Couch to 5k Running Plan



  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Here's a little nugget of gold that I discovered a few months ago (really made a HUGE difference in my success). The url is to a site where you'll find nine downloadable podcasts for each of the nine weeks in the program.

    Also try this one:

    But grab it quick because DJ Steve's sponsorship is in question, and he's been saying that Podrunner may have to come to a sad end soon. :sad:

    I've used his podcasts for both running and weight lifting. They are tons of fun.

    LOVE DJSteveBoy! Thanks for the recommendation!
    The ullrays' link is for itunes only, far as I can tell (m4a format). I have no ipod so no go there.
  • pixiestick
    pixiestick Posts: 839 Member
    Thanks for the tip on DJSteveBoy! It's so nice to have a bit of variation in my workout routine.
  • mags06
    mags06 Posts: 29
    Is it okay to do the plan 5 days per week?? I feel like I need to work out everyday and I really like walking/running outside for now. I have looked into doing other workouts on DVD or something...but we don't have much room around the TVs to do much working out.

    Also, I have started bringing my fiance along, which is great. But it is hard for me to get in the groove since I don't listen to my Ipod when we are running together. Any suggestions? I thought about bringing it and only turning it on during the running???
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Is it okay to do the plan 5 days per week?? I feel like I need to work out everyday and I really like walking/running outside for now. I have looked into doing other workouts on DVD or something...but we don't have much room around the TVs to do much working out.

    Also, I have started bringing my fiance along, which is great. But it is hard for me to get in the groove since I don't listen to my Ipod when we are running together. Any suggestions? I thought about bringing it and only turning it on during the running???

    I do it 5 - 6 days a week. Just listen to your body. If you feel good, aren't overtaxing your muscles or joints and you're having fun, go for it!
  • pixiestick
    pixiestick Posts: 839 Member
    The experts say that if you are a seasoned runner, than 5-6x a week is ok. If you are brand new (as in off of the couch brand new), then your body needs a day to recover whether you think it does or not. :indifferent:

    I hear you about running. I love to run as well, but it's important to let your body recover: most newbies damage their bodies if they run too much too soon Are there any steep inclines around where you run? long flights of stairs? you can do a lot with these sorts of things and use different muscle groups than the ones you use while you are running. If all else fails, at least for the first few months, try power-walking on the "off" days.
  • mags06
    mags06 Posts: 29
    Thanks for the info. Pixie I see you have lost 14 lbs...CONGRATS. Are you only doing the couch to 5K plan for workouts?
  • pixiestick
    pixiestick Posts: 839 Member
    I space it because my shins would go on strike if I ran every day.

    Exercise plan:
    Sun, Tue, Fri - loads of stretching, run, abdominal exercises.
    Mon, Thu - stretching, Stair-climber, weights (mostly upper body).
    Wed, Sat - Rest. I'll go for a leisurely walk. I'd like to incorporate some basic yoga into these days eventually.

    I average about 45 minutes on my workout days.

    Also, I follow the Couch to 5k plan fairly closely, but I like to run for about 30-35min rather than what they prescribe, so I usually tack an extra "set" or two for whatever week I am on.

    Hope this helps. :wink:
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    Do NOT think like that. Visulize yourself strong healthy and in shape. Run when it hurts and make urself stronger. YOU WILL DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • pixiestick
    pixiestick Posts: 839 Member
    Do NOT think like that. Visulize yourself strong healthy and in shape. Run when it hurts and make urself stronger. YOU WILL DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    About my shins? No, I will get shin-splints unless I space myself. And with 60+ extra pounds on my rather small frame, pounding on it every day could be damaging. I may not be understanding the full implications of your comment...?:noway:
  • wannaBme
    wannaBme Posts: 143
    Hey pixiestick .. I'm with you about the shin splints and not running everyday. Perhaps people don't realize how hard it is on your body to carry an extra 60 lbs or 80 lbs (my case) while you are pounding around the track.

    Just last night on the Biggest Loser, they had to put all their "lost" weight back on and run around a race car track !! For all 4 people they had to strap on 70 or more pounds. Heba's ankles immediately started to rebel just like when she was 250+ pounds AND she COULDN'T run .. she just power walked around the track. So did another competitor, Vicky.

    Just for fun FitJoani, load up a back pack with 50 pounds AND carry a small child as you run 5 km tomorrow. I do agree with you and your comment about "visualizing yourself strong healthy and in shape". I honestly do ... but to achieve that result, we need ... "smart and steady wins the race" not "kill ourselves with pain and then quit 'cause it hurts too much".

    On another note ...
    I am thrilled with my running today. I got past the 1 minute mark to 1:15 before hitting 160 on the heart monitor and then walk for 2 mins. and my rate came down to 90. I repeated this 12 times !! Then power walked at 130 bpm for a total of 70 minutes aerobic exercise.
  • pixiestick
    pixiestick Posts: 839 Member
    That's the spirit, wannaBme! It does feel good, doesn't it. I think they call it runner's high...?

