Chicken Nugget Diet



  • Twins2007
    Twins2007 Posts: 236 Member
    DO you have kids?

    If yes...PLEASE Tell me and all other mothers out there who have made their own baby foods, made sure their babies tried EVERYTHING and even HID veggies somehow in their foods, how you did it when they turned 3?

    And if No...No comment.
  • evansproudmama
    the mother has failed as a parent

    Do you really think that's it? Do you think that there is a possibilty that the kid would refuse to eat anything and that a worried parent just gave in?

    I think the bashing on parents can be very harsh sometimes. No one is perfect and 90% of parents do the best they can with what they have. Yes, crappy parents exist. But because the girl eats chicken nuggets, her mother failed???

    I agree she failed as a parent!! As a mother my child is not going to tell me what he is going to eat, he can try something and tell me he doesnt like it and together we will select a healthy alternative but theres no way in heck I would buy my child chicken nuggets over and over again! It is her mothers job to teach her health and help her to be healthy by not doing this part of her has failed her child. Im 90% sure this mother is prob. obese or unhealthy her self and is to lazy to argue with her child therefor she gave in. If you dont buy her the darn things eventually she will eat something else.
  • hrwinston
    FYI, a lot of autistic children do things like this so be careful who you insult.

    Thank you! My son has autism ( he's 13) and is very rigid in his eating habits. There are maybe 9-10 foods that he will eat. Chicken nuggets and fries and 2 of them. It bothers me when people judge someone's parenting skills before knowing their circumstances.
  • LelliAmi
    LelliAmi Posts: 327 Member
    My parents would sometimes get me McDonald's when I was little, but overall we ate healthily. And they made it very clear that nobody should live on crap like that. Obviously her mom didn't put up much of a fight if she had her way since she was 2...I can't even imagine...She may as all be taking baths in a deep fryer.
  • evansproudmama
    DO you have kids?

    If yes...PLEASE Tell me and all other mothers out there who have made their own baby foods, made sure their babies tried EVERYTHING and even HID veggies somehow in their foods, how you did it when they turned 3?

    And if No...No comment.

    This!! My three year old LOVES veggies (with the exception of lettuce lol still working on that one) and the only reason why is because we gave it to him over and over again in order to aclamate is palet and get him used to them. Now he snacks on cucumbers, carrots, green beans etc so there is no excuse where there is a will there is a way..
  • evansproudmama
    FYI, a lot of autistic children do things like this so be careful who you insult.

    Thank you! My son has autism ( he's 13) and is very rigid in his eating habits. There are maybe 9-10 foods that he will eat. Chicken nuggets and fries and 2 of them. It bothers me when people judge someone's parenting skills before knowing their circumstances.

    We where not insulting anyone, this girl does NOT have autism we are saying in children who do not have challanges special circumstances are different. Theres always an exception to the rule!
  • Tams1408
    Even though my son is autistic, it doesn't mean he gets to pick what he eats all the time. If it did, he would eat peanut butter and jelly 90% of the time. I am the parent and he eats what I fix him to eat. He doesn't fix it for himself. So, if he isn't eating healthy enough, it falls back on me. We have a rule in our house....he has to try everything on his plate. I don't mean a tiny bite, I mean two good sized bites. He doesn't always like the food, but he knows he has to try it. We have done this since he was little. He is now 5 and he eats alot more things than he used to eat.

    This mother had to know that it wasn't normal for her child to just eat nuggets. She should have sought out the advice of her doctor (that is what we did) and formed a plan to get her daughter to eat more foods.
  • hmstarbuck
    hmstarbuck Posts: 152 Member
    DO you have kids?

    If yes...PLEASE Tell me and all other mothers out there who have made their own baby foods, made sure their babies tried EVERYTHING and even HID veggies somehow in their foods, how you did it when they turned 3?

    And if No...No comment.

