Wii Etc (Fit, Fit Plus, EA....) Team for February



  • gemfox
    gemfox Posts: 107
    been away for a few days so havent had a chance to get on the Wii yet but really really felt my workout from friday over the weekend! is it wrong that i enjoyed feeling the pain in my thighs and arms? Really getting into My fitness trainer Cardio workout. It is really good not too hard but really works up a sweat, recommend it to all of you!
    keep it up guys!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I haven't been on the Wii in a few days. And it shows! AHH!! I plan to do at least 30 minutes tonight. Happy Monday everybody!
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    Neonhorn: I enjoy EA Active more workouts. I mean with the wii fit plus you can do yoga and strength training, but I never really got into them and don't find it hard enough. I like how you are able to commit to a challenge and have routines already planned and log enough. I use my Wii Fit plus for the games on my off day.
  • teetee- Everlast makes a 3in Balance Board Raiser, carried at Sports Authority its 19.99

    EA Sports Active should I get this? Keep hearing about it. Allison Sweeney the host of the Biggest Loser posted a few weeks ago she lost nearly 50 pounds doing this after she had her baby. I needed to go out shopping today and was thinking of picking this up.

    Walk it out....Anybody have this and is it worth it?

    DDR as well.....see a lot of you guys use this too.

    If I could only get one which one should I get? LOL

    I wear my HRM when I do the wii. I have my wii fitness plus set at 400 calories to burn...I went off this figure a long time before I got a HRM last month...for nearly 3 months. I burned my 400 on the wii and my HRM said I actually burned 620.

    Happy Wii-ing to everyone :-)
  • mags06
    mags06 Posts: 29
    Hello everyone!! I'm new to the Wii Fit Team! I got the Wii Fit Plus for Christmas and have been working out on it since the beginning of January! I usually try and get on the Wii 3-4 times per week for an hour and then some days I run outside if weather permits.
    Question for those using the Wii Fit Plus game....how do I get my burn percentage to increase on the running...It seems to me that I burning a lot more calories than it says when I run. Any suggestions?
  • mags06- Wear a Heart Rate Monitor....I was talking above about the same problem. I have my Plus set to for me to burn 400 calories...I do all sorts of activities on there.....and once I got to zero calories left to burn on wii fit I checked my HRM and it said I was at 620. You are burning more, Im sure.

  • ajczerwinski
    ajczerwinski Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I am new to this message board. I got the Wii Fit Plus for Christmas and I love it! How do I log it on the My Fitness Pal exercise section? There isnt a category for it. I use it about 3-4 times a week and would like to be able to count it as my exercise.
    Thanks! AJ

    PS...Wii Active is wonderful too. I have that and enjoy it.
  • TwentyTen: Congrats on the 2lbs! I'm doing my happy dance for you.

    Thanks teetee, it's a start! Keep up the happy dance, it burns more calories!
  • mags06- Wear a Heart Rate Monitor....I was talking above about the same problem. I have my Plus set to for me to burn 400 calories...I do all sorts of activities on there.....and once I got to zero calories left to burn on wii fit I checked my HRM and it said I was at 620. You are burning more, Im sure.


    AGREED!!! You will be pleasantly surprised!!!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Does anybody have a good suggestions on a brand or type of hrm to buy?
  • eclairuk
    eclairuk Posts: 130 Member
    Happy Monday Everyone.

    Good job with all your Wii working out. My knee if finally ok so I did some Wii-ing tonight. :bigsmile:

    I did 1 hour on my Wii Fit plus doing rhythm boxing, free step and step plus - the wii said I burned 216 calories. I then started over with the 6 week challenge on EA Active more workouts on the easiest level for 30 mins and burned 173 calories.

    Felt good to be able to do some exercises again so hopefully the knee will be ok in the morning.

    Hope everyone has a good week :flowerforyou:
  • Sad news! I'm two days from finishing my 30 day challenge with active and I have been told by the that I am not to do any weight bearing exercize on my left foot to include no running or walking. /tear. This is supposed to only last a few weeks, but still it sucks. :( I might have stress fractured it, but we have to wait till I can get x rays done to find out.
  • Sad news! I'm two days from finishing my 30 day challenge with active and I have been told by the that I am not to do any weight bearing exercize on my left foot to include no running or walking. /tear. This is supposed to only last a few weeks, but still it sucks. :( I might have stress fractured it, but we have to wait till I can get x rays done to find out.

    Listen to your body and those professionals around you!!! If you let it heal, then you will be back after your challenge quicker than if you try and push yourself!!!! Take care and try some excercising while sitting instead of being up on your foot!!!
  • cometnurse
    cometnurse Posts: 62 Member
    Okay so Friday I was to tired to Wii. Sat I did all the strength training, ten min super hula, ten min of boxing and 5 yoga poses so that netted me about 50 min!! It was a good workout!! And Sunday was my rest day!! Im going to do the strength training tonight!!! :smile:
  • cometnurse
    cometnurse Posts: 62 Member
    Sad news! I'm two days from finishing my 30 day challenge with active and I have been told by the that I am not to do any weight bearing exercize on my left foot to include no running or walking. /tear. This is supposed to only last a few weeks, but still it sucks. :( I might have stress fractured it, but we have to wait till I can get x rays done to find out.

    Listen to your body and those professionals around you!!! If you let it heal, then you will be back after your challenge quicker than if you try and push yourself!!!! Take care and try some excercising while sitting instead of being up on your foot!!!

    I agree!! Give your body the time it needs to heal. Before you know it you will be back in the swing of things!! :flowerforyou: Fingers crossed that it isn't fractured!!
  • Okay so Friday I was to tired to Wii. Sat I did all the strength training, ten min super hula, ten min of boxing and 5 yoga poses so that netted me about 50 min!! It was a good workout!! And Sunday was my rest day!! Im going to do the strength training tonight!!! :smile:

    I do admire you doing ALL the strength training, wow. I can only manage half of those things at best. Gives me something to shoot for though. About to hop on my Wii right now, fifth day in a row. Tomorrow I rest. It's making a difference, slow but sure!
  • Does anybody have a good suggestions on a brand or type of hrm to buy?

    I have a bowflex one. Not bad. It doesn't have the chest strap but still seems to do okay.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Hey, guys. Kinda fell off the bandwagon for WF+. Have been going to my local rec center & doing C25K. On my off days I use the wii to play biggest loser.
    Welcome me back to your fold? :)
  • Thanks for the encouragement, I appriciate it. I just had wanted to loose about 25 pounds before my hubby gets home from deployment in 11 weeks. We'll see. :) I am sitting here in bed now with a bag of corn on my foot. :laugh:
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    jawhwilson: Sorry about the delay you are forced to deal with but you should rest. Don't worry about not achieving the lost you wanted before your husband returns, I am sure he will notice the weight you have already lost and the increase energy that you have.

    Fozzy: I just recently seen that they sell those when I was searching through Amazon. I am overseas right now, and the NEX does not have them. But I am definitely interested in getting one when I return home.

    Jess: I have a Timex HRM right now and had a Polaw one before. Both required the chest strap, which I love. The polar is a little more girly, so it is easier to wear whereas the timex is a big ole mess on my wrist, and I only wear it when I am working out.
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