    When I get back to the states for Christmas (in a few days), I'll use the treadmill at my gym there and it has those heart rate monitors built into the handles. I will report back at that point on the true nature of my heart. :heart:

    I'm off to the gym.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I have advanced to week 2, alternating 90 sec of jogging with 90 sec of walking. INSANE. Never in a million years did I think I could go from week 1 to week 2 with no problems!!!!
  • dothompson
    dothompson Posts: 1,184 Member
    I just finished week 1. So far so good. I've downloaded the podcasts for weeks 2 & 3. I also have my eye on a 5k at the end of March.

    My ultimate goal is a sprint triathlon on May 4 which is the day before I turn 50. Even though running is my weakest, and I am not too worried about the biking or swimming this just seems to big a goal right now. I'm going to concentrate on the running and weight loss and hopefully this will take care of itself.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I just finished week 1. So far so good. I've downloaded the podcasts for weeks 2 & 3. I also have my eye on a 5k at the end of March.

    My ultimate goal is a sprint triathlon on May 4 which is the day before I turn 50. Even though running is my weakest, and I am not too worried about the biking or swimming this just seems to big a goal right now. I'm going to concentrate on the running and weight loss and hopefully this will take care of itself.

    I think running a 5k the day before your 50th birthday is a great birthday gift to yourself. I love that idea. :drinker:

    EDIT: okay, re-read... it's a triathalon before your birthday, 5k is in March.... so I now think the triathalon for your birthday is a great idea :wink:
  • dothompson
    dothompson Posts: 1,184 Member
    Thanks, it seems like a big goal at this point. Just need to do it one workout at at time.
  • gmpearse
    gmpearse Posts: 136
    I have done this program and I love it. I had to redo a couple weeks and at week 7 started listening to my body instead of following the "time" they give you and it's been great. You can totally do this! The podcasts are great b/c he tells you when to run and walk so you don't have to time it yourself, but I found the music to be techno, which I didn't care for, so I just timed it on my own.

    I did my first 5k in October, 2 in Nov. and just signed up for a half marathon in May. I'm not fast (not even close to 10 minute mile fast...which is super fast, btw!!) but it's all about just getting out there and doing it!

    So, go for it! :flowerforyou: You won't be sorry!

    One thing I did do b/c I didn't know if I'd see changes in my body was take a butt picture (I had undies on and a shirt) about every 2 weeks or so. The change is so dramatic and if I wasn't going to get in trouble, I'd post it. You will be AMAZED at how your butt, thighs and knees shrink while doing this. I still can't believe it and that's why I keep on running!!!!! ****Ok, so I posted 3 pics butt pics in my profile pics. The first one is one week after starting the c25k, the second one is 2 weeks after the first picture. The third pic was taken about 4 weeks ago.

    Checked out the pics and now have the urge to photograph my own bootie just to see the difference!
    Way to Go!!!:drinker:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I have done this program and I love it. I had to redo a couple weeks and at week 7 started listening to my body instead of following the "time" they give you and it's been great. You can totally do this! The podcasts are great b/c he tells you when to run and walk so you don't have to time it yourself, but I found the music to be techno, which I didn't care for, so I just timed it on my own.

    I did my first 5k in October, 2 in Nov. and just signed up for a half marathon in May. I'm not fast (not even close to 10 minute mile fast...which is super fast, btw!!) but it's all about just getting out there and doing it!

    So, go for it! :flowerforyou: You won't be sorry!

    One thing I did do b/c I didn't know if I'd see changes in my body was take a butt picture (I had undies on and a shirt) about every 2 weeks or so. The change is so dramatic and if I wasn't going to get in trouble, I'd post it. You will be AMAZED at how your butt, thighs and knees shrink while doing this. I still can't believe it and that's why I keep on running!!!!! ****Ok, so I posted 3 pics butt pics in my profile pics. The first one is one week after starting the c25k, the second one is 2 weeks after the first picture. The third pic was taken about 4 weeks ago.

    Checked out the pics and now have the urge to photograph my own bootie just to see the difference!
    Way to Go!!!:drinker:

    Pssssst, I took my own 'before' butt photos. Take yours too!! It will encourage you to do the program to see the 'after' butt photos!!
  • dothompson
    dothompson Posts: 1,184 Member
    Well, I don't have the butt problem, but the gut issue. I don't need any pictures, it's always right there in front where I can see it.

    Today is the first day of week 2. I'm doing this.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Well, I don't have the butt problem, but the gut issue. I don't need any pictures, it's always right there in front where I can see it.

    Today is the first day of week 2. I'm doing this.

    I took a rear-view photo (butt and hips) and a side-view photo (gut). I got it ALL going on, and hoping to RUN IT ALL OFF!:glasses:
  • pparker2214
    pparker2214 Posts: 64 Member
    Wow!! I'm totally just seeing this thread and love this idea! I've always hated running.. I have a big booty.. lol.. but I've always felt I was missing out on some secret freedom that you see runners enjoy!! I want to have that.. so I'm starting the plan today! Thanks for sharing all this ladies!! I'm excited!

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