waskier Member


  • The swim was my biggest obstacle entering triathlons as well. I figured out how poor my technique was when I built up to a mile and then realized how slow I was. Technique matters more in the water than the other disciplines because of the water resistance. I discovered this blog and used the 8 tips and videos to cut my…
  • Start REALLY slow. I would recommend starting on a treadmill at a walk. Increase speed to maximum walking speed. When you can't build a sweat that way, start increasing the incline. When you can handle steep (around 10 degrees) speed up to a slow jog at a flat incline. At that point start looking at a running program. Most…
  • Crossed the finish line at Ironman Canada in July for the first time. I have smiled every day since. No better feeling of accomplishment in the world. Take it one day at a time. You have some good recommendations here. Mine? Year one - weight loss first, then 5k, 10k, half marathon and finish the year with a full marathon.…
  • I'd say you're on the right track in terms of your thoughts. I'm starting the same process now in prep for training for next season. Weights 3x week and cardio with intensity rather than endurance. I use the Body for Life lifting programs (45-50 mins per session) and the advanced Hal Higdon half marathon running program.…
  • Thank you all so much for the support. It was one heck of a day. If you want to see something fun, the folks at Ironman Canada do a post race video. They included me crossing the finish line just before the end of the video! Memorialized forever! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CmaQb-HdsTg
  • Absolutely AMAZING! You rock!
  • Tough first time, but glad to hear you didn't give up. I'd start with analyzing your diet in the 2-3 days prior and see if you did anything different than before your long training runs. (I'm thinking alcohol, less water leading up to the race, staying at a hotel with air conditioning running all night, anything that may…
  • Just finished a 9 mile run and my average HR was 139. I'm 46, so I would expect yours to be higher than mine at your age, but not that much. You need to ease into running slowly. It can be very hard on your body initially and your body needs to be able to recover properly. If you want to run faster, run slower. As your…
  • Thumbs up. BIG thumbs up. I use a roller bar (thin with handles on either side that you use to move it back and forth across sore muscles) after every run. I use my foam roller if I'm really sore. Basically, it gets your fluids moving, relaxes tense muscles and aids recovery. Can't explain all of it, but it works!
  • Love my Garmin. Picking one will depend on what you want it to do. I use a 910xt, but only because I participate in triathlons. Go to a website like REI and compare them. Look at the features, determine which will be important today as well as in the future (keep your stretch goals in mind) and select it that way. Good…
  • This^^^^^
  • Agree with the folks on hydration. One thing I would add, as you get to longer distances pay attention to sodium. Sweating draws sodium out of your body and drinking lots of water further reduces the ratio of sodium in your body. I keep salted pretzels in my car and eat a couple after (or even during) long runs. One other…
  • Hal Higdon's plans are GREAT! Follow it closely. Definitely ease up on the weights a couple of days in advance. You want your energy tank full on race day. A couple of tips: 1. NOTHING NEW on race day. No new shoes, different nutrition, clothing, etc. If you haven't tried it successfully before the race, don't do it during…
  • I felt the same way when I started training for triathlons. I eventually worked up to a mile swim before I realized how wrong my mechanics were and how much harder I was working than was needed. I discovered Total Immersion and it transformed my swim. Before I changed technique, my best mile was 1:07. After just 7 workouts…
  • Almost everyone gets self-conscious about their pace. I have a friend that recently admitted to being embarrassed by his 1:44 half marathon PR. I only hope to make that some day! I recently volunteered for the first time at a local half marathon. It was one of the best things I have ever done. I made sure to stay to the…
  • 2013 Lake Stevens Ironman 70.3
  • YOU ARE RUNNING TOO MUCH! And you are going to hurt yourself. If you are already up to 4 miles a half by May is very doable, but look up Hal Higdon and pick his beginner 1/2 marathon program just like josavage said. Your body gets stronger when it is resting (after you have beaten the crap out of it with your training!).…
  • C25K is a running program that stands for couch to 5k. Great way to start running from scratch.
  • Yup, I'd bet shoes. If you run a lot they will flatten out. Also might be worth having your gait checked to make sure you haven't shifted to needing a different type (stability, neutral, etc). Any change in your laces? Both my wife and I have experienced that when we have either laced too tight or purchased new ones that…
  • And multiply by an additional 1,000!!! Next advice would be DO NOT RUSH IT. C25K is a great starting program. Hal Higdon also has a great website with tons of great information and additional training programs as you progress. Slow and steady wins. Don't be afraid to run and walk to start. Don't add too many miles or too…
  • Glad to hear you are using one of Hal Higdon's plans. My wife and I typically schedule one extra week into his plans so that we have room for "life". Illness, work, travel, etc always seem to get in the way at some point over the several months of training. When that happens, we back off that week to an easier one from…
  • Probably a couple of things going on. I assume you are looking to run a half or full marathon? Most people don't look for long runs that far unless they are so I will give you advice based on that assumption. As you reach longer distances your body needs fuel. Gu, Chomps, any kind of energy that is easily digested in small…
  • They are all meaningless without bacon.
  • I used to have IT band issues and learned a yoga stretch that really helped. Sit on the ground as if you are going to sit cross legged. Take your right knee and place it on top of your left foot. Take your right foot and place it on top of your left knee. Now lean forward gently. Reverse legs and repeat. This stretch has…
  • Little rusty these days.
  • It is, we are just having fun. You created a thread that says you are looking for friends over 6 inches. Pretty sure you meant 6 feet, right?
  • Yeah, but knowing you, it probably weighs 50 lbs!