Breadoholic Member


  • This is very common. I also binge when I am alone because I know that there is no one around to hold me accountable for my excessive eating. This is another reason why leaving the house is key. Christina xo
  • I agree with this person's post also. Triggers are important to recognize. Mine tend to be boredom and stress (exams).
  • I feel for you buddy. My advice would be.... leave the house. Seriously, get up and just leave. Go on a long walk, listen to some music, write down what you plan to do to help yourself in the days coming. DON'T HATE ON YOURSELF. These things happen. Binge eating disorder is very common. I write down how i feel when I am…
  • Honestly if you eat a well balanced diet you will naturally lose weight... obviously you will need to reduce the amount of calories you consume also. I think stick to complex carbohydrates and eat them during breakfast and lunch... then you can burn them off during the day. Try sweet potatoes... they're better for you than…
  • You're in a healthy weight range, so if you don't want to gain any more weight then you don't have to. I wouldn't suggest losing any more weight though. At this point if you still feel like you are restricting foods and being really obsessive about what you can and can't eat, maybe you could allocate a day each week where…
  • This conversation got a little out of hand, but I see where everyone is coming from. Binge Eating Disorder does exist. Many obese individuals may suffer from this disorder. It's horrible. Yes, you're right, not all people who binge are obese and not all obese people binge. i am not obese, never have been... and I probably…
  • Hi Cristina, Funnily enough my name is Christina (with a 'h') too and I also have an eating disorder. I binged on and off for about a year and a half before seeking help. I lost an extreme about of weight by choice in 2010. I didn't need to, I was at a perfect healthy weight. I have never had weight problems before, but…
  • Yeah totes. Or read a book on Mindful Eating. Lots of luck, Christina
  • Sidesteel: Yep, I absolutely agree with you. Very valid points. Christina
  • I like double standards. Love reading other's... just don't need people reading mine.
  • I think people here all think they're health experts lol. I find it amusing when people give me advice. If I stuck to the diet of course I would lose weight, I just haven't stuck to it :P
  • I don't have my diary available because people are judgmental!!!! I remember once I sent a msg to this girl asking how she got such great abs. Anyway she added me as a friend and once she saw my diary she decided that my way of eating (I was consumed far less calories than her - she literally ate like 2000 a day and was…
  • Hey buddy, I had the same problem. I knew something wasn't right. Mindless eating to that extent is just weird. Anyone I was diagnosed with a Binge Eating Disorder. I saw an Eating Disorder therapist, she helped out immensely. And I have had 6 AMAZING weeks of no bingeing, eating healthy and regularly and going to the gym…
  • Hey, By gorging I assume you mean bingeing? Well do you mind if I ask how it manifests for you? Do you literally eat ANYTHING and EVERYTHING in the house regardless of what it is? You just want food and more food... Or is it more like you say to yourself... "Stuff it... I'm going to eat a whole bag of chips and then some…
  • I think that you're totally on the mark... I am also 5 foot 3 and my goal weight is 55/56 kilograms. It looks great. I weighed 55 for literally YEARS and then **** went ALL wrong in life and now I weigh 65. So hoping I can get back to normal real soon.
  • Melbourne, Australia
  • I logged it as circuit training (25 minutes) and it calculated I burned 200 calories - I probably burned between 150-250 so it's accurate enough for me. Hope that helps, Christina
  • I just did my first day but my weights are way too heavy so I'm going to start when I buy lighter weights. They're 2.5kgs each. I'll advance to the 2.5 kgs after a week or so of doing it. What are you using? Christina
  • Thanks for the reply mate. Very logical. Christina
  • I LOVE this! I use to do this all the time when I was at my goal weight (52 kgs). I maintaining this weight easily for years and years. Although in the last year and a bit I've indulged so I'm paranoid to continue having a cheat meal once a week.
  • Thanks for this. It makes sense. I don't want to binge. It's not healthy and makes you feel so gross. When i first starting dieting i use to binge after 5 days of being on a diet, but now that I'm living a healthy lifestyle (not dieting per se) I guess it's easier having a little piece of cake or two once a week without…
  • No I don't really have them but I've heard the term 'cheat days' used on this site by some members. Tonight I ate cheesecake and a few other naughty things and I just wonder how much it sets me back?
  • You don't let yourself eat something naughty?
  • Yeah I have, but I was just wondering in general how many calories... I'm always tired after work.
  • Light activity? It's feels moderate to me... especially in 41 degree heat (which is like 106 degrees fahrenheit)!
  • I find that weight just suddenly falls off. It's an accumulative process. Maybe if you had of changed how you ate for the first 11 days you wouldn't have lost that 2.6 pounds. Who knows. Congrats though. YAY LOSING WEIGHT FUN TIMES. Christina
  • I completely agree, but some MFP users have made me feel guilty for having a different opinion. I eat 1200 calories per day - although sometimes I don't log in - and I probably burn 300 calories three times a week (so 900 a week), but I'm not hungrier and I don't feel out of energy so why would i then eat? I honestly…
  • People on here always read way too much into everything. A lot of them fail to read between the lines, some are unable of getting the gist of what you're saying. Don't worry too much about it. In answer to your question I'm usually more envious of them. I have heaps of friends that literally eat what they want - sometimes…
  • Yeah man. I get ya. I'm being strict with my diet at the moment so I know I'm not cheating in any way ya know. I know a bit about food and how many calories they contain, so that helps..
  • Stevia and black coffee doesn't have any calories. I wouldn't worry about it. Just log things with calories, I guess.