    Was that to me? Yes, I have TWO of them. And I was one that had them try everything I could get them too. My kids are healthy. Yep, they get fast food. But they are both well maintained kids. They would both prefer to eat carrots and broccoli for that matter. My two year old asks for carrots all the time and he still gets fast food every now and then. I guess that means I failed as a parent too. LOL! And kudos to you for making baby food. I didn't have time or the means to do so.

    Geesh, I was just asking a question. I was thinking that "failed" was a little judgemental. That's all. White flag white flag.
  • mnishi
    mnishi Posts: 422 Member
    Hmmm.............. Okay. So some people don't have the education or the common sense to know what is bad and what isn't and that makes them horrible parents..........

    Okay........ I was just asking

    A parent that doesn't "have the education or the common sense to know what is bad and what isn't" is a bad parent. It is taught in school, it is in the paper, it's all over the internet, it's on the new. A parent wouldn't even have to try to learn these things, the facts are everywhere. Majority of children will not let themselves starve to death if they can't have one specific meal. If parents put their foot down, the child will probably come around.
    Also, if the parent really didn't know that a diet entirely made up of processed, deep-fried meat product is bad for their child is still a bad parent for not caring enough to educate themselves on the most basic health information for their child.

    Edit: spelling
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    the mother has failed as a parent

    Do you really think that's it? Do you think that there is a possibilty that the kid would refuse to eat anything and that a worried parent just gave in?

    I think the bashing on parents can be very harsh sometimes. No one is perfect and 90% of parents do the best they can with what they have. Yes, crappy parents exist. But because the girl eats chicken nuggets, her mother failed???

    I'm a mom and I agree with the previous poster who said it's the mom's fault. Yes seriously. Kids refuse to eat food all the time. But it's your responsibility as a parent to educate your kids and find tricks to help them appreciate healthy food.
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    FYI, a lot of autistic children do things like this so be careful who you insult.

    I don't know what's your point. They never said Stacey is autistic.
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    Hmmm.............. Okay. So some people don't have the education or the common sense to know what is bad and what isn't and that makes them horrible parents..........

    Okay........ I was just asking

    If they feed fast food to their toddlers all the time and ''don't even know it's bad'', well yes, they are not good parents.
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    the mother has failed as a parent

    Do you really think that's it? Do you think that there is a possibilty that the kid would refuse to eat anything and that a worried parent just gave in?

    I think the bashing on parents can be very harsh sometimes. No one is perfect and 90% of parents do the best they can with what they have. Yes, crappy parents exist. But because the girl eats chicken nuggets, her mother failed???

    Yes..parent failed..I have 6 kids and if they don't eat what is prepared they dont eat..believe me in a few hours they want that healthy dinner. A child does not know what is best for them, they have to be taught. Little kids don't buy crap food, ****ty music, or slutty clothes, their parents yes, the blame lies solely on the parents. To doubt that is part of the reason our society is jacked up today versus 60 years ago.

  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    Off topic, but I find it amusing the article misquotes the US government's sodium recommendation, which is 2300 mg for those under age 51, and and 1500mg for those above. Other organizations argue that 2300mg is too high, but it is the official governemtn recommendation at this point.

    Probably because it's was written by the daily fail
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    I guess maybe my response came off wrong. I was not saying that the mother letting her child eat chicken nuggets everyday for years was a good choice. I just get a little defensive when people look into someone else's life and tell her she failed as a parent, which is pretty extreme. She absolutely shouldn't have let that happen. But she did and when does it become the girl's fault? When she is 18 and still eating them? There has to be some accountability on her part. My 14 year old chooses what she eats.

    Anyway, I wasn't arguing that the mother was right, I was arguing that maybe she didn't know what to do and still loves and cares for her child, but missed the boat on this particular point of parenting. Failing as a parent is mean

    Give me a break! The mom had 15 years to correct the situation and she didn't.

