Chicken Nugget Diet



  • jlr_12
    jlr_12 Posts: 170 Member
    I watched a show about a lady in a similar situation a little while ago. She ONLY ate french fries. They had to be deep fried and cooked perfectly. If she tried any other kind of food, she'd gag and have anxiety. Turned out that she had some kind of rare genetic thing that explained it all. It was very difficult for her, but she was able to incorporate a few more foods into her diet that she could they didn't make her throw them back up. Sooo this kid could have a similar issue. OR it could be the result of bad parenting decisions. Either way..genetic condition or not, she needs help.
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    Chicken nuggets have a surprisingly low amount of protein for being "meat".

    Haha..never would have guessed!

    dammit, I just bought I giant bad of them for protein. guess I should read labels more often ;p
  • Loko_Ino
    Loko_Ino Posts: 544 Member
    the mother has failed as a parent

    Do you really think that's it? Do you think that there is a possibilty that the kid would refuse to eat anything and that a worried parent just gave in?

    I think the bashing on parents can be very harsh sometimes. No one is perfect and 90% of parents do the best they can with what they have. Yes, crappy parents exist. But because the girl eats chicken nuggets, her mother failed???

    Yes..parent failed..I have 6 kids and if they don't eat what is prepared they dont eat..believe me in a few hours they want that healthy dinner. A child does not know what is best for them, they have to be taught. Little kids don't buy crap food, ****ty music, or slutty clothes, their parents yes, the blame lies solely on the parents. To doubt that is part of the reason our society is jacked up today versus 60 years ago.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    the mother has failed as a parent

    Do you really think that's it? Do you think that there is a possibilty that the kid would refuse to eat anything and that a worried parent just gave in?

    I think the bashing on parents can be very harsh sometimes. No one is perfect and 90% of parents do the best they can with what they have. Yes, crappy parents exist. But because the girl eats chicken nuggets, her mother failed???
    abother link that goes a little more in depth

    "Doctors found that her 15-year ‘chronic chicken nugget addiction’ has left her with anaemia and inflamed veins on her tongue.
    So deficient was her body in vitamins and nutrients that she had to be injected with them. "

    15 years. the mother allowed her to eat this and only this from the age 2 and on. for 15 years. yes in my eyes the parent has failed.

    Completely agree. From age 2!! There is NO excuse for allowing it to happen.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    "Stacey’s mother, Evonne, is exasperated by her daughter’s refusal to eat a healthy and varied diet and wants her to see a specialist. ‘She’s been told in no uncertain terms that she will die if she carries on like this,’ the 39-year-old explained.
    ‘But Stacey says she can’t eat anything else. It breaks my heart to see her eating those damned nuggets. ‘I am at my wit’s end. I’m praying she can be helped before it’s too late.’

    The beauty therapist – who says her two other children Leo, five, and Ava, three, both eat healthily – has even tried depriving Stacey of food in a bid to get her to eat something other than nuggets."

    This sounds like a mother who has been trying her hardest to help her daughter. The doctors described it as a severe food addiction, I think placing all the blame on the mother is a cop out.

    from the article:

    Stacey, who is recovering at home on a high-dose course of vitamins, has been hooked on chicken nuggets since her mother let her try them in a McDonald’s restaurant at the age of two.
    ‘I loved them so much they were all I would eat,’ she said. ‘I just couldn’t face even trying other foods. Mum gave up giving me anything else years ago.’

    the daughter says her mother gave up years ago. mother allowed this to go on for 15 yrs. if the daughter hadn't collapsed I bet it would still be going on. I disagree. the mother is to blame. she should NOT have waited this long.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    "Stacey’s mother, Evonne, is exasperated by her daughter’s refusal to eat a healthy and varied diet and wants her to see a specialist. ‘She’s been told in no uncertain terms that she will die if she carries on like this,’ the 39-year-old explained.
    ‘But Stacey says she can’t eat anything else. It breaks my heart to see her eating those damned nuggets. ‘I am at my wit’s end. I’m praying she can be helped before it’s too late.’

    The beauty therapist – who says her two other children Leo, five, and Ava, three, both eat healthily – has even tried depriving Stacey of food in a bid to get her to eat something other than nuggets."

    This sounds like a mother who has been trying her hardest to help her daughter. The doctors described it as a severe food addiction, I think placing all the blame on the mother is a cop out.

    Oh please. The mother gave in to a couple tantrums when a TWO YEAR OLD wanted chicken nuggets EVERY day. She took the easy way (a COP OUT) by ALLOWING her child to only eat chicken nuggets. SHE is the parent. She should have acted like it. Unless you're suggesting that a two year old should know better....
  • softwind
    softwind Posts: 493 Member
    "Stacey’s mother, Evonne, is exasperated by her daughter’s refusal to eat a healthy and varied diet and wants her to see a specialist. ‘She’s been told in no uncertain terms that she will die if she carries on like this,’ the 39-year-old explained.
    ‘But Stacey says she can’t eat anything else. It breaks my heart to see her eating those damned nuggets. ‘I am at my wit’s end. I’m praying she can be helped before it’s too late.’

    The beauty therapist – who says her two other children Leo, five, and Ava, three, both eat healthily – has even tried depriving Stacey of food in a bid to get her to eat something other than nuggets."

    This sounds like a mother who has been trying her hardest to help her daughter. The doctors described it as a severe food addiction, I think placing all the blame on the mother is a cop out.

    Oh please. The mother gave in to a couple tantrums when a TWO YEAR OLD wanted chicken nuggets EVERY day. She took the easy way (a COP OUT) by ALLOWING her child to only eat chicken nuggets. SHE is the parent. She should have acted like it. Unless you're suggesting that a two year old should know better....

    Agree, and you don't wait 15 years. This should have been something the parents talked to the dr about when the child was 2, 3 years old.. Not 17.
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Off topic, but I find it amusing the article misquotes the US government's sodium recommendation, which is 2300 mg for those under age 51, and and 1500mg for those above. Other organizations argue that 2300mg is too high, but it is the official governemtn recommendation at this point.
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    FYI, a lot of autistic children do things like this so be careful who you insult.

    Yes, this is very true! My son wouldn't eat them but he is VERY limited on what foods he will eat.
  • amuhlou
    amuhlou Posts: 693 Member
    I don't quite understand why the mother didn't seek professional help/counseling sometime in the 15 years since the girl had been eating just nuggets. It seems like she just gave up trying to help before exhausting every avenue, which seems neglectful in my opinion.

    Did she not mention it to the family doctor EVER during years of checkups? (I know I'm assuming she visited a doctor at least a few times in her life)
  • Tracy9377
    Tracy9377 Posts: 73 Member
    I agree that there are probably a lot of factors here, but poor boundaries in parenting is DEFINATELY a majot player.

    Eating disorders don't exist in a vacuum. They're accompanied by other issues - usually insecurity and anxiety. I would be surprised if she didn't have some kind of significant trauma in her history.

    But, REALLY - few people are so ignorant to think that eating only chicken nuggets for 15 years is ok. If she truly is that ignorant, then she was not prepared to have children.

    ... and OF COURSE she's going to say that she did all she could. How many people who get the spotlight for doing something neglectful to their child are going to tell a reporter that they didn't care enough to do what was healthy for their kid, or that they were so ignorant as to not know that eating processed fillers and sodium 3 meals a day for 15 years was insufficient nutrition.

    "Stacey’s mother, Evonne, is exasperated by her daughter’s refusal to eat a healthy and varied diet and wants her to see a specialist. ‘She’s been told in no uncertain terms that she will die if she carries on like this,’ the 39-year-old explained.
    ‘But Stacey says she can’t eat anything else. It breaks my heart to see her eating those damned nuggets. ‘I am at my wit’s end. I’m praying she can be helped before it’s too late.’

    The beauty therapist – who says her two other children Leo, five, and Ava, three, both eat healthily – has even tried depriving Stacey of food in a bid to get her to eat something other than nuggets."

    This sounds like a mother who has been trying her hardest to help her daughter. The doctors described it as a severe food addiction, I think placing all the blame on the mother is a cop out.
  • badgerbadger1
    badgerbadger1 Posts: 954 Member
    There were plenty of chances for the mother to nip this in the bud when the girl was 2....or 3.... The fact that she didn't is poor parenting. My kid wants to eat skittles all day every day, does that mean she does? No. Why? Because I simply don't make them available to her all the time and am teaching her about nutrition. There is absolutely no reason as a parent to enable your child to consume one item every meal, every day, for 15 years. It is detrimental to her health. Do you hand your children cigarettes? Let them drive drunk? No you don't. This woman hands her daughter the means to kill herself every single day, three times a day.

    The child is still a minor and the mother is responsible to provide a healthy environment for the child.

