

  • "I think that ghosts like the cooler weather When leaves turn color they get together and walk along these, these old back roads where no one lives and no one goes with all their hopes set on the railway where no one came and no one stayed I guess that autumn gets you remembering and the smallest thing just makes you cry"…
  • To answer the OP I am a Marvel fan through and through, mainly the X-titles, although I kind of want to check out more DC type stuff, especially Batman. (I also make comic-inspired crafty stuff on my etsy store). If I were doing a cosplay I'd pick either Rogue or Psylocke. Actually when I don't color my hair, the grey…
  • You are a girl after my own heart.
  • This song by the Warped 45s has possibly the most well-written lyrics I've ever encountered The Grime of Earthly Glory The remnants of my healthy conscience will be rooted out and banished My mortal coil be addled and my better sense departed I will find the gilded palace and I will bask there unabated my every wish and…
  • From the Headstones, 'Above Ground Swimming Pools' I don't mind lulls in the coversation, I don't dislike an uncomfortable pause An awkward moment is to be savoured Not unlike obscene telephone calls I don't mind a few giant cliches There's nothing wrong with a little braggin' I don't despise grandiose displays Outlandish…
  • When you feel confident enough to, and screw anyone who would seek to shame you. When I bought my first one (stretch marks be damned! ) I realized two things... A) no one on the beach gave a **** what I looked like and B) with my build, a bikini actually looked better, as the one-piece I had pulled my shoulders down and…
  • I'm signed up!
  • From the Greater Midland/penetanguishene, Ontario area here, and freezing my *kitten* off!
  • It's a picture that I painted, referencing the song 'Tame' by the Pixies.. after I painted it, my daughter commented that it 'looked like me' (I guess because I have the same belt) so I joke that this is a self-portrait of my butt. I also ended up using 'Hips Like Cinderella' as the title for my MFP blog.
  • And I was pointing out that a lot of people don't have the luxury of being within walking distance of places to actually buy healthy food.. or have the transportation to drive there.
  • This indicates to me that you live within walking distance of healthy food options? Would I be incorrect in that assumption? There are people who are miles and miles away from the nearest grocery store, and may not have access to transportation. Ask anyone who has ever tried walking to and from a grocery store, to a bus…
  • That is so messed up. Gah. I'm sorry you have to deal with that.
  • Just in regards to this, if she refuses to ride a bike because she can walk where she needs to go, maybe that's a time to say "Awesome, then. Let's go for a walk." If she's seriously overweight like you say, walking will be a good start to getting activity in, and can provide more bonding time than bike-riding because you…
  • I thought you made an excellent point.
  • THIS. Just THIS. If they're not overweight enough to already know it, then they're probably not overweight enough that it's anybody else's damn business.
  • I do agree with the point that the parents influence the kids eating habits. I also agree that it is not so simple as saying 'Feed your kids better food'. I'd suggest Googling the term 'food desert' and reading up on this concept. There are people who end up eating junk daily not necessarily because the food is cheaper…
  • <img src="http://www.brookfarm.com.au/media/images/content/detail/raw-sugar-text469.jpg"> No surprises here.
  • Sometimes Cracked is so bang-on it's scary.
  • This is true.. and one of the things I liked about weight watchers is that it taught you how to eat BETTER.. to change your idea of what eating normally is instead of going 'well I lost my weight now I can go back to chips and chocolate'. However, my issue is that they are, above all, a huge corporation with a vested…
  • Just to add, MFP lets you customize your intake goals so you can track different nutrients. Right now I have my set to track for Calories, Fat, Carbs, Protein, but also Sodium (I tend towards water retention) and Iron (I'm also anemic). I think there are certain vitamins it also lets you track for.
  • The newer pointsPlus plan incorporates carbs, protein, fiber, calories and fat into their points values. On the older program, that I was on for four years and lost 65 lbs on, the points values only incorporated fat, calories and fiber. So something that may have calories, but is high in fiber and/or protein (which helps…
  • Not crazy at all.. one of my favorite local bands plays this kind of insane punk-tinged bluegrass and it really gets the adrenaline going.
  • This pretty much sums up my playlist http://grooveshark.com/#/playlist/Andrea+s+Playlist+1/59589594
  • Dancing is great exercise and free when done in the privacy of your own home. I also found that after the initial kitchen purge, my grocery bills went down as I wasn't buying as much junk food.
  • K'Naan - ABC's New Pornographers - It's only Divine Right Hannah Georgas - Dancefloor Diamond Rings - Wait and See Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Heads Will Roll Times Neu Roman - Best Est 2019 The Get Up Kids - Close to Me Metric - Gold Guns Girls
  • I've started offering to be Designated Driver, that way I'm limited to one drink (if that!) -or- When you go out, go somewhere with a dance floor and shake yer moneymaker - making sure to log it as exercise! Also, carry cash instead of running a tab so once you've run out of cash then drink water after. Plan ahead and eat…
  • Your haircut is very cute and I like the clip.
  • Good one.. also, walk over to someone's desk rather than emailing or phoning them.
  • This is one of my favorites! I have a specific 'housework' playlist that's all stuff I can dance to. - Also if you're going out, drink water instead of alcohol and spend as much time on the dance floor as you can. Another one I got from WW.. park on the farthest end of the parking lot when you go shopping. Also shopping…
  • I can't wear them.. I have issues with swelling in my calves so if I find a pair that fit my calves they end up being too big around my butt and waist. I can't wait for flares and or boot cut jeans to come back. I haven't been able to buy brand-new jeans in ages, it seems like all you can get are skinny jeans or old-lady…