

  • Oh boy, do I wish I was!!!!
  • I think that's a wonderful idea!! Two different threads for different levels of intensity! I also like the thought of a scorecard...not sure how you would do it...I guess you could post the two different exercises as two separate threads, then go by the comments on each thread?
  • CECYVAQUERO-how is your plan going? Are you able to wake up early enough to workout before you start your day?!?
  • Great plan stacy_1971!!
  • I like to workout before work. I like to get it out of the way and then do "bonus" workouts after work (time permitting). If I wait until AFTER work-a lot of times it doesn't get done. I make excuses for myself about how "hard I worked" and how "tired I am". Truth is...I'm tired of being overweight and not being able to do…
  • Well...funny you should ask...PLANS CHANGED: Monday I did not workout Tuesday I woke up at 6a and did some yoga Wednesday I took a walk on my lunch break then had my musical practice (I WORE MY HRM AND BURNED 815 CALORIES!!) Thursday I woke up early again and did WiiFit TODAY I took a walk on my lunch break and I'm going…
  • Hey EK! Welcome!!! How do you like using MFP? I started using it at the end of last year (October/November I think), then fell off the wagon in June/July of this year. I just got back at beginning of October! From the time I started at the end of last year to August I had lost a little over 20 lbs. Since then I gained back…
  • BAM! I'm in, all set! I love putting my goals in writing-I feel like they are more PERMANENT when I do that!
  • Glad to help!! :flowerforyou:
  • Good morning everyone! HEIGHT: 5'-3" WEIGHT: 167.5lbs CHRISTMAS GOAL: 165lbs FINAL GOAL: 150lbs 1. LOG EVERYTHING- I try to do this already...I have trouble logging on the weekends, so I will focus on that. 2. DRINK MORE WATER- Typically I drink 2 glasses/day (if I'm lucky...) I NEED TO DRINK MORE 3. SNACK HEALTHY- When I…
  • LOVE THIS! I am starting the JM30DS today as well!! CURRENT: 167.5lbs CHRISTMAS GOAL: 165lbs FINAL GOAL: 150lbs Since Christmas is only 4 weeks away I'm setting my goal as reasonable as possible...if...I'm sorry not if...WHEN I beat it, great!!
  • The workout is a really easy pace. It focuses on muscle confusion which is supposedly one of the best ways to exercise. This way your body doesn't get "used to the workout" and then your weight plateaus. You're supposed to do the workout for 30 straight days. I have tried, but only got to day 10, then I missed one. I am…
  • Welcome Marla! I know exactly what you mean-Sometimes I get frustrated with the OVERALL picture, I'm frustrated that I'm still 15lbs away from my goal (even though I've already lost 15lbs). Each day should be taken one step at a time. I like to plan out my week EVERY MONDAY MORNING! This way I can plan what exercises I…
  • Stacy-what a great way to end a Friday/start the weekend! I think it is a good idea to focus on the GOOD things both ON and OFF the scale. I have commonly heard them referred to as NSVs (NON SCALE VICTORIES). For example... MY NSV THIS WEEK: I have recently cut out all cream and sugar in my coffee. I used to drink 3-4 cups…
  • That is the only reason at all why I love Mondays-you get to start over! Even if you had a rough weekend-get back in it! Start off your week strong!
  • BAHAHAHAHA :laugh: Gee, why not?
  • That Chocolate Chip Ice Cream gum is made by EXTRA found it in line at the grocery store. Instead of picking up a package of Reese's cups (WHICH I AM TOTALLY ADDICTED TO!!!) I grabbed gum instead.
  • Hey Mary! Down 13 lbs? That's awesome in itself. You should be VERY proud of that! I don't think it's a bad thing to get on the scale. See where you stand-maybe it's not as bad as you think. Once you get that number out of the way, make realistic goals. We are human-it's okay to make mistakes, but it's also okay to admit…
  • That's a wonderful idea! I will definitely try and we will see how well it goes! Thanks!
  • Yes! I am new to the group/posting scene as well...My main goal is for all of us to be able to talk about things that will help each other stay motivated and get through tough times! You can even start new topics if you're feeling ambitious! :wink:
  • That is wonderful! Great motivation!!! I've honestly never thought of it that way, but it's all true!
  • I'm really glad to hear that others feel the same way-the extra motivation is a must!!
  • Mmmm!! I like string cheese...I peel it apart and eat it in pieces! :laugh:
  • w_shafer78-that is what we are here for! We will be glad to help give you a little push when you need it most! That's awesome that you have a plan and you are active. It is also great that you have noticed a trend-when you hit that 180lb mark and feel out of steam we will be here to cheer you on!!
  • I let things slip for the past few months and I don't want to slip any more. I want to be motivated and stick with it! I'm so thrilled that this group is already starting out with great intentions! We can have monthly challenges, recipes, advice and workouts! The ideas are endless!!
  • At our office we have a mini fridge and toaster oven in our area. We like to keep English muffins or bagels for breakfast. Then I like carrots and hummus for snacks-SUPER LOW calories in both!
  • Jenny, that's awesome!! That is the EXACT reason why I wanted to make this group! It is easy to "fall off the horse", but it isn't always so easy to get back on. I'm really excited for us to share our experiences!! What I'm trying to focus on right now is take one day at a time...I know it sounds cliche, but think about…
  • I've got a pretty good one... I was in a 3 year relationship. This past January we got engaged-had the wedding planned for THIS DECEMBER. This past August (3.5 months before the wedding...after everything was picked out and paid for) we broke up...while being on vacation...with HIS parents. It was mostly mutual...except…
  • Unfortunately, I am in the SAME boat...I have an OLD/CHEAP scale with the needle. I would like a digital one, but dont know where to find one, or what kind I should get lol. THANKS!!
  • We used HRMs in high school gym class (and I'm about to get my own :D !!!))), MAKE SURE that the belt is tight enough. It should snugly fit around your chest where the under-wire of your bra would sit (it's way more comfortable if you wear a sports bra to work out in.) I had trouble when they were first introduced- I got…