

  • I was dating my now husband, we went out on a date to the movies, and as I was standing in line waiting to get in, I thought my boyfriend was right behind me so I backed up against and started teasing his mid section with my hands behind my back, he kept backing up and I kept following. Inside the theater my boyfriend was…
  • wow! That's a good one and so true, my new thought starting today will be " If you bite it you write it" Thank you for sharing.
  • Don't look at the big picture, just take baby steps and before you know it you will be at your goal, I feel the same way about winter, I tend to hybernate and I don't have a tread mill but I do have 3 sets of indoor steps and I try to go up and down them as much as I can. On Saturday I plan on going to the local shopping…
  • You look fantastic, I realy enjoyed reading your story, very helpfull and motivating, Thank you,
  • I totaly understand, a few years ago I hired a life coach and went from 170 lbs down to 149 lbs, I was realy feeling good about my self and my progress, some how meeting up with a new friend who was an amazing cook and a trip to Disney World put me on an eating binge also. It did not take long for me to be right back to…
  • What a difference, we can now better see your beautiful eyes.
  • I have been gong up and down 10 pounds for as long as I can remember, I feel great I buy new clothes because I am down a dress size or two then bingo bango I get back into my old rounteen and before I know it those 10 pounds have found there way back and one or two more just for good measure. Mind you it took me over a…
  • for me it's usualy around 11:00 at night when I am about to turn off the television, my body wants to walk me to the pantry so I can stuff my face one I think that I can stop at one cracker, and then one becomes two and before I know it I have eaten 6. So when i feel that way I try to snack on hot air pop corn or fill up a…
  • I applied for a job at my local bakery, and I am sure I did not get called back for an intervew because of my weight. people may associate my weight with all the goodies they are selling. The baker was her self slim and trim so sad but true, and probably a good thing that I am not working around cakes and paistries all day.
  • Sounds very fammiliar, I too joined weight watchers, lost 10 put on 11, joined again and then I found this webpage and I know it can work, how ever the key is to try and keep on track the moment we get off that beaten path is the moment the pounds get packed back on.
  • I made this today and it's yummy, I added a little extra water though because my oat meal must be extra dry. Thank you!
  • I only read your post at 2:00 Am in the morning but I liked the idea of a challange and did 100 curls on both sides with 3 lb weights
  • I took up bellydancing when I was 32 years old and after my second son was born, I can honestly say it was at that time that I was in the best shape of my life. It's an amazing work out, my goal will be to Bellydance on my 50th birthday, a year from now and I will fit back into my 500.00 hand sewn costume.
  • Awsome! How inspiring you inner beauty truly radiates on both photos how ever your transformation from large to small is amazing thank you for sharing.
  • Yum! I can't wait to try it thanks :)
  • I started October first and I know I can do it, so count me in as well :)
  • Hi There: I just started this week also and my weigh in is on Saturday, how ever I have managed twice to go over my calories this week because I did not know the counter turn red when you've gone overboard. Now that I have that settled, I have made some progress, I am drinking more water, I started taking a multi vitamin…
  • I will take a guess and say your Henri and loui are pet snakes, if you like spiders then it would be no surprise that you also like snakes and other reptiles. That's great because I do like them if they are behind a glass wall with no means of escape :) I can't believe some one slamed you because you used the word " cute"…
  • I had issues in those tissues a few weeks ago, how ever I started taking Iron supliments and did not expect to have liquid stools. Just when I started to really worry about it things got back to normal, bananas and white rice are natural thickeners. I also work at a Golf club part of my job was maintaining the outdoor…
  • I lost alot of hair because after pregnancy my thyroid glad was in hyper mode have your TSH levels checked.
  • A great reason to get a little extra exercise in tonight, off I go to the supermarket to see if I can find the ingredients to your entree. Thank you for sharing :)
  • wow! My journey has just started and your photos are truly inspiring, congratulations your hard work has payed off. Hair or no hair your still a handsome young man.