Protein Powder...Confusion...

I need some help. I've been tring to compare SlimFast shake mix with protein powder mixes, but I think I may be comparing apples to oranges here. About the same calories normally, but protein powder seems to have less fat and much less sugar than SlimFast. I like the idea of less sugar, but what does all the protein do to/for my body? I do workout (I do the 30 Day Shred mostly and I also go to a kickboxing class twice a week). I DO NOT want to gain muscle mass. I wouldn't mind toning, but I definitely don't want to gain a bunch of muscle, if that makes sense.

Is too much protein going to make me gain weight? Gain muscle? Will it only make me gain muscle if I drink right before or after I work out? Essentially, what are the "ins and outs" of protein powder? Should I just stick with SlimFast?



  • luvmycandies
    luvmycandies Posts: 489 Member
    Bump..i want to know too
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I DO NOT want to gain muscle mass. I wouldn't mind toning, but I definitely don't want to gain a bunch of muscle, if that makes sense.

    Toning is simply the muscle size vs bodyfat in a given location. If you want to tone you either lose fat or gain muscle in a particular area and it will look more "tone". Secondarily, gaining muscle is substantially difficult and requires a number of conditions to be met. You aren't going to drink a shake and wake up with big muscles.

    Lastly, gaining muscle is a very, very good thing for women. It will only cause visual improvements.

    Is too much protein going to make me gain weight?

    Too many calories cause weight gain. It is not caused by overconsumption of a particular macronutrient provided that you don't exceed your caloric maintenance.

    Gain muscle? Will it only make me gain muscle if I drink right before or after I work out?

    No and no. You don't need to drink it immediately after a workout, but doing so will also not cause direct muscle or mass gain. I am assuming you are in a deficit and I'm assuming you are not applying progressive resistance while weightlifting. Given those conditions, you won't likely gain muscle, unfortunately.

    Essentially, what are the "ins and outs" of protein powder? Should I just stick with SlimFast?

    It is a macronutrient. Whey is very bioavailable, conveneint, and cheap. It's a very good source of protein and I would recommend it over slim fast, however you need to account for the calories in the whey.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    What the hell is toning?
  • mishmash73
    mishmash73 Posts: 166 Member
    well... you are drinking slimfast so it would appear you want to lose weight... protein shakes are better for you than 'slim fast'.... less carbs is key... My trainer says always mix carbs/protein, protein & fat,... never carbs & fat. i mix my protein shake w/a 1/4cup of half/half or cream & the rest water so it tastes better... and i get my fat (helps you feel full).. if you are drinking slimfast you are probably in the beginning stages of your journey so i'd defininely do some more research... :) good luck
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    What the hell is toning?

    ^ This would have been a better answer than the one I gave, but I attempted to clarify for OP.

    Well played though.
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    First off, I'd like to assure you that we, as females, don't produce enough testosterone to build bulky muscles. That being said protein powder is a more versatile, cost effect way to get protein in your diet. You can put it in shakes, or baked goods and buy it in a variety of flavors without the extra calories or sugar as the premade shakes. I personally use the powder, and use it after weight workouts to help provide my body with the nutrients it needs to repair/build muscles. And more muscles = more calories burned, definitely a plus! :bigsmile:
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    Slim-fast is NOT a protein shake. It is intended to be a meal replacement (Although not a very good one). The slim fast diet consists of replacing two full meals a day with that shake. It has very little protein, and honestly I see no benefit to drinking it. Protein powder, on the other hand, should have much less sugar and much more protein.
  • MarlaChandlerBarton
    MarlaChandlerBarton Posts: 141 Member
    I want to know a good one too. But I know Slim Fast has a lot of sugar and not enough protein in it. I wouldn't stick with that one. Let's see what others say. But no, not unless you get the muscle building type protein shakes are you going to build muscle mass from taking the normal Protein Shakes like Whey or Designer Protein and the such.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Slim fast is junk food. Protein powder is a supplement.
  • dannylives
    Protein powder, milk, raw oatmeal in a blender with ice. :) Whey protein is just high quality protein. Eggs are high quality protein too but whey is higher. A basic whey protein powder is not a size gainer or a mass gainer or a weight gainer or steroids or anything like that, its just high quality protein. If you dont wanna drink too much protein powder, then all you gotta do is only put half a scoop in your cup or shake, and just LIMIT how much you take of it. "Optimum Nutrition's 100% Whey" and "Gaspari Nutrition's Myofusion" are fine to start with. Actually, now that I think about it, there's other EVEN MORE BASIC whey protein powders out there. cant think of any right now though.
  • Chris_bee05
    Chris_bee05 Posts: 111 Member
    What the hell is toning?

    Ok look. I'm obviously pretty new to "being healthy". I've never been a "healthy" person and clearly I have no idea what I'm talking about which is why I posted this: for help and clarification. Everyone has to start somewhere, and I'm going to give myself props for STARTING and for sticking with it AND for putting myself out there to ask for help, even if I get "called out" by people for not knowing what I'm talking about...
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    What the hell is toning?

    ^ This would have been a better answer than the one I gave, but I attempted to clarify for OP.

    Well played though.

    I was going to involve class participation in the learning process, I admire the patience in your answer. I'm not called FeatherTactful for nothing.
  • CherylM2015
    CherylM2015 Posts: 20 Member
    Protein Powder will not make you bulk up or gain muscle not will it make you gain weight. You do have to account for the caloric content as you would with anything else that you eat or drink. The good quality protein powder is usually anywhere between 100-125 calories, little to no sugar and fat and very few carbs. (I.e. try Dymatize Whey Protein Powder)

    Protein Powder is a great source of lean protein. Sometimes it's just too hard to cook chicken or fish (or whatever) but I still want to get my protein in so a shake is a great option. Protein should be included with every meal.

    Stop thinking of protein as something to be scared of because you're afraid that it will make you gain weight or muscle. Protein actually helps to shed weight. Look at it as something that is going to help you along in your weight loss/fitness journey.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I DO NOT want to gain muscle mass. I wouldn't mind toning, but I definitely don't want to gain a bunch of muscle, if that makes sense.

    Toning is simply the muscle size vs bodyfat in a given location. If you want to tone you either lose fat or gain muscle in a particular area and it will look more "tone". Secondarily, gaining muscle is substantially difficult and requires a number of conditions to be met. You aren't going to drink a shake and wake up with big muscles.

    Lastly, gaining muscle is a very, very good thing for women. It will only cause visual improvements.

    Is too much protein going to make me gain weight?

    Too many calories cause weight gain. It is not caused by overconsumption of a particular macronutrient provided that you don't exceed your caloric maintenance.

    Gain muscle? Will it only make me gain muscle if I drink right before or after I work out?

    No and no. You don't need to drink it immediately after a workout, but doing so will also not cause direct muscle or mass gain. I am assuming you are in a deficit and I'm assuming you are not applying progressive resistance while weightlifting. Given those conditions, you won't likely gain muscle, unfortunately.

    Essentially, what are the "ins and outs" of protein powder? Should I just stick with SlimFast?

    It is a macronutrient. Whey is very bioavailable, conveneint, and cheap. It's a very good source of protein and I would recommend it over slim fast, however you need to account for the calories in the whey.

    This. All of this. Sidesteal knows exactly what he is talking about so please consider your question answered.
  • Chris_bee05
    Chris_bee05 Posts: 111 Member
    It is a macronutrient. Whey is very bioavailable, conveneint, and cheap. It's a very good source of protein and I would recommend it over slim fast, however you need to account for the calories in the whey.

    That is exactly what I wanted to know. Thank you very much for taking the time to write that and give me valuable input on this subject. I very much appreciate it and any new "knowledge" I can add will certainly help me to acheive my health goals. Thank you again.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I want to know a good one too. But I know Slim Fast has a lot of sugar and not enough protein in it. I wouldn't stick with that one. Let's see what others say. But no, not unless you get the muscle building type protein shakes are you going to build muscle mass from taking the normal Protein Shakes like Whey or Designer Protein and the such.

    1) Plenty of good whey out there. Optimum Nutrition is one good and reputable brand.
    2) Not sure what you mean by "muscle building" shakes.

    When you're looking at whey you should really just compare caloric content, grams of protein, and price. If you for some reason need to track sugar intake due to a medical condition, then you can look there as well, but for most people that's irrelevant.

    The only type of shake that could even remotely "cause muscle gain" would be weight gainers, but even those don't cause muscle gain, they cause you to eat a bunch of calories with your protein. You (for all practical purposes) need to be in a calorie surplus to gain mass, and weight gainer shakes/high calorie shakes assist you in doing so.

    Only mentioning this for clarity so people don't get the wrong idea as to the function of protein supplements.
  • CherylM2015
    CherylM2015 Posts: 20 Member
    Oh yes...and I agree that Slim Fast is somewhat "junk food". You would definitely be better off to go to high quality whey protein. :)
  • jenvic
    jenvic Posts: 13 Member
    I take Syntrax Nectar protein shakes. Love them! Look them up.
  • LisaKyle11
    LisaKyle11 Posts: 662 Member
    do not, i repeat, do not stick with Slim Fast. way too many crappy ingredients, not enough proper ingredients, and is marketed as a 'meal'. it's not a protein shake!

    you will not gain muscle mass or get bulky just by drinking protein powder/shakes (women have a very hard time getting 'bulky' anyway). and even if you did, it is a positive thing (the muscle part)!
  • Chris_bee05
    Chris_bee05 Posts: 111 Member
    Slim-fast is NOT a protein shake. It is intended to be a meal replacement (Although not a very good one). The slim fast diet consists of replacing two full meals a day with that shake. It has very little protein, and honestly I see no benefit to drinking it. Protein powder, on the other hand, should have much less sugar and much more protein.

    I'm not* doing the SlimFast diet. A friend of mine sent me a sample of Shakeology and I liked it, but couldn't afford it, so I tried to find a way to "replace" it for cheaper by buying something from the store. I just picked up SlimFast because it was cheapest, but I don't like how much sugar is in it, so I looked into protein powders, which is what I think I'll go with from now on.

    *sorry that was supposed to be NOT