

  • Gamer geek girl here too! I have Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, 3DS, and all the retro consoles - N64, SNES, Megadrive etc. I play PC occasionally, not been on WoW for a while. I love RPG games such as final fantasy, Skyrim, Oblivion etc, but don't ever seem to have enough time to get on and play! Bex
  • Just done L2 D4, can't believe tomorrow we will be half way through! Haven't posted for a couple days, but I can assure you I've been soldiering on! Seems like a lot of work on the arms this level, with all the plank work & strength. Not so easy when you have a weak wrist. Anyhow, I managed to get through the whole thing…
  • Hey, so here are the scores for my first ever go at these songs!! Boom 8,801 I'm So Excited 7,885 Da Funk 8,302 Not so good but room for improvement before next Thurs! Bex
  • L2 D1 - done! I quite liked the routine, but struggled with it - mind you, I felt like this after D1 of L1, and it got better, so i'm keeping everything crossed! The hardest bits for me were the plank cardio bits and the final set of abs!
  • I'm from the UK! :smile: Not too cold here at the moment, but a bit grey and miserable as we head towards winter.... joy!
  • Goodbye Level 1!! Thank goodness, I'm so bored of it. I persevered with it though and now it's done! Kind of looking forward to L2 now, plus I'm hoping to feel a bit of a burn in my muscles again after it so it feels like it's making a difference. 1/3 of the way through - woop! 20 days to go ;-) Bex
  • Now we've got the group I wasn't sure where to post, but seeing as the new songs are out tomorrow, thought I may as well put my efforts here! Only had one more chance to do the 3 songs this week, so here goes... Dynamite - 10,741 (last time 8,060) Take on me - 8708 (last time 9,324 - oops!) Jump - 10,251 (last time 10,756)…
  • Hi everyone, First time ever of playing JD3 today, so my scores may be pretty low - just jumped straight in there and gave it my best shot! Did it on easy rather than normal as it was my first go - wasn't sure what everyone else did? Here goes: Take on me - 9,324 Dynamite - 8,060 Jump - 10,756 (not sure how I managed…
  • That bit gets me too every time! Yet I find the last 2 mins of cardio dead easy... So 6 days in and I am noticing a difference - I was a mess after Day 1, now it's not so bad. Even those press ups I thought I'd never do are manageable, can't do them without knees on the floor but it's a start!
  • Bit late to post, but did day 4 on friday - aching has pretty much subsided now, and i'm feeling a little better about it all. Jillian's voice is beginning to get on my nerves though, as I've listened to the same thing 4 days in a row! For day 5, I think I'm going to mute her and put some music on! Had a take away though,…
  • L1 D3 done... Found it a bit easier today, and even managed a few press ups. The hardest bit of the whole work out for me is the first 2 mins of cardio - jacks, jump rope, jacks, jump rope, gets me every time! By the end of the 30ds I'm hoping to have gained fitness, shed a couple of inches and generally just feel better…
  • L1D2 done! Seemed a bit harder today than yesterday thanks to sore legs and shoulders. Thought I didn't ache too bad when I got up, but it got worse through the day, probably not helped by a few hours of shopping :happy: Still can't do press ups, not sure i'll ever be able to do them!
  • I did day 1 yesterday (1st Nov) - UK time :-) feel ok today, not too achy... Managed the whole thing ok to be honest, though I couldn't do all of the press ups as i have a sore wrist! Bring on day 2, going to start soon before I go shopping :-)
  • Just bought this today - not tried it yet but would love to join in! When do the next 3 songs get posted please? Probably best I start then :smile:
  • Hey everyone, I'm new to the forums - been tracking calories for almost 2 months though! Having read a lot of good reviews about the 30ds, I decided to give it a go, starting today. Am just about to put it on for the first time! Thought I'd join this thread as it looks like several of you are starting this today, and I…