

  • Hiya Another Brit here, I am in South Wales. I really want to lose a stone before I go away in August but really struggling. Please feel free to add me to keep me encouraged. Always looking for new friends x
  • I have downloaded an app for my phone called C25K (couch to 5k) and this is a 7 week programme which alternates jogging and walking.
  • Yeap looking to lose a stone. In Feb I stepped on the scales and was disgusted. I lost over 5 stone 6 yeards ago after having my little boy, but it has slowly started to creep on. I do quite a bit of exercise and I was in the mind set I could get away with it...... I am running Cardiff half in October, so going to start…
  • Thank you Diverchic Week 2 Results bluehooked loxleys annerea bjshooter -2 (cw 149) Charli666 chrismisterx darblij fatlass70 IanGiles kzeffertt -140 (0.6 lb loss since week 1) looby1968 lorijupiter3 lushy20 midgetgem74 morganadk mrsshzbat NicNac86 NuclearGirl Rosy67 sarahlasvegas sthorpe1179 tracybewick willowglimmer…
  • Okay will add here for now, loss of 1lb this week, not great. So I am now 165lbs and 5ft 8. Southern x
  • I am all confused as well, as I put on last week and it is showing my loss from week before.
  • Morning all, whats happened to the sunshine!!! :grumble: Well today I have had a comment from one of the guys I work with that it looks like I have lost weight..... so why does the scale say bloody different :cry: I must invest in a tape measure. I did take photos last weekend, before I started my running so I am hoping to…
  • :smile: Yes Shandy I agree Wales is looking lovely today. What part you from? I am in Newport :smile: Mairgheal it is a great feeling putting on a smaller size. When I first lost weight after having my son, I was in denial I had dropped a size, until my mum convinced me to put on a 12, the feeling was great. That then made…
  • Morning guys Well it seems I am having a battle with the scales, I lose 1 1/4 and then put that back on, this has happened the last few weeks :sad: I really need to make a dent in this weight gain since Xmas and its just not happening, only loosing 3 lbs since middle of Feb is so disheartening. I must invest in a tape…
  • Sorry SOuthern Softies, let you down 1 1/4 on :frown: It seems I have a pattern of taking off the 1 1/4 and then putting it back on :sad: Will try evern harder this week and really watch what I choose
  • Morning everyone. