

  • Hello everyone!! I'm new to the Wii Fit Team! I got the Wii Fit Plus for Christmas and have been working out on it since the beginning of January! I usually try and get on the Wii 3-4 times per week for an hour and then some days I run outside if weather permits. Question for those using the Wii Fit Plus do I…
  • So does the interference mess up the calorie calculator or anything else?? I'm usually working out alone or at a gym full of college students so I doubt many of them even have an HRM. I'm a little confused about the interference??
  • Polar HRM are having a sale on their products and I'm trying to decide between the F6 and the F4. What are the main differences?? Also, if I got the F6 what is the interference thing they are talking about?? Help please!! FYI the sale is through Friday and includes free overnight shipping!
  • Well I haven't signed up for a 5k yet, but our school does one in April, so I will be doing that! I'm not quite sure when I will hit the 3k mark during the weeks...I'm kinda having to change it up for maybe in a week or so....
  • So I have been working on the couch to 5k plan doing well until week 6 hit! It has been hard to get past the first day on week 6, but today I ran a full mile without stopping! :)
  • Well some days I feel my clothes are looser, but who knows! I took a few measurements but I never know if I am measuring in the exact same place!
  • Well I repeated Day 1 of week 6 and I was able to complete it!! I did it on a treadmill today and it seems that I can always finish what i'm supposed to do on a treamill rather than running outside or on a track....weird!
  • I am using the couch to 5k plan from This is a 9 week program. The program says to to the plan 3 times per week, but I also increased it to 4 or 5 times per week to increase my stamina. It is just this week that it was super hard for me to stick to the plan. I am going to…
  • Well I weighed myself this morning and I had lost some more weight! So now I have lost 3 lbs!!
  • So yesterday I did the first workout of week 6 on the couch to 5k plan. It was a little rough.... I was supposed to warm up then run 5 min, walk 3 min, run 8 min, walk3 min, and then run 5 min. The 8 minute run was too much for me so I split it up into 5 and 3 minute runs. I'm a little worried cause the next workout is…
  • Well I am drinking about 60-65 ounces of water per day...sometimes a lot more.
  • So I have been at this for about 6 weeks now and I have only lost about 2-3 lbs. Granted I wasn't perfect during the holidays but I still managed to work out. I am doing the couch to 5k running program and I am on week 5 of it. I am also doing strength training a couple times per week. The majority of days I stay within my…
  • I am on week 4 of couch to 5K. I have ran on and off for the past 8 years but I had not been running a whole lot before I started. The first couple of weeks weren't too bad. I am feeling better and better as I continue to run longer. You can do it!! There have been a couple of days were I just don't feel like running or…
  • While doing a bootcamp this summer this happened to me also. The only thing I was eating beforehand was a granola bar because it was way to early in the morning for me to want to eat. The trainer had said I am probably eating the wrong thing, but he also said to try and not eat before working out and if I got dizzy to…
  • Hey everyone! Today is starting my third week using fitness pal. I have lost 2 lbs since I started which is good....but I've been reading how some of you lost a lot the first week or so. Am I doing something wrong? I'm watching my calories and exercising about 4-5 times per week doing the couch to 5k plan. I'm also eating…
  • Thanks for the info. Pixie I see you have lost 14 lbs...CONGRATS. Are you only doing the couch to 5K plan for workouts?
  • Is it okay to do the plan 5 days per week?? I feel like I need to work out everyday and I really like walking/running outside for now. I have looked into doing other workouts on DVD or something...but we don't have much room around the TVs to do much working out. Also, I have started bringing my fiance along, which is…
  • Congrats!! I have just started too and I waiting to see the results on the scale!!
  • Where can I get a HRM? And what kind is the best?
  • So after reading everyone's thoughts on this I decided to start the couch to 5K plan. I have been jogging/walking for the past few weeks and was able to run for about 7 minutes, so I thought the first week would be a breeze....but I did the first day of the first week and it was harder than I thought, but I did it!! I…
  • What type of exercise are you doing to lose weight? I have started walking/jogging for about 50-60 minutes this week, today will be my fourth day to do that. I see you have lost about 10 pounds. Congrats!
  • Hello! I'm new to the website. I'm trying to lose at least 30 pounds before my wedding in August. I like the website and it seems easy to log foods and exercises. One question though...should I eat the calories that I burn from exercising or will that just slow down the weight loss??
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