what is/was ur nickname in school



  • shanster23
    shanster23 Posts: 144 Member
    Well, I got called lightbulb for awhile when I had my hair dyed blonde. I had lots of nicknames. I think my favourite was probably "Spiderman" lol. When I was like 13, I forgot to shave my armpits one day and when I lifted my arms up and my friends saw I hadn't shaved they started calling me Spiderman. It made me super paranoid at the time but now I can look back and laugh!
    And my family used to call me yaya when I was younger. I think it's from a song, or something.
  • Bekka Beanpole
    , lol quite ironic on here as I was very tall and slim...........what happened huh?
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    OH, I didn't realize we were doing mean ones? I don't remember anyone calling me mean nicknames to my face, but my family used to call my brother Blubber-boy before he became vegan... And I think he sometimes called me Spoonhead.
    Personally, I wasn't specifically listing mean ones. There just weren't any nice ones.
  • Katrina342
    Katrina342 Posts: 28 Member
    I don't have a nickname :(
  • I had quite a few. One of my favorites was "Futon." I owned a terrible 70s era poncho I bought from the Salvation Army and I loved it. When sitting cross-legged, I would stretch it down over my knees to keep me warm. One day a guy I knew only casually walked up and told me I looked like a futon and that he wanted to sit on me. So I invited him to sit a spell. From that day forward, we were the best of trouble buddies. I called him "Lothar of the Hill People" and he called me "Futon." Still does to this day.

    My other top two were Bubbles (my ditzy alter ego) and Griselda.
  • Mine was 'Spidergirl' because my name is Charlotte. Unflattering nicknames: 'Bean Pole', 'Toothpick', 'String Bean'. Mostly because I was awkwardly skinny until well into my twenties! :D
  • "Laura the Lesbian". Yes. That was 2nd grade. I didn't even know what a lesbian was...

    I bet they had no idea what a lesbian was, either! :ohwell:
  • millyvanilli321
    millyvanilli321 Posts: 236 Member
    "Helga the Russian Shotputter"..."fat smelly camel"...various other pretty vicious names. School was *kitten*.
  • TeamEdwardJenn
    TeamEdwardJenn Posts: 400 Member
    I just called by my last name wich was Payne ...Now some douche bag boys would call me Miss Piggy but then i would either insult their smarts or penis size ...In extream cases id bag um :)
  • I had a few:

    - "Hoss," during the freshman and sophomore years of HS
    - "Zeus," during the junior and senior years of HS through undergrad.
  • Austin1988
    Austin1988 Posts: 243 Member
    My nickname was puff (as in the staypuff marshmallow). One of my friend's dad was giving me crap my sophomore year and said I looked like him and it just stuck :/
  • missjennifer1966
    missjennifer1966 Posts: 143 Member
    Cricket because when I would sit I would rub my feet together! :laugh:
  • Austin1988
    Austin1988 Posts: 243 Member
    Kenya - because I grew up there and moved to the states for senior year

    and Scout, from to kill a mockingbird :)

    I have a german shorthair that I named Scout for that exact reason :)
    I love that book.
  • mehani48
    mehani48 Posts: 33 Member
    Jilldo. I sorta got used to it after a while.
  • missjennifer1966
    missjennifer1966 Posts: 143 Member
    Sadly, I don't think that was a nice nickname. I hope your true friends didn't call you that.

    Hmm I never heard of biscuit being a mean nickname. I can see doughboy, but not biscuit.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Aquaman. I was given it twice in fact, first of all in Secondary School (11-16) and then in College (17-19). Nobody from my school went to my college, and yet, the name reappered there.
  • PJ64
    PJ64 Posts: 866 Member
    Ironically "Bones" because I was so skinny lol! :tongue:
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Jaws! because I wore fixed braces - at that time (30yrs ago) noone was wearing them - I HATED IT AND THEM but now I'm thankful cos I have lovely straight teeth! :)
  • ZombieChaser
    ZombieChaser Posts: 1,555 Member
  • Awwwww. This is a "Mean Nickname Thread? Okay, in that case:

    - "Big A," which could be for my first name, but depending on who said it, would also mean Big *kitten*
    - "Ken," some girls called me that coincidentally in high school, and a different set when I went to Cali for a year...because they said I looked like a "black Ken doll." I took offense!!
    - "Human Microchip," I was a nerd, and was meant to be offensive, but I liked it!!
    - "Terminator," because there was a rumor that I was taking steroids and I supposedly walked like a robot (the rumor was because my older brother was a popular bloke, so he spread a little lie to see what would happen). I played football and baseball, and both teams would hymn the Terminator theme whenever I approached (and exagerate my walking motion)... Jack-Arses!!!