CherylM2015 Member


  • Slim fast is pretty junky - not great for you at all. If I were you, I would buy some good quality whey protein and make your own shakes in the morning. Mix with some skim milk and some fruit - pair with a piece of WW toast and you have yourself a complete breakfast in about 5 mins.
  • If it's just a cold from the neck -up then you're fine to workout if you feel like you have the energy. However, it the cold is from your neck-down and it affecting your lungs, then you should rest. I had asked the same question when I was sick to the trainers are my gym. I hope you're feeling better soon!
  • I can DEFINITELY understand - I somewhat feel the same way. I'm still a little too new to this site to make my mind up quite yet. I really enjoy the support and I like reading all the success stories and hearing advice from people. But I don't love the logging of food. I've already been on a meal plan as directed by a…
  • You don't have to cut it - it's good for you! However, if you're concerned about sugar intake, you do have to be aware of portions and the time of day that you eat it. Best in the morning, mid-morning, and early afternoon. 1/2 a banana = 1 serving of fruit 1/3 cup blueberries = 1 serving, etc. After seeing a nutritionist,…
  • Oh yes...and I agree that Slim Fast is somewhat "junk food". You would definitely be better off to go to high quality whey protein. :)
  • Protein Powder will not make you bulk up or gain muscle not will it make you gain weight. You do have to account for the caloric content as you would with anything else that you eat or drink. The good quality protein powder is usually anywhere between 100-125 calories, little to no sugar and fat and very few carbs. (I.e.…
  • Have you been exercising? Or did you lose weight by changing your diet alone? You will need to incorporate exercise to develop strength and toning :)
  • That converts to .85 fl oz. So...not quite a shot. (I assume a standard shot is 1 oz) ?
  • For me, the key was doing something that I genuinely found enjoyable. If you don't like running, don't do it. I don't like running either....the only running I do now is when I'm incorporating treadmill intervals into my cardio workouts. I HATED entire life. Then, about a year ago, I joined a local fitness…
  • When I met with a nutritionist, I asked the same question. He put it this way - think of how many meals you eat through the course of a week. Let's say 30-35 meals (including snack times).....1 meal certainly is not going to make or break your weight loss. I agree with you...I NEED to have a guilt-free meal. I used to do a…
  • Depends what kind of music you like but here's what I would suggest: Foo Fighters - "Wasting Light" (entire album) Neon Trees - "Habits" (entire album) Young the Giant - "My Body The Killers - "Somebody Told Me" Motley Crue - "Kickstart my Heart" and "Same ole situation" Maroon 5 - "Moves like Jagger" Marianas Trench -…
  • The entire new album by Foo Fighters is great for working out too :)
  • I have soooo many Kickstart my Heart - Motley Crue My Body - Young the Giant Moves like Jagger - Maroon 5 Somebody Told Me - The Killers Edge of Glory - Lady Gaga Summer of '89 - Butch Walker & The Black Widows Same Ol' Situation - Motley Crue It just goes on and on.....I love my music when working out!
  • P.S Make sure you are eating enough!!!! Otherwise, your body will NOT burn the food you're eating. Instead, it will hold onto everything that it can.
  • Are you tracking the inches that you're losing at all? I busted my *kitten* for a couple of months and the numbers on the scale literally didn't budge. I did, however, keep track of the inches I lost (a trainer measured me before and after) and I lost 33 inches over my whole body. I had shifted my weight rather than lose…
  • Vodka + Club Soda + fresh lime.....yummmm!
  • My boyfriend and I did it for 5 years. 5 YEARS! And we were very far away from each other. WE always made sure that we saw each other at least once every 6 months or so. It was hard but there were definitely some positive aspects: I was able to focus on my own life/work/friends, etc. and we learned to communicate so well…
  • I weigh myself almost every morning - not because I'm obsessed with seeing iF the numbers are going down but because it just mentally keeps me on track. It just kind of keeps me aware. I only "record" my weight once a month or so :)
  • Great can do it! I"m a newbie here as well. I just created my account about 20 minutes ago and I'm looking forward to having something to make me accountable. I've been on a fitness/healthy living journey for the last year or so after having spent my entire life overweight, unhealthy and unhappy. I got fed up…