    And about the fact that your 14 yo chooses what she eats. I remember when I was 14 myself. I still had to eat what my parents cooked. Of course, they couldn't control what I would buy at school and there was even a McDonald's very close to my high school. But, I KNEW that McDonald's was junk and was not good for my body. I knew it because my parents told me. They raised me to understand that junk food has to be a treat and not an every day meal. Too much fast food = gaining weight and health issues. So, yes, it ALWAYS start with the parents.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    Unless the mother has been seeking medical attention for the past 15 years then, yes, this is her fault. You stop buying the nuggets and serve other things. If the girl truly has issues to the point where she WOULD starve herself at the age of two and refuse to eat, then you get her medical help.
  • LFlo79
    LFlo79 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm not bashing on the mom, but I am. Parents give in to their kids too much these days. I see my sis and she gives in to my nephew all the time and it PISSES ME OFF to all hell!!! She cooks him a separate meal ALL the time bc he won't eat any of the foods she eats. She caters to him and that's not's not right for ANY parent to cater to their kids. My nephew is not over weight by ANY means, but he definitely eats *kitten* food!

    I was making myself a pumpkin shake that I think is TOTALLY delish! My nephew asked me what I was doing and I MADE him take a sip....of course, he fought me about not wanting to bc it looked gross....then I told him he wouldn't be able to play outside if he didn't take a sip (LOL!). He finally relented and guess what....he LOVED it so much he made me make him one.

    When I was little, I remember wanting different foods and my ma was TOUGH!! She would tell me that if I didn't eat what she made.....then I simply wouldn't eat! Eventually, I got really hungry and HAD to eat what she made! Like my mother always said, "when you're starving, even rocks with salt taste good."

    I watch all those teen obese shows like, "I use to be fat," yesterday I just watched "Half Ton Teen" and guess what? The parents are the ones that are taking their *kitten* through the drive through because if they don't eat Taco Bell, then they'll go hungry. God forbid. They give in to them. Not good!

    I think it's up to the parents to instill healthy eating habits from the get go. I have a friend that had a baby years back and she fed her baby NOTHING BUT healthy/organic foods. Her daughter won't even pick up a soda now that she's older. She knows it's bad for her and she's very active as well.

    I don't want this to be a debate, just my personal opinion, but it's the parents fault too.

    All Natural Pumpkin Shake
    makes 1 serving

    -6oz. unsweetened almond milk
    -6oz. organic, non fat (or greek) vanilla yogurt
    -1/2 cup pure pumpkin puree
    -dash o' cinnamon (or nutmeg)

    Put everything in the blender and blend for 20 seconds. VOILA!!! Deliciousness!!
  • singledj
    singledj Posts: 147 Member
    the mother has failed as a parent

    Do you really think that's it? Do you think that there is a possibilty that the kid would refuse to eat anything and that a worried parent just gave in?

    I think the bashing on parents can be very harsh sometimes. No one is perfect and 90% of parents do the best they can with what they have. Yes, crappy parents exist. But because the girl eats chicken nuggets, her mother failed???

    In a word YES, the parent failed!! This girl has been eating nuggets since she was 2 yrs old. I am a parent of 3 so I know what it's like to have a child that refuses to eat what you put in front of them. And I also know they are not going to starve to death if you don't cave and give them crap food. So yes, I feel the parent failed and could have done better!!! Just my opinion.
  • christinal83
    christinal83 Posts: 84 Member
    the mother has failed as a parent

    Do you really think that's it? Do you think that there is a possibilty that the kid would refuse to eat anything and that a worried parent just gave in?

    I think the bashing on parents can be very harsh sometimes. No one is perfect and 90% of parents do the best they can with what they have. Yes, crappy parents exist. But because the girl eats chicken nuggets, her mother failed???

    I agree. When people like to get onto parents I always wander if they ever did something their parents told them not to do.
  • Blueeyed1985
    Blueeyed1985 Posts: 40 Member
    This is very disturbing! My friend has a Mc. Donalds cheeseburger that she's had for 5 years and it looks exactly the same!