    There isn't any mention about the girl being autistic. This isn't about autism.
  • tinalatina
    tinalatina Posts: 499 Member
    This is appauling.....nuggets everyday? I read more up on the article and she doesnt even loose obese. The problem is that she is lacking other nutrients because she hasnt had fruit or vegitables her whole life! How does her mother let her get away with that? Her mom she tried to get her to try other thing when she was 2 but she refused. Where is the dicipline seriously/??? This makes me annoyed...if she wants to live like that that is her problem. Sorry, Enough said.
  • Tracy9377
    Tracy9377 Posts: 73 Member
    We're Americans! Being over-indulgent is becoming part of our culture.
    I think it's very on topic. Changing that aspect of our culture comes with disciplining ourselves and our children. It starts on the individual level.
    Off topic, but I find it amusing the article misquotes the US government's sodium recommendation, which is 2300 mg for those under age 51, and and 1500mg for those above. Other organizations argue that 2300mg is too high, but it is the official governemtn recommendation at this point.
  • 72MonteCarla
    72MonteCarla Posts: 169 Member
    the mother has failed as a parent

    Do you really think that's it? Do you think that there is a possibilty that the kid would refuse to eat anything and that a worried parent just gave in?

    I think the bashing on parents can be very harsh sometimes. No one is perfect and 90% of parents do the best they can with what they have. Yes, crappy parents exist. But because the girl eats chicken nuggets, her mother failed???

    Yes. Absolutely. Because the girl eats chicken nuggets her mother failed. No question.

    Sometimes good parents have bad kids, but that is a rare exception. Assuming that is not the case here, and also assuming the child doesn't have an autism spectrum disorder... It is a parent's responsibility to provide a healthy and balanced diet for their child. A picky eater is created by the parent(s) who allow the child to be picky. When the the child calls the shots, it is long past time for the parent to quit being weak and/or lazy.
  • hmstarbuck
    hmstarbuck Posts: 152 Member
    the mother has failed as a parent

    Do you really think that's it? Do you think that there is a possibilty that the kid would refuse to eat anything and that a worried parent just gave in?

    I think the bashing on parents can be very harsh sometimes. No one is perfect and 90% of parents do the best they can with what they have. Yes, crappy parents exist. But because the girl eats chicken nuggets, her mother failed???

    Yes..parent failed..I have 6 kids and if they don't eat what is prepared they dont eat..believe me in a few hours they want that healthy dinner. A child does not know what is best for them, they have to be taught. Little kids don't buy crap food, ****ty music, or slutty clothes, their parents yes, the blame lies solely on the parents. To doubt that is part of the reason our society is jacked up today versus 60 years ago.

    I guess what I was getting at is it was an extreme "she failed as a parent". Not that she sucked as a cook. I agree. Kids are what they are taught, but I think failed as a parent is a little harsh. But I was just asking for back up on that.

    It sounded to me like she wasn't sure what to do. Not that she was inattentive, abusive or telling her to go out and be a slut. She fed her daughter fast food. I can only imagine the views on me then! LOL!:noway:
  • hmstarbuck
    hmstarbuck Posts: 152 Member
    There were plenty of chances for the mother to nip this in the bud when the girl was 2....or 3.... The fact that she didn't is poor parenting. My kid wants to eat skittles all day every day, does that mean she does? No. Why? Because I simply don't make them available to her all the time and am teaching her about nutrition. There is absolutely no reason as a parent to enable your child to consume one item every meal, every day, for 15 years. It is detrimental to her health. Do you hand your children cigarettes? Let them drive drunk? No you don't. This woman hands her daughter the means to kill herself every single day, three times a day.

    The child is still a minor and the mother is responsible to provide a healthy environment for the child.

    There isn't any mention about the girl being autistic. This isn't about autism.

    Poor parenting!!! YES! That's it, thank you
  • dipsl19
    dipsl19 Posts: 317 Member
    the mother has failed as a parent

    Do you really think that's it? Do you think that there is a possibilty that the kid would refuse to eat anything and that a worried parent just gave in?

    I think the bashing on parents can be very harsh sometimes. No one is perfect and 90% of parents do the best they can with what they have. Yes, crappy parents exist. But because the girl eats chicken nuggets, her mother failed???

    i think its so ridiculous to say that. yes of course its the parents fault! if you say "no," the kid will eat something when he or she gets really hungry. cmon. its not rocket science.

    the problem with most parents is that they can't say no.... who;s in charge here?
  • his_kid1
    his_kid1 Posts: 177 Member
    If the child had some sort of processing disorder that allowed her to ONLY eat chicken nuggets, what did she successfully eat UP to that age?
  • hmstarbuck
    hmstarbuck Posts: 152 Member
    I guess maybe my response came off wrong. I was not saying that the mother letting her child eat chicken nuggets everyday for years was a good choice. I just get a little defensive when people look into someone else's life and tell her she failed as a parent, which is pretty extreme. She absolutely shouldn't have let that happen. But she did and when does it become the girl's fault? When she is 18 and still eating them? There has to be some accountability on her part. My 14 year old chooses what she eats.

    Anyway, I wasn't arguing that the mother was right, I was arguing that maybe she didn't know what to do and still loves and cares for her child, but missed the boat on this particular point of parenting. Failing as a parent is mean