

  • I'm a big fan of the blood mary..just ask for extra tomato juice on the side top off your bev and nurse it all night. Tom juice is LOW in calories! Or just one Rum and coke same thing..ask for a Tall glass with a lot of ice and diet coke :) Good luck! -E
  • Me. I am WAY out there (thanks to grad school). We are thinking January 2014. But always glad to support.
  • I usually make myself a salad and put meat or different kinds of beans (think chick peas, pinto beans) on it...I'm a Nurse Midwifery student I know the trick to being a nursing student (and a nurse) is being prepared with healthy snacks. Another great one is an apple with some peanut butter a little bit of carbs and a…
  • I would recommend treating yourself to the 6 dollar DVD you get 30 days worth of work-out for 6 dollars YAY amazon. I did it. went from a 28" waist to a 26.5" waist. 36" hips to a 35" hip. and a 40" butt to a 38.5" butt and 22.5" thighs down to 21.5 thighs. Jillian is a torture queen but you WILL get results. I also…
  • Hey wanted to know if I could join this challenge? I won't be getting married until Dec 2013 but..still I need to drop this weight!! :happy: SW 160.5lbs GW 147lbs
  • I either go for the no-classic Venti Green Tea Lemonade (70 calories), Iced Venti Ice Coffee (with one splendia and a dash of non-fat milk). OR I go all out and get a Grande Soy no-whip Pumpkin spice chia....and then have to run a lot. LOL.
  • Find exercise you actually LIKE and will enjoy doing. I am currently hooked on the Jillian Micheal's DVDs. 30 Day Shred helped me lose an inch off my waist, an inch off each thigh and an inch and half off my butt...for me this is AMAZING. Stay under your calories but don't restrict yourself. Also, DRINK THAT WATER. I kept…
  • I love blue moon too!! haha but WAY too many calories!
  • Depends on the type of murmur you have and how advanced it is (grade 1 being barely a murmur and grade 6 being the worse). I have level 3 Mitral Valve Prolapse so sometimes I get winded, dizzy and have some light chest pain but nothing crazy.
  • It was recommended to me by my orthopedic doc to try to pay attention to your feet. He said the elliptical is great but people tend to put too much weight on their toes compressing their nerves and making their feet fall asleep. When I am on the elliptical I try to focus on rolling from the back to the front of my feet…
  • I'm in! I can switch my weigh in day to Sunday :)
  • i will take the growth hormone suggestion to my doctors. thank you! that is really helpful. i am on a low dose of estrogen this week. previously, i have lost weight on estrogen, but gained 6-15 pounds on progesterone. i have pcos/insulin resistance which is why i have to have bloodwork done every 3 days on the hormones.…
  • Hormones notoriously mess with weight loss. And repeated exposure is eventually what alters your bodies sensitivity to it...I have heard over and over from pts who use fertility drugs that they gain weight but usually not until the 2nd or 3rd cycle (I have heard this as a labor & delivery nurse). Also, with an on again off…
  • So the Garmin you are suggesting would work with my iphone? I ski so this would be SUPER awesome news! :smile:
  • Hey I'm in DC.
  • I have been really really meaning to do this. SO any encouragement I can get I am in! How do I log my progress for the group? Any songs everyone LOVES to work out to? -Erin
  • I hated getting all sweaty at the gym and I live in the city so running outside means A LOT of people staring. So I started doing home exercise DVDs. I am currently doing Jillian's 30 day shred and it's tough but it's only 20 minutes so you know that it WILL end. You only do any one exercise for 30 seconds-1 minute..so…
  • I'm stuck there too which is why I finally joined here. We can do this! Friend me we can motivate each other.
  • Can I join even though I have been doing 30DS since Monday?
  • Gap's Long and Leans work really well. I have an hour glass shape too. (A 28" middle and a 38" butt gappy jeans NOT attractive.) I love Gap jeans and J-Crews boot cut. Good luck!
  • I am also starting the couch to 5 K. I have done this before and what I did was sign up for a 5 k it helped keep me motivated and get me going. I also made a bunch of running play lists to keep me energized.
  • I just ordered this your pictures inspire me! I'll think of you when it get's tough!
  • Add me I will encourage you too! I always am trying new exercises so maybe I can help you find something you will actually..well less than hate? haha :)
  • Hey I'm only trying to lose the last 15 or so, but I already lost 10 before I came to this site to try and get rid of those stubborn 15. Add me I too could use the support and encouragement!!