Please help me.



  • Breadoholic
    Breadoholic Posts: 75 Member
    Track your binges by logging all calories consumed and take notes on triggers. This can be managed by being your own advocate, however professional help is something to seriously consider. You can use your food diary as a reference should you decide on seeking counsel.

    I agree with this person's post also. Triggers are important to recognize. Mine tend to be boredom and stress (exams).

    I guess mine is loneliness. I'm extremely anxious eating in front of people; now that my roommate has left for a week and I have the dorm to myself, it's triggered the binge. I'll try to leave my dorm when I feel the urge to binge.

    This is very common. I also binge when I am alone because I know that there is no one around to hold me accountable for my excessive eating. This is another reason why leaving the house is key.

    Christina xo
  • TammyLynne71
    TammyLynne71 Posts: 184 Member
    My advice would be.... leave the house. Seriously, get up and just leave. Go on a long walk, listen to some music, write down what you plan to do to help yourself in the days coming. DON'T HATE ON YOURSELF. These things happen. Binge eating disorder is very common. I write down how i feel when I am bingeing and then when I feel a binge coming on I will read over it. But basically leaving the house and preoccupying yourself is key.

  • floridagirl7264
    floridagirl7264 Posts: 318 Member
    Throw out all of your trigger foods. If it's not there, you can't eat it. Stock the house with fruits, veggies and other low cal stuff that you can enjoy rather than eating crap food. HTH:flowerforyou:
  • ihateroses
    ihateroses Posts: 893 Member
    Wake up tomorrow. Start your day healthy, (eggs, oatmeal). Do not punish yourself for what already happened. It happened, let it go.

    And I agree with whoever said get rid of the junk in your fridge/cupboards.

    Sip tea when you are at your computer or doing something where you are most likely to snack.

    Try to relax!
  • ParkerH47
    ParkerH47 Posts: 463 Member
    The more guilt that you pile on the worse you will likely feel. You can do this, seriously.
    If binge eating is a problem for you that you've experienced before, what has helped you stop in the past??

    The strength to stop is in there inside you somewhere, you just have to search for it. We have alllll been there, chin up!!

    Have you been logging your calories when you binge? Try it - even if its embarrassing and WAY over your limit, it may help to see those words... "if you ate like this everyday you would weigh ____ in ___weeks" this could be the motivation to stop your self.

    The only person your hurting is yourself, so be nice!!