Chicken Nugget Diet



  • christinal83
    christinal83 Posts: 84 Member
    We read this story the other day. I believe the story is a bit fabricated. She said she did eat other things but has eaten chicken nuggets since she was little and thats what she prefers. Maybe the article I read was bias, who knows.
  • hiker282
    hiker282 Posts: 983 Member
    Lots of Sodium fearmongering in that whole story

    I've long wondered about the whole salt thing and if it's really as bad as people make it out to be. Sodium is vital to healthy organ function; but if you're physically active, how much of that sodium is lost to either burn calories in the metabolic process or through sweating from heavy physical exertion? Also, if you're drinking the right amount of water, the body will not retain more sodium than it needs; so isn't it just a balancing act?
  • hollin40
    hollin40 Posts: 120 Member
    FYI, a lot of autistic children do things like this so be careful who you insult.

    Exactly. I am the parent of an autistic child. He isn't as picky as some but there are many children on the spectrum who eat and behave in ways that if someone didn't know would cause the parent to be unfairly judged. If this girl's mother didn't allow her to eat anything else then that is wrong BUT if she was autistic and wouldn't eat anything else that is a whole other ballgame. I, for one, supplement all of my children's diets with vitamins for those times when they are less than healthy....
  • lisabstrong
    lisabstrong Posts: 165 Member
    When my daughter was 18 months old every time she saw the mcdonalds sign she would clap her little hands and sing "yeah chicken!!!!" doesn't mean she got to eat the crap every damn day. :happy:
  • LifeChanged1209
    Epic parental failure. This means the parent ... for 13 years... loaded her baby girl into the car and drove to Mickey D's and purchased McNuggets. The story I read also went on to say that the mother attempted to stop this behavior by starving her. It didn't say at what age the mother finally realized that the problem might be out of hand... but I imagine this didn't happen until years after the problem started. The parents caused this. The child, at age 2, had no control over the situation. After sitting in the McDonald's drive-thru on the 20th, 10th, or even the 5th day in a row, you would think the parent would have thought to nip the issue in the bud.
  • tylersmama1224
    Wow, my son is Autistic and that really cut me. He can't help wanting the same things over and over, doesn't mean I always give it to him, but with his SPD it is hard for him to try new things because of the different textures.
  • Linda916
    Linda916 Posts: 124 Member
    the mother has failed as a parent

    Do you really think that's it? Do you think that there is a possibilty that the kid would refuse to eat anything and that a worried parent just gave in?

    I think the bashing on parents can be very harsh sometimes. No one is perfect and 90% of parents do the best they can with what they have. Yes, crappy parents exist. But because the girl eats chicken nuggets, her mother failed???

    What! Come on now. Lots of kids would happily live on a diet of Mcnuggets if ALLOWED. Eventually the child would have eaten something else, if not this would be happening everywhere. At the age this started at, yes it was definetly the mothers fault. Worried parent equals giving in to your kid eating s*** food for their entire youth? Yes she failed, intentionally or not, she failed.

    completely AGREE! I have a gob of kids and one is a super super (can i stress that harder?) picky eater. this mom failed.
  • TeeferTiger
    TeeferTiger Posts: 136 Member
    This is how I first saw the story over here in the UK:|uk|dl6|sec1_lnk3%26pLid%3D93748

    She is now a teen of 17, capable of making her own decisions about her diet and health, and still she refuses to do anything about it. Hardly anything to do with her mother's "failings" anymore, is it? And considering her siblings eat normally, I'd say it was down to the individual, not her mother.

    She "knows how serious her addiction is, she just can't stop eating the nuggets" so how much value does she place on her life? If collapsing wasn't serious enough a wake up call for her, what will be? Having to be on dialysis because her kidneys have failed? Or will there never be a wake up call, and will she just drop down dead?!
  • bcr1559
    bcr1559 Posts: 62 Member
    I just fed my 2 year old dinner and he ate a HEALTHY meal of chicken, noodle, asparagus (6 whole spears) and apple sauce. I don't believe a parent can't win the food war. The mother should have put her foot down when the girl was little and had no other options. We all fight with our kids about what they can/can't eat. It is part of raising them.
  • tylersmama1224
    FYI, a lot of autistic children do things like this so be careful who you insult.

    Thank you! My son has autism ( he's 13) and is very rigid in his eating habits. There are maybe 9-10 foods that he will eat. Chicken nuggets and fries and 2 of them. It bothers me when people judge someone's parenting skills before knowing their circumstances.

    My son is 3 and just now got up to 5 different foods. He loved chicken nuggets so much and I was worried about what went into them so I started making them at home so I knew what was in them.
  • BethanyCee
    I'm more creeped out that the mother thought it was okay to feed a 2 year old fast food. WTF?

