shanea98 Member


  • Monday-- 5.8 miles/48.22 min- 8pm Wed--3 miles/24.12min -8:30 pm Both flat roads
  • Just remember ladies the lower the percent the less in the chest since those girls are almost all fat-- the weight lifting ladies in the low percentials usually have to have some added fluff
    in body fat % Comment by shanea98 July 2012
  • This year absolutely nothing since it hasnt rained since April in the Corn belt of Indiana. Look for the price of all corn based products to soar at the grocery store:tongue:
  • When they changed to the new system and noted fruits as free, they decreased the points as well. So used to you would get 26 points on the same plan now you only get like 23 or 22. That how they compensated.
  • I hate running on the treadmill, but sometimes in the humidity and heat its the only option. I do find I get the distance done alot better outside as I am unable to fully extend my legs on the treadmill. I must be having balance issues- lol. But it can be done. I usually put on incline of 2 just to mimick more the outdoors
  • started at 180# in Jan 2012 ( I am 5'7). Lost 17# from Jan to first mid March-- Stayed the same weight every since. Did it with diet, zumba and elipitical. Now running-- able to run about 4-5 miles with no problem with average pace around 7min 30 sec per mile. NEVER ran in my life and I feel GREAT.:flowerforyou:
  • I have been stuck in this same spot for almost a month now. I changed my routine, upped my kcal and even tried to meet my fat grams with no success. Just staying at the same weight. I am still losing inches and I am also toning up my arms and legs. So as long as this continues I aint letting it get me down- :tongue:
  • I am a big fan of Vanilla protein powder, Frozen mango and vanilla yogurt-- enough milk to make it runny enough that it comes out of the cup- lol
  • You should always eat your BMR no matter in effort to maintain lean muscle mass. When noting your activity factor-- thats what accounts for your activity on a day to day basis- thats what you do in the real world, You may include your daily exercise as part of this- that makes your day Kcal needs hight automatically. If…
  • the ww point system is based of fat and kcal in foods and then subtracting fiber. Since fruit and vegetables are free its a little harder to convert the points to kcal, but my 7 point foods are usually 280 kcal
  • use the recipe tab under food and input ingredients- then measure serving size and vallla you have kcals/ serving
  • its a standard nutrient breakdown. There are actual ranges for %kcal from carbs, fats and protein. Usually the percentages are adjusted based on certain disease states and activity factors. 30% is the max fat for most people except those whom have pulmonary issues as the are often offered less carb more fat diet due to…
  • I usually calculate it around 500, cuz you have warm up and cool down in the hour. Now some zumba is more intense than others. I think the live strong website calulated it for me
  • I used to love Pepsi max-- however my gut did not nor did my REM cycle when I tried to sleep at night. Gave it up. THe high concentration of caffiene and gingsing did sit well. Now hardly drink anything but water. May do a diet Dr pepper cherry every so often when I feel a brown pop desire coming on
  • its is considered a saturated fat and therefore will raise your bad cholesterol LDL-- so if thats not an issue for you then by all means use it
  • there is an actual formual to convert calories to points. WW just doesnt want people to do this as they would lose money- lol
  • I pick my machine based on where I wanted to lose the majority of my fat first and since may is concentrated in my thighs, butt and hip area- I have became best friends with the eliptical trainer. I also do Zumba because I love to dance and not have to get all dressed up to do it. Great stress relief. Add me. I
  • I track sodium as it does play a key role in water weight. I also track fiber-- and the MFP fiber goal is too low-- actual goal is 25-30 grams fiber per day. Not real concerned about sugar as its included in carb
  • first off I just want to note that for everyone reading this article and declaring it a golden rule remember: 1. this article was not written by a medical expert with notable research on the subject 2. there is a big difference between starving your self and starvation mode ( ie low metabolism). 3. he was on a liquid diet…
  • Protein needs should be calculated using Kg bw. For every day normal activity 0.8-1.0 grams /kg bw. You being 137# or 62.3kg-- your normal would be 50-62.3 grams. For muscle building it can range anywhere from 1.2-1.5 grams/kg. just a tid bit scientific infor
    in Protein Comment by shanea98 March 2012
  • You finish these with activity factors (1.0-2.40)and Stress factors (Most people will be 1.0) to get closer to actual- the Mifflin has been determine most appropriate in outpatient weight management settings. Atleast thats my 2 cents
  • Coconut oil is 91% saturated fat where canola and Olive Oil are 7 and 15% respectively. So when it comes to your lipid panel, Coconut oil will raise your overall cholesterol, your bad cholesterol (LDL) and lower your good Cholesterol (HDL). Where as olive oil lowers bad and raises good and canola lowers bad. So in actually…
  • Ideal body weight for 68 inches is 140# =/- 10%
  • Heart rate and Basal metabolic rate are different. Energy needs are based on basal metabolic rate-- the # of kcals burned at rest. So your kcals should not be much different than most
  • you should just add people much like facebook- lol. What will it hurt. Most everyone here is doing this for the same overall goal.
  • THere is easily 18OO mg of sodium in just the sauces alone in those restuarant not to mention the noodles and so forth. Most restuarant food is loaded with it as well due sodiums use as a preservative. It may take you a few day to flush that sodium out of your system. Water soduim work against each other, so the more water…
  • Everyones will be soo different because they have to take height, current weight activity and whether u are male or female. Men always need more maintenaince kcals then women. its just so not fair. You can adjust your kcals to what best works for you. A person whom has a lot of weight to lose shouldnt set there kcals…
  • The best time for women to weight is in the morning as we have a tendancy to gain ( fluid weight throughout the day). As a standard, one should always weight themselves at the same time of day to get and accurate measure. But realistically, you should see inches loss more than # as a notation of success as if you are…
  • Actually legislation was released and starting Jan 2012 all restuarants with more than 10 chainsa re required to have nutrition information available on all food items for the public to view. What the legislation didnt say was whom was going to make the determination and what software would be required to be utilized or if…
  • When decideing your meal make sure you add a protein item each time. So fo example you could have peanut butter and toast or yogurt and fruit for breakfast. These are also food items that can be grabbed and eaten on the go. For lunch-- make sure you add a veggies and fruit as well as protein/starch. So like sandwich raw…