Hello everybody! Today is my first day. This was recommended to me by another friend who also uses this site. I am not quite sure that this is quite the right time to start this. I begin my final quarter of nursing school in just a couple weeks. It will be a whirlwind. But I am tired of this. I am tired of undressing in the bathroom in front of the large mirror and crying because of the way I look. I have bought two new sets of scrubs for school since I started in January of 2010. Scrubs are supposed to fit easily!
Anyway, I have loads of people making excuses for me. I make excuses for me. But the thing is, if I could just have the willpower to make better choices for snacking when I am studying, and get my duff moving more than I do.
Maybe this sounds stupid. I really don't care. I figure this is a way to hold me accountable. To find support. I pray right now for a little grace and a little motivation to do this. Here's to the first step


  • nurseymanda
    nurseymanda Posts: 8 Member
    There is no wrong time to start! I know how crazy nursing is (I just finished 2 years ago!), but if you are dedicated you can do it! Feel free to add me!
  • Tarshlee
    Tarshlee Posts: 15 Member
    hi =] its my first day too! just downloaded the app on my phone now im checking out the website. it seems really cool. ive always wanted to join a community but could never really find one. i am also studying at the moment too. im in my last yr so the pressure is on but im sure its not as much as u as im only doing business management =]
  • Hi everyone, went to a nutritionist today and she recommended this site, so I am starting tomorrow!
  • abbysmommy7
    abbysmommy7 Posts: 211 Member
    Glad you joined us you will find MFP supportive and informative! LOVE it here dont know if I would be *kitten* successful as I have been if this didnt hold me so accountable and then holding myself accountable! Proud of you! We got this!