

  • Thanks for all of your advice , I have to get my act together! Everyone is so helpful on these forumns.
  • Hey thanks for your feedback , not much response on this topic hahah. Once i started running i just stopped training legs due to the mileage I was putting in. I'm thinking maybe I can hit them on Monday then run wed-friday-sunday. Something like that. In anycase thank you.
  • want to stick with the Nike because of the chip I have for their shoe. I tried the FRee - HATE them. I also bought the Zoom Structure. My first pair was almost perfect. But they are worn out, so I tried a second pair of the same and they are HORRIBLE for me. I am now wearing the AirMax (which gets awesome reviews) and I'm…
  • <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
  • Turkey Hill - Party Cake Jim Beam- Devils Cut - woah boy.....
  • Being tortured by Dairy Queen commericals , When there are none in NY! Hey look what we have 800 miles away!
  • Alice in Chains- Damn that River Deftones-Korea Korn-Faget Tool-The Grudge Disturbed - Droppin Plates Godsmack- I am Rage against the Machine- Maggie's Farm (Dylan Cover) Eminem - Mosh Seether-Pig Staind- Mudshovel White Zombie - More Human than Human
  • I usually do 4's on mon-wed-fri then hit a big one on sunday usually 8-10. I've taken an additional two days since that 15 miler. I kind of figured that's what the answer was. I'm going to go with the slow pace and take it from there. Thank you I appreciate your input.
  • ticker test. Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Just to name a few that I have set up as Power Songs with Nike Plus Just hit the power song button on your ipod when you need that second wind and BOOM the songs kicks on and off you go! Alice in Chains – Again Disturbed – Droppin Plates Godsmack – I am Defones-Korea Tool- Passenger Korn- Clown Temple of the dog- Wooden…
    in Music! Comment by mecmic June 2012
  • Ryan Kwanten (Jason Stackhouse) True Blood.
  • Turned out to be a lot of fun , While I was waiting for a light to change some people flagged me down to tell me I was Hardcore hahaha. That Definitely gave me a second wind, very inspiring.
  • Thanks Brian , it was a lot of fun. Shorter strides was definitely the trick.
  • I'm with you on this one Brother , it's real easy to give up and hop off a treadmill and head to the couch, but man o man being 4 miles in and no where near home , That is great stuff. Plus I love being outside and enjoying mixing up the runs. I use the treadmill as well but usually because of the weather.
  • I started running 1 month before my 30th birthday. My first run was a 3 mile run. I wanted to quit after the first three blocks , let alone make the 3 miles. My runs that are 6 miles and over are usually around 8.30 per mile. Just turned thirty one and proud to say 37 lbs down and my fastest mile has been 7:36 per mile .
  • Sometimes I feel the sameway. Depends on your weight, like somebody who is 150 lbs and runs 3 miles may burn alot less than somebody who is 200 lbs . Check out this site. It has a lot of helpful tips when in doubt. Hope this helps.
  • yeah I wear the AIC Sun proudly, Rip Layne !
  • Couldn't agree with you more!
  • 90's Grunge! Alice in Chains , soundgarden, mother love bone , mudhoney ,nirvana , Temple of the Dog , Deftones.
  • I wanted to get a pair of Noosa's just because of the funky colors, but I need to find one of these fitting places
  • Wow So many ! I definitely need to find one of these run analyzers in NY !
  • I'm going to give the strap a wash. I didn't know you could just replace the strap also. That's cool. Thank you every1!
  • As luck would have haha. I don't get it made sure I dried it off everytime too. Maybe I'll give polar a call
  • oh good, I do a gallon a day too. I was always wondering if i would get that second wind during those long runs if I had something around the 6 mile mark.
  • Thank you , I hate carrying a water bottle. I need to find something not annoying to carry and wont leave a terrible tan line by being strapped to my arm lol.
  • I cut off within the hour and I'm good for long runs (3-12's) , but I'm sure you should drink something in between. I just hate carrying a water bottle.
  • wow that's crazy , What do you eat ? Wow if I could eat something around the 6 mile mark I could probably get a lot further. I need to find some sort of water bottle that is not annoying to carry. All my runs water is cut off within the hour, I do 9-12's as well.
  • just great , My Parfaits will never be the same!
  • Woah 72lbs lost, Good for you! Guess i have to figure out My Max first. Thanks!