Any way to convert points to cals in food?

kag1526 Posts: 210 Member
Today I got lunch from the cafe at work. Its rice with a stir fry of chicken and veggies. but I have no idea exactly what is in it or the size of the serving.

I do know that the serving is 7 points since on days they have healthy food (Tues and Thurs) they put that on the menu.

Any idea how to log this?


  • hdlb123
    hdlb123 Posts: 112 Member
    Did you try googling it? I know I've seen the conversion on here before, but I don't remember what it was. It wasn't exact though either, it was "roughly" that amount.

    Maybe take the individual components and try to log it by finding similar items?
  • shanea98
    shanea98 Posts: 32 Member
    the ww point system is based of fat and kcal in foods and then subtracting fiber. Since fruit and vegetables are free its a little harder to convert the points to kcal, but my 7 point foods are usually 280 kcal
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    I have found that weight watchers points are approximately 50-60 calories per point. If the food item has a lot of protein and fiber, the number is usually rounded down and if the food item has a high fat content, then the number is usually rounded up.

    This is with the old weight watchers system, not the points plus system so I am not sure about that.

    every once in a while when I can't log for some reason, I try to keep within an approximate amt of calories by counting points and converting them to calories just so I have an idea what I am doing when not logging in and try to stay on track.

    example: if something is 250 calories, I just tell myself it's 5 points. This is just my personal idea of what is approximate.