songs for about 10 or so mintues, normally gets ya puffed a bit too. i can never quiet work out what to do with my arms though, they always get so tired from trying to avoid hitting the hoop lol
  • im 5"4 but my goal im aiming for is around 68kg
  • you can get soy protein? ive always been told whey isolates so i was just assuming
  • hey im 21 and live in country vic i lost 12kg before joining mfp and have about 10kg left to go =] good to see some aussies!
  • oh and i have recently brought BF% scales to focus more on that and getting into running as my partner wants me to run a marathon or half marathon with him sometime next yr. so what comes with focusing on that is a bonus i guess
  • yeah =] i think we might be able to help each other keep motivated for sure! and did i read your from sydney? if so its nice to be able to have some aussie friends on here too since there are so difference between here and america lol
  • i know how you feel im exactly the same shape! its so annoying at time but other times i love it. i also have a sway back so every bit of fat i have on my stomach is pushed forward =S ive also been thinking i wanna get to around where i was when i was in yr 10 the lowest i remember was about 71kg and my goal is about 68kg.…
  • i really need to drink more water, but ive always been a bit of a camel even as a kid so its hard to break bad habits. but the last couple weeks (wells off and on for the last couple months) ive been keeping a 1 liter water bottle with me specially when im sitting at my desk which i make myself suck on, which has been…
  • hi =] its my first day too! just downloaded the app on my phone now im checking out the website. it seems really cool. ive always wanted to join a community but could never really find one. i am also studying at the moment too. im in my last yr so the pressure is on but im sure its not as much as u as im only doing…
    in HI! Comment by Tarshlee September 2011