LFlo79 Member


  • Just started low carb again! Feel free to add me!
  • Maybe I should go on that diet....can't blame my mom for that anymore! Besides...I need to eat a lot of sodium for my low blood pressure. I think it'd be good for me. Are fries involved? :laugh:
  • I definitely use them. Right now I'm currently using RX6 and I love it!!! I've taken fat burners from Meltdown, Lipo 6 black, hydroxy, slim quick, roxylean.....i still take roxylean when i need a burst of energy, but I love them!
  • Earth Sheep! *baaahh* 1979!
  • I'm a total beachbody FANATIC. Tho, I have to say I was a little disappointed with the Chalean Extreme workout....not so extreme to me. I have already finished the P90X program and I'm currently doing Insanity and Brazil Butt Lift workouts. I replaced Chalean with Insanity and I'm 3 weeks in. I love it! When I'm done with…
  • Toss them! If you keep them, it's like subconsciously telling yourself it's okay to go back to those sizes. Knowing that you DON'T have those sizes will keep you motivated to stay at your current weight or lose weight.
  • I'm not bashing on the mom, but I am. Parents give in to their kids too much these days. I see my sis and she gives in to my nephew all the time and it PISSES ME OFF to all hell!!! She cooks him a separate meal ALL the time bc he won't eat any of the foods she eats. She caters to him and that's not right.....it's not right…
  • Confidence makes EVERYONE instantly attractive!! I'm not the prettiest girl on the playground, but my nonchalant/outgoing/cool (yep, I'm cool) personality makes me feel attractive. I have what they call "swagger." Ok, not really...but I think I'm a pretty awesome person. *toot toot* LOL People tell me I'm pretty all the…
  • Do you know what is even BETTER than DDR?!?! I recently went to a friends birthday party and she had a XBox Kinect "Dance Central" competition going on! Let me tell you, I sweated my *kitten* off and it was SOOOOO fun! Each song has a level of difficulty (easy, medium, hard), so when you've mastered they easy, you can move…
  • I have a ton of stretch marks on my lower abdomen from being a big kid. I remember getting them when i was around 11 or 12...no joke. Now they're old and a little bit lighter/shinier than my skin. They'll be there forever...unless someone here knows of something that'll make them go away permanently??:blushing: If not, oh…