Running in the Rain

Well if you live in the NY area , You'll Notice lots of Rain today. Any pointers on not killing yourself ? My biggest worry would be slipping, other than that it sounds like fun.


  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    It's a lot like running in the winter, shorten your stride and watch your foot placement. Situational awareness will help reduce the likelihood of having to make sudden changes in direction and reduce the chances of slipping and falling.

    Personally, I love running in the rain (unless it's a torrential downpour or freezing rain)
  • mecmic
    mecmic Posts: 45
    Thanks Brian , it was a lot of fun. Shorter strides was definitely the trick.
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    I agree with Brian.
    I've also found when running in the rain (if it's pretty cold out too) that my throat and ears hurt REALLY bad for a couple hours after my run because of the cold rain, so I try to keep a scarf or something.
    Otherwise running in warm rain is really nice =]
  • NurseCarolyn2014
    I ran in the rain for the first time the other day and I felt revitalized, I really liked it :)
  • rubytOU
    rubytOU Posts: 154 Member
    I love running in the rain also. It keeps me cool and people think you are pretty hard core. :) I agree as well with being more aware though while running in this weather... especially if you are out on the street with traffic.
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    Running in the rain is the best. Slipping? No chance
  • RunnerBlonde808
    RunnerBlonde808 Posts: 257 Member
    Shorter strides was what I was going to say too. And just paying attention.

    I also love running in the rain. The best is a nice soft summer rain.
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    I'm in CT, so I totally hear you--it's miserable out today!!! Grab a hooded windbreaker and head out! I wish I could, but I'd have to take my son, and a wet 2-year old in a jogging stroller just sounds like a disaster. Luckily the weather is supposed to be nice again tomorrow.
  • Eaglesfanintn
    Eaglesfanintn Posts: 813 Member
    Brian gave great advice.
    I also love the rain and I don't mind the cold, but combine the two and that makes for a really miserable run.
  • azziria
    azziria Posts: 33 Member
    I *love* running in the rain, jumping puddles and feeling like a kid again :)

    I also like the way that people driving past in their cars so clearly think I'm mental for running in the rain, when in fact I'm having the best time!
  • reallymyBEST
    reallymyBEST Posts: 242 Member
    I'll take cold and rain or snow over heat and humidity every time!!!
  • ryno0618
    ryno0618 Posts: 361
    Running in the rain is therapeutic, love it. Just make sure you leave your phone behind or put it in a waterproof bag....I've ruined one when caught in a heavier rain than I thought out running.
    WILSONBA Posts: 197
    im in florida but in the city, i love running in the rain but also worried about slipping or getting my phone ruined. i would say stay off the white strips on the road, you can easily slip. watch your footing, slow down, and watch for mud/water puddles. also for your electronics if you have an arm band they tend to keep it fairly dry enough but i occasionally wipe it off with my shirt. i find that running in the rain allows me to run longer because its normally so hot and humid here that i can barely stand to run during the day. good luck
  • Lane1012
    Lane1012 Posts: 211 Member
    running in the rain when it's 70+ outside = awesome.
    running in the rain when it's below 50 ... not so much.

    thankfully we're in the "awesome" part of the season.
  • muddyventures
    muddyventures Posts: 360 Member
    I live in Seattle... And I've come to really enjoy the rain while tu.Bing. I am actually sort of dreading the 22 day summer we will have (the running part anyway).
  • muddyventures
    muddyventures Posts: 360 Member
    I live in Seattle... And I've come to really enjoy the rain while running. I am actually sort of dreading the 22 day summer we will have (the running part anyway).
  • jude666
    jude666 Posts: 231 Member
    In summer I like to run in the rain as I get soooooooo hot when i run, it helps to keep me cool.
    Doesn't like us brits are getting a summer this year so it'll be running in the rain till winter I reckon! :-(
  • 714rah714
    714rah714 Posts: 759 Member
    I'm in New York and I ran in the rain yesterday, rather enjoyed it. In the park, nice and quiet, just me and the ducks.
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    1. Leave the electronics at home (of course, I feel this way about every run, but I digress :smile: )
    2. Be wary of chaffing, especially your nipples, from wet clothing. Use SportShield or similar product on problem areas. Lose the shirt if it's warm enough.
    3. Have fun!
  • placebomonkey
    placebomonkey Posts: 104 Member
    I remember last year I set out sun shining beautiful day got about 4 mile from home and the skys just burst it was amazing loved it apart from my ipod getting soaked lol :laugh: