water consumption

cppeace Posts: 764 Member
ok when I started this diet I remember reading I was suppose to aim for drinking 8 cups of water a day and another cup for every 10lbs I wanted to lose. It is not possible for me to drink that much. Im currently consuming about 10 cups a day. Does that seem a good amount to ya'll?


  • whisperingdragon
    Drink when you are thirsty. And that's it!
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Sounds like you are doing just fine. . The point is to drink enough that it helps you to process and digest your food as well as cleanse the body of toxins.

    EDIT: It is also very important for muscle recovery after strenuous workouts.
  • BBBombshell
    I drink about 120 ounces of water a day...and I think that it helps with getting the pounds off....for sure, cause water skip days, I don't lose at all....
  • bettyboop416
    Well a cup of water... as in a measured cup isn't all that much. I guess I'm wondering if you are measuring by however many glasses of water you drink or if you actually measure out the eight cups + one for each ten pounds.
    If you measure it out and can't do it, then don't! haha that's all there is to it. Every diet needs some modification of some sort because no two bodies function alike. And sometimes losing weight isn't healthy if it's done the way some model did or even the way someones sister did. It's all about who you are and how your body works. So I say you should focus on your body's specific needs. If your body says slow down on the water, then do so. Stay hydrated at all times but don't make yourself do anything your body isn't comfortable with.

    (I don't mean stop exercising cause it's hard or eat ice cream cause it feels good... I just mean if you're too tired after half an hour of exercise just take a break and choose a frozen yogurt instead of an ice cream... hahah that's what i mean by modifying diets based on specific needs. =)

    Anyway, I think if you're active and eating right then ten cups of water a day is swell and all i have to say is "YOU GO GIRL!" =))
  • bettyboop416
    One more thing, friend. If you have a water bottle that you really like, it may help if you want to drink more water. Its easier to have your drink right in front of you because there is simply no excuse. =) Helps me a lot and I drink the amount that you were talking about because I read the same article. I drink five of my water bottles everyday. =)
  • helifly1
    Hi all. Just my 2 cents............... my best friend drinks quite a bit of water. We recently spent 3 days of trips to Emergency Care because of chemical imbalances. Problem: to much water without enough chemical introduction like Gateraide or poweraid, that kind of stuff.

    Also, when I was in the military, we did an exercise and were forced to drink massive amounts of water to stay hydrated because we weren't be fed (it was a POW thing). One guy was medivaced out in a coma. Again, too much water and a major salt imbalance because of it.

    Point being, you might want to consult your doctor for professional advise.
  • Avispa05
    Wow! 10 cups are great!. I drink 12 cups mainly to flush my body from toxins and the water helps promote fat burning. You can also add some lemon juice to keep boredom away. Some days it's easier to do so and some days you can't even get 8 cups together. To make this short....you are on a very good path. Have a nice Saturday!!!
  • cppeace
    cppeace Posts: 764 Member
    thanks all :)
    I actually have a water container that is 22oz and fill and consume it on each of my breaks at work then when I exercise I typically grab another 16oz bottle.. And typically a stop or two at the water fountain.
    I dont actually feel thirsty hardly ever so I kinda force myself to drink. Even when I know Im dehydrated- dark urine and and chapped lips- I still dont feel thirsty hardly at all. ... I cant drink more for there is no other times I can remind myself to drink ...also I have to go pee often enough as it is lol...
    Again thanks all :)
  • GemmaRowlands
    GemmaRowlands Posts: 360 Member
    A "cup" of water, which is what they say you're supposed to have 8 of, is much less than the 8 glasses that people tend to think they need to drink. It's around 2 litres per day, which includes cups of tea/coffee, juice, and there is A LOT of fluid in the food that you eat, too.

    I have a 750ml bottle that I'll drink each day, alongside three cups of tea and my food, which is more than enough but doesn't feel too hard to achieve.

    If you drink when you're not thirsty then there's kind of no point.
  • Tarshlee
    Tarshlee Posts: 15 Member
    i really need to drink more water, but ive always been a bit of a camel even as a kid so its hard to break bad habits. but the last couple weeks (wells off and on for the last couple months) ive been keeping a 1 liter water bottle with me specially when im sitting at my desk which i make myself suck on, which has been helping and if i get through one and a half im happy.
    i do the lemon in water too sometimes adds some variety to the taste and its meant to be good for the skin too