    A lot of parents do this because the kids want to eat what they're eating. Especially when we consider that this was 13 years ago - late 90s. Things were starting to change, but there wasn't nearly the popular focus on nutrition and childhood obesity that there is today. That being said, the mom probably should have gotten help a long time ago. But the problem isn't really that she eats fast food. It's that she eats it to the exclusion of everything else.
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member

    All Natural Pumpkin Shake
    makes 1 serving

    -6oz. unsweetened almond milk
    -6oz. organic, non fat (or greek) vanilla yogurt
    -1/2 cup pure pumpkin puree
    -dash o' cinnamon (or nutmeg)

    Put everything in the blender and blend for 20 seconds. VOILA!!! Deliciousness!!

    I agree to everything you said! I also wanted to thank you for this yummy recipe! I'll try it for sure!
  • Twins2007
    Twins2007 Posts: 236 Member
    DO you have kids?

    If yes...PLEASE Tell me and all other mothers out there who have made their own baby foods, made sure their babies tried EVERYTHING and even HID veggies somehow in their foods, how you did it when they turned 3?

    And if No...No comment.

    Was that to me? Yes, I have TWO of them. And I was one that had them try everything I could get them too. My kids are healthy. Yep, they get fast food. But they are both well maintained kids. They would both prefer to eat carrots and broccoli for that matter. My two year old asks for carrots all the time and he still gets fast food every now and then. I guess that means I failed as a parent too. LOL! And kudos to you for making baby food. I didn't have time or the means to do so.

    Geesh, I was just asking a question. I was thinking that "failed" was a little judgemental. That's all. White flag white flag.


    My question was to the poster who wrote that she had failed as a mother...I agree with you actually!

    I did everything plus some more and until the age of 3 the twins ate EVERYTHING...EVEN TOFU!!

    Now, fruits, peanut butter and jelly, yogurt, cereals and basically JUST carbs are the ONLY thing they eat...SIGH.

    While they don't eat nuggets, they sure don't eat very healthy like I had strived for :(

    Sorry about the confusion!!
  • Twins2007
    Twins2007 Posts: 236 Member
    I disagree.

    I have seen sooooooooooo many parents, as a special educator, become OBSESSED with winning the "food war" and i thought it was "easy" too until I had my twin boys.

    A wise mom told me once to remember that you can't control what comes out of a child and what goes in...AKA potty training and eating.

    Her daughter is now in her thirties, potty trained and loves her veggies.

    Obviously the case we are talking about is EXTREME.
  • Twins2007
    Twins2007 Posts: 236 Member
    I just fed my 2 year old dinner and he ate a HEALTHY meal of chicken, noodle, asparagus (6 whole spears) and apple sauce. I don't believe a parent can't win the food war. The mother should have put her foot down when the girl was little and had no other options. We all fight with our kids about what they can/can't eat. It is part of raising them.

    I disagree.

    I have seen sooooooooooo many parents, as a special educator, become OBSESSED with winning the "food war" and i thought it was "easy" too until I had my twin boys.

    A wise mom told me once to remember that you can't control what comes out of a child and what goes in...AKA potty training and eating.

    Her daughter is now in her thirties, potty trained and loves her veggies.

    Obviously the case we are talking about is EXTREME.
  • Twins2007
    Twins2007 Posts: 236 Member
    FYI, a lot of autistic children do things like this so be careful who you insult.

    I don't know what's your point. They never said Stacey is autistic.

    THE POINT is that when you judge SOME parents for making less than good decisions, other parents who struggle with the same issues, feel JUDGED.
  • tataliciousd89
    the mother has failed as a parent

    Do you really think that's it? Do you think that there is a possibilty that the kid would refuse to eat anything and that a worried parent just gave in?

    I think the bashing on parents can be very harsh sometimes. No one is perfect and 90% of parents do the best they can with what they have. Yes, crappy parents exist. But because the girl eats chicken nuggets, her mother failed???
    There is always an alternative. It is completely irresponsible for a parent to allow that to happen. You can defend all you want, but I will never ever except that as okay.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    FYI, a lot of autistic children do things like this so be careful who you insult.

    Thank you! My son has autism ( he's 13) and is very rigid in his eating habits. There are maybe 9-10 foods that he will eat. Chicken nuggets and fries and 2 of them. It bothers me when people judge someone's parenting skills before knowing their circumstances.

    If the girl had autism, don't you think the article would have said that?
  • crystalcreek
    I'm so glad that all of the moms here are perfect. No one ever made mistakes. With this many perfect moms, the world should be a safe place.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    To ALL of you parents talking about your children who have autism, you are completely on the WRONG topic. This girl does not have autism nor any other special needs. No one is talking about children with special needs. So you're getting offended for no reason. Maybe you should read the article first before posting.