

  • Naked Pounded Chicken
  • I like Reps to Failure to change things up. Arnold S. discusses it a little in his encyclopedia of modern bodybuilding. Sometimes he didn't start counting reps until he started feeling a burn. So: - Dad did it - Arnie did it - Aaaaaand it works pretty well for me to.
  • Oh! It's about the woman slowly pressing herself up against me while I'm trying to sleep and she's about to remove the covers from my face? Well why didn't you say that before!!? Suppose she's really deserving a good fright, right? Since her adrenaline would be running high right after that, take advantage and devour her…
  • What the bedfellow doesn't know, is that I'd have a toothbrush with toothpaste on it, and once he saw it, he'd be runnin from me!! And I'd be running after him, laughing like Dr. Evil from the Austin Powers series... I'd suddently go silent. He'd notice and turn around. I'm not there. After he twirls 360 he'd think he's…
  • Is this a pick up line? And it WORKS!?
  • I FEEL GREAT! I CAN WIN! I. CAN. DOOOOOO THIS!! BWAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! [insert sigh]. Okay, had to get that off my chest so I can focus on this crunch challenge. My core definitely needs a lot of tough love, so I'm going to give it what it wants. Let's dig in!
  • Damn!!! Based on my current "look," I'm between Endo and Meso... using these charts... So the question is: Is it possible to change your bodytype through effective diet and exercise? Because damn it, if I'm to be a beast, then I will be a sexy beast!!! [Thumbs up] Dig it!!?
  • Based on the guys around me, in uniform, THEY think women in uniform are sexy. I'm the odd ball: I see them as no different than the men in uniform. They're professionals, doing their job or duty. I don't see sensuality in that (no place for it). Keep it professional, lads!!
  • Awwwww. This is a "Mean Nickname Thread? Okay, in that case: - "Big A," which could be for my first name, but depending on who said it, would also mean Big *kitten* - "Ken," some girls called me that coincidentally in high school, and a different set when I went to Cali for a year...because they said I looked like a "black…
  • I had a few: - "Hoss," during the freshman and sophomore years of HS - "Zeus," during the junior and senior years of HS through undergrad.
  • I agree with USMC and Newmein, hun.
  • The other "hot" guys on this site actually help motivate me quite a lot. They make it easy to follow their diaries and you can see what works for them, and how they get to (and remain) look like that. So, for the guys on this site who still have a ways to go and think these guys should be banned, I think your problem is…
  • First: Show up! Second: Intervals. But focus on those exercises that you can duplicate without a gym. Where do you normally work out?
  • Good job beating him in arm wrestling!!! If his ego's hurt, he needs to suck it up and DEAL!! Overall it depends on the dynamic of the relationship. If I was him I'd be working out WITH you... but then again I'd be IMPRESSED if my SO could beat me over-the-top. Or if she ran faster, or if she could pick me up and tackle…
  • In the Persian Gulf... Litterally. 'Bout to set off some "fireworks."
  • Dedication, especially when you don't give yourself the "freedom of choice." Dedication + Commitment = No Choice, One Direction. Strength and resolve... Yes my friend. YOU have survived Camp Bad *kitten*!!
  • Case-by-case. But if I had to "discipline" that someone, I'll likely put'em in a hurtlock!!
  • Hmmmm... Maybe "stupid" and "ditsy" is part of her Hollywood personae, and she's actually a genius? Now THAT would be something... eh? Most of these Hollywood blokes use the media quite well to promote their "brand," whatever that brand may be.
  • TxNurse. That's an awe-inspiring snapshot you shared with us. It's motivational to see, especially when there's a great many people out there that think that such a transformation is impossible. And most of THOSE people still don't believe it even when it slaps them in the face! Thank you for sharing, Tx. Your story will…
  • I used to be afraid... But then I read Dune, learning that FEAR is the mind killer. I left the seat up, signifying my stand against husband oppwession... and then the spice (sex in this case) stopped flowing. Once I started putting the seat back down, the spice started to flow again!
  • I'm a Virgo. And when I found out when I was a kid, I wanted to be So-o-o-o Taurus! It was a sign/picture thing. Now? Still a Virgo [Dam It!!!!]
  • The physical changes I see in the mirror, definitely. Those changes tell me the closer I get to reaching MY goals, the closer the trip to my tailor!!
  • I like AngieMartin's advice. But if you want to read one of my rants, read below: "Interracial." In MY mind, Humanity is one race. I am part of the Human Race. My culture is the United States of America. I know black people who have porcelain skin (not to be confused with albino, which I know a few as well). I know white…
  • “Friend”… What type of “friend” is she? I’m not asking about “how can she do that to you if she’s a friend?” I’m talking about is she a coworker and you two are friends ONLY on the job? Go out together, not just lunch together? Or is it just friends 9-5 and when you’re out home or on vacation you have your life and she has…
  • I agree!! Porn probably wasn't a good analogy, though. Perhaps "Sexy-Bad-Arses-Who-Brought-It!" in achieving their fitness goals AND having a fitness philosophy, which makes fitness a part of their lives. That covers both genders, whether cute, pretty, handsome, or ugly... But even ugly's not ugly when your attitude and…
  • Awesome Post!! I got to see your age too. Most people that I "hang" with are... well... FAT!! I'm around your age, and just looking at your abs, I'd say that I'm missing out on seeing my own (last time I saw mine, it was an 8-pack). Being around obese people, though they're nice, isn't helping me get in shape any faster…
  • Oh Yeah!? Well, I'm watching YOU, watching ME!!