Oops some time 2010
I know why don't we all start listing bible quotes and references... DO YOU BELIEVE IN GHOSTS.... Yes I do and have seen several. Even my father who was completely against anything ghost related (or anything else that is open to conjecture) before here saw an apparition of a lady walking through a wall when working in the…
He is a NOB
A little of what you like is a good thing, without doubt, as long as its not every day it doesnt matter, also you did some great exercise, so be proud of that instead of being negative about the other. Being negative will just make things unnecessarily worse. BE HAPPY WITH YOUR DAYS EXERCISE -That was AWESOME x
Mr and Mrs Smith
I am wondering if that is why he says dont log the walks, cos if I dont and stick to my required calorie intake then it mean i will be consuming less cals. This of course would help with fat loss as the average calorie intake over a week would be reduced by 1500 ish calories.
I have a desk job so not much action at work, so no extra cal burn during the day
Hey Dan Welcome along, I would be happy to see any recipes you have to share. It a great site with lots of great people, I come from Kent originally and now live in the north west, Feel free to add me
A pint of Best by Dr Harvey
I can put condoms up my nose and pull them out of may mouth - Its pretty gross but clean !!
Thats amazing work Buddy, Well done.
Who is he ???
Joss Ackland
I have had a cheaper one myself, from Aldi cost about 12.99. In fact I have had 3 now all been replaced, very hit and miss, If i was you i would send it back and go buy a polar, I know they are more money but you do get what you pay for. Good luck x
Hey Nicky, Welcome Aboard, Great place for motivation. Well down on your work so far, I am from England too. Add me if you wish. x
YUCKIE Being a bloke I dont get this, I get water retention from BEER hahaha
I do 350 miles a week that costs me about £70 which is $110 thats just work so with other mileage on top your talking $500 a month easy :-( Grrrrrrr
£1.09 a litre.??? £1.29 a litre buddy and £1.36 for diesel
Well if you bought a gallon over here in the UK it would cost you $9.42. What ya moanin about lol
SEX - oh no forgot the wife has already made that choice for me. lol
I was about to put exactly what lacroyx had put. but to add a couple of things. Instead of using those markers, weight loss etc. change them measure the muscle mass you are putting on. stat your arms, your waist (not trouser size), legs etc you may see that they are actually getting bigger due to mass going on. That…
Wish lol 35 back at ya
Funny that we are both from the UK, perhaps its just this side of the pond that the fools say it. haha
"Arks" as in Arks me a question - The word is ASK makes me think humanity is doomed
@ Chriistiina - Zooey Deschanel Definatley
Bloody well done, its real nice when people notice and aren't b!tchy. You should be very proud of yourself
Hello mine name is Paul and I am a recovering Cockney. lol
I always take the reading from when my heart rate gets back to 120, I feel that at that point that my body has stopped exercising. Just because you stopped running or something doesnt mean your heart and respiratory system has stopped. IMO
I think I got a great Back but the rest is pretty saggy. lol