any doctors in the house? why is my weight the same?



  • velezdina
    velezdina Posts: 31 Member
    I'm not a doctor and don't have an answer for you, the onl thing I can tell you is that I was on fertility drugs for months and I gained a little bit of weight. In my case I did not care because my #1 goal was to get pregnant and have a little angel....and I did!!!! After the delivery i lost all the baby weight and more!!! I find it really easy to loose I think it was the fertility worth it though...
  • BulldogCNM
    i will take the growth hormone suggestion to my doctors. thank you! that is really helpful.

    i am on a low dose of estrogen this week. previously, i have lost weight on estrogen, but gained 6-15 pounds on progesterone. i have pcos/insulin resistance which is why i have to have bloodwork done every 3 days on the hormones.

    Glad to help. PCOS is really hard! Hang in there and that in itself can cause you to hold onto weight you really should go see an endocrinologist if you aren't already. Seriously, some of their advice med regiments can be REALLY helpful! They can also make really great nutritionist recommendations for you. Good luck.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    Everyone has their own explination as to why they think its happening. I was on fertility drugs for about 3 months I am a nurse and the only thing I can suggest if it is really bothering you is to speak with your doctore. It is most likely a side effect of the medication and you have to ask your self what is more important the reason why you are taking them or weight loss. If you are planning to get pregnant hate to tell you, your gunna gain weight.

    gaining weight because i am pregnant is very different than gaining weight for no reason. :)
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    Glad to help. PCOS is really hard! Hang in there and that in itself can cause you to hold onto weight you really should go see an endocrinologist if you aren't already. Seriously, some of their advice med regiments can be REALLY helpful! They can also make really great nutritionist recommendations for you. Good luck.

    i see an endocrinologist as well as the fertility specialists. :) i worked with a dietician for over a year.
  • itontae
    itontae Posts: 138 Member
    i am curious to know why you started weighing yourself at night then the next morning in the first place :smile:
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    I'm not a doctor, but I can give you some advice if you'd like but a few questions first:

    1. Are you sure you are accurately measuring your TDEE level?

    1. yes, i had my base caloric rate tested.

    So are you working on an MFP calculation or your own? The reason I ask is that if you have lost weight and/or your body composition has changed since you had it tested then your TDEE would also have changed...

    it is based on a test one of my doctors did where i had to lie down in a room with a mask over my face. however that was almost 2 years ago so things probably have changed. thanks for reminding me of that.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    You had your base caloric rate tested. So you had your BMR tested? That's not your TDEE. TDEE is your total daily energy expedenture. It's the amount of calories you burn in a 24 hour period, composed of your BMR + TEA + TEF.

    What is your TDEE please?

  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    Food digestion

    meaning because of the hormones, i am not as efficient at digesting my food at night?
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    You had your base caloric rate tested. So you had your BMR tested? That's not your TDEE. TDEE is your total daily energy expedenture. It's the amount of calories you burn in a 24 hour period, composed of your BMR + TEA + TEF.

    What is your TDEE please?


    Impossible. Let's pretend you were 5'0 and 100 lbs (which is what your goal is, not your current weight). Thats a BMR alone of 1250ish. Then if you were to just sit down, do nothing, and watch tv all day you'd still burn more than 335 additional calories.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    Food digestion

    meaning because of the hormones, i am not as efficient at digesting my food at night?

    I didn't say that. Someone said something about why they weigh less in the morning.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    You had your base caloric rate tested. So you had your BMR tested? That's not your TDEE. TDEE is your total daily energy expedenture. It's the amount of calories you burn in a 24 hour period, composed of your BMR + TEA + TEF.

    What is your TDEE please?


    Impossible. Let's pretend you were 5'0 and 100 lbs (which is what your goal is, not your current weight). Thats a BMR alone of 1250ish. Then if you were to just sit down, do nothing, and watch tv all day you'd still burn more than 335

    are you sure? i just checked myfitnesspal's calculator for bmr and at 5'0 100 pounds and it is 1080. currently, they have 121 pounds at 1175.

    it may seem low but due to being petite and having menopausal issues, i believe it is correct. according to my hmr, i only burn 586 calories running 13.1 miles. which is not a typical day for me. lol.

    edit: i did some research and found that you can calculate a fairly accurate tdee by taking your current weight by 15 (for maintenance), which would put it at 1815, which i believe is too high for me because of the previous reasons posted. at 110, it would be 1650 and at 100 pounds, it would be 1500. is this information correct or is there a different formula that you use?
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    I didn't say that. Someone said something about why they weigh less in the morning.

    sorry, i didn't mean to put words in your mouth.
  • bcunning
    bcunning Posts: 81 Member
    Things to keep in mind...

