brookef81 Member


  • I have two water bottles that I keep (each hold 4 cups) and I know that I need to drink them both each day. Lately, I have been drinking double the amount because of the heat. I have seen some cool things on Pinterest that people mark their water bottles with the amounts they need to drink along with the times that they…
  • She is jealous that you are able to workout at work and have the willpower to do should really make her angry and bring an exercise ball to sit on at your desk all day, see what she says then!
  • you are good :) I need to focus on not eating junk! Or the McDonalds I had to day :( FAIL!
  • I kept changing mine throughout the program because I could not find what worked for me. I will tell you that 1200 is WAY too low, I was starving and burning so many calories and CRANKY! I ended up with about 1600 a day towards the 20 weeks, but I am also a teacher and I was working-moving around a lot. Now, it is summer…
  • Ok, so this makes sense, I also did some researching on the topic. I guess that this is good news? Am I really "in shape"??? That is a word that I have NEVER in my life have been able to use to describe myself....NSV?
  • My average heart rate is between 155-165 during TF which is in the anerobic level. (My resting HR is around 70-not sure if that is normal?) A HIIT will bring my HR up to 165-175 usually. Yes, my weight is in my HRM as well. Sometimes the people are WAY lighter and smaller than me, maybe in better shape? If you are in…
  • Very true...thanks :)
  • Same with me...
  • Throughout the whole TF program, I lost a total of 10 lbs and 10.5 inches...not much in weight, but 10 inches!
  • I think that you have the have found a workout that you love, that is not the issue. Your job is consuming you :( I hope that some of what you are experiencing at work will ease up a little bit. What is sad is that everyone I am talking to in all different fields of work is experiencing what you are,…
  • Thanks to all of your replies, I think it is accurate, but I just get jealous of all of you fabulous women burning so much more than me...waaahhh...I'm just going to whine about it because I am in a whiny mood....LOL
  • That's what I do, I wait to tun it off until it is around 100...I guess that I just need to work harder...LOL Although I am not sure it is possible!
  • Hmmmmm, I just checked and my setting seem to be up to date. I just had to change my weight by 3 lbs. See, I just did a 60 minute class and only burned 408 calories. If you are burning that high for a 30 minute class, that is where I get confused...LOL
  • This is such a great way to look at it. If you would have told me that 2lbs a week is unrealistic in the beginning and that I was NOT going to be able to do that, I would have quit as well. Now, 7 months later, I am ONLY 20 lbs lighter, but I am thrilled that I did not give up because 7 months did go by and even though I…
  • I always wonder how hard it must be for her to say left when she is going right, etc...or with the clock...Like does she have it written on the walls so that she can remember?
  • 314 Calories is amazing for a 20 minute workout! I am so jealous, when I do the HIITS, I only burn about 180-190.
  • I would love to be part of this group. I am going on vacation on Aug 17th-27th so I will have to take a break, but count me in! Are you planning on starting from the beginningof the schedule or are we making up our own?
  • Thanks, yeah, I have been on a plateau for like 3 weeks now :( No weight loss...
  • Hell yeah!! now I remember I was missing something in this thread, the guy from Germany always showing his container with recovery formula - Gosh I forgot his name, really cute by the way-. Also, this girl who apparently is "surprised" by the camera man that says "WOW" in TF 55, I silently say "Watch your step annoying…
  • I am 5'6" and 140 lbs and 31 years old. I usually burn between 230-330 caloriesfor TF 30 and for the longer classes and anywhere between 450 and 550 calories. I get so frustrated when I see that people burn that many calories because I am working so hard, but I guess for my weight and height that is normal???
  • WOW! you look amazing! What a transformation :) Congrats!
  • ME TOO with the shake it part! I also feel silly doing the "push it" especially when my husband is anywhere near me
  • Iam so glad that you asked this!! LOL, I have been wondering what other people have been doing as well. For me, I start it as soon as Chalene comes out and says, " ready..." and I stop it usually when my heart rate somewhat returns to normal. Usually about 5 minutes after the workout becuase my heartrate is…
  • Beez-you are amazing and you will get through this. Chalk it up to a bad few weeks and start fresh. Maybe set a new smaller goals? Like, if you eat healthy (healthier) for a week or something then get a pedicure or some new treat. You will get back on track. I think that we are all so afraid to lose (gain) all of the hard…
  • I did the schedule pretty much to the T except for the stretches. When it came down to the advanced classes I mixed it up because of the time that I had to workout and also, I needed to change it up for myself...I think that if you want to change up the classes it is ok, but I would somewhat stick to the schedule...As long…
  • This...I wouldn't take my rest day Wednesday then as well so that you are all caught up :)
  • Thanks :)
  • I am so embarrassed of the pics because I think I need so much more work :( Ugh...I will post them when I get better ones. I am taking them myself and it is difficult to get the right lighting. Yes, the advance DVDs are great!
  • Do you mean to do like the Fire 30 and then later do Sculpt 30 or something? I think that is fine :) Hey, as long as you are are burning calories :)
  • If you scroll down in all of these threads, you will see that I posted this several times throughout my Turbo Fire journey :) It is sad while you are going through it, I know because you are working so hard and making good choices...Here are some suggestions that may help: ~Try eating more. What do you have you calories…