    As your weight goes down, your calorie needs change! You have to readjust them occasionally.

    There are several ways you can figure your own calorie needs. I prefer the Katch-McArdle formula which requires that you measure your body fat percentage. This website has a calculator using this method...

    Also keep in mind that once you get into a certain routine, both exercise and diet, your body will adapt to that routine after a while (this can take a long time), so it is a good idea to occasionally change up your routine. You can do this by changing the types of food you eat a little, and changing the intensity, or types of exercise you are doing. This will often help you get past a plateau.

    Good luck!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    i am curious to know why you started weighing yourself at night then the next morning in the first place :smile:

    a woman on my friends list tried it and was keeping a chart. it made me curious so i started and then i saw a pattern. i love seeing how and why things work. if i hadn't done it, i would know about this anomaly and the up and down from the fertility treatments would be very frustrating. :)
  • beach_bum_gurl
    You are on fertility drugs. Any possibility that you might be pregnant???
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    You are on fertility drugs. Any possibility that you might be pregnant???

    gosh that would make me so happy, but so far nope.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    You had your base caloric rate tested. So you had your BMR tested? That's not your TDEE. TDEE is your total daily energy expedenture. It's the amount of calories you burn in a 24 hour period, composed of your BMR + TEA + TEF.

    What is your TDEE please?


    Impossible. Let's pretend you were 5'0 and 100 lbs (which is what your goal is, not your current weight). Thats a BMR alone of 1250ish. Then if you were to just sit down, do nothing, and watch tv all day you'd still burn more than 335

    are you sure? i just checked myfitnesspal's calculator for bmr and at 5'0 100 pounds and it is 1080. currently, they have 121 pounds at 1175.

    it may seem low but due to being petite and having menopausal issues, i believe it is correct. according to my hmr, i only burn 586 calories running 13.1 miles. which is not a typical day for me. lol.

    edit: i did some research and found that you can calculate a fairly accurate tdee by taking your current weight by 15 (for maintenance), which would put it at 1815, which i believe is too high for me because of the previous reasons posted. at 110, it would be 1650 and at 100 pounds, it would be 1500. is this information correct or is there a different formula that you use?

    BMR at 5'0 121 33 years old is 1175 yea...I double checked the actual miffin-st jeor formula itself. The problem with using a multiplier like that (15) is it doesn't really factor in all your activity. You'd be surprised at how many cals you do burn.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    You had your base caloric rate tested. So you had your BMR tested? That's not your TDEE. TDEE is your total daily energy expedenture. It's the amount of calories you burn in a 24 hour period, composed of your BMR + TEA + TEF.

    What is your TDEE please?


    Impossible. Let's pretend you were 5'0 and 100 lbs (which is what your goal is, not your current weight). Thats a BMR alone of 1250ish. Then if you were to just sit down, do nothing, and watch tv all day you'd still burn more than 335

    are you sure? i just checked myfitnesspal's calculator for bmr and at 5'0 100 pounds and it is 1080. currently, they have 121 pounds at 1175.

    it may seem low but due to being petite and having menopausal issues, i believe it is correct. according to my hmr, i only burn 586 calories running 13.1 miles. which is not a typical day for me. lol.

    edit: i did some research and found that you can calculate a fairly accurate tdee by taking your current weight by 15 (for maintenance), which would put it at 1815, which i believe is too high for me because of the previous reasons posted. at 110, it would be 1650 and at 100 pounds, it would be 1500. is this information correct or is there a different formula that you use?

    BMR at 5'0 121 33 years old is 1175 yea...I double checked the actual miffin-st jeor formula itself. The problem with using a multiplier like that (15) is it doesn't really factor in all your activity. You'd be surprised at how many cals you do burn.

    okay. so are you saying that i should eat more anf that will cause me to start losing weight when i sleep again? how do you suggest figuring out my current tdee?
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    I'm not saying eat more persay, but we would need to try to be as accurate as possible with your TDEE. The problem that can interfere with this is medications. I was going to tell you to eat normally for 2-4 weeks, and see how your weight changes. If you don't lose or gain, you know your TDEE. Although the downside of this is your activity level may change day to day, week to week, month to month so nothing is 100%

    Have you thought of investing in a Bodybugg or Bodymedia FIT device? They aren't 100% (bout 90-93%) accurate but it's better than guessing.

    There's also other factors involved here too. (as to why your weight isn't dropping)

    1. Water/fluid intake daily.
    2. Sleep patterns
    3. Macronutrient consumption
    4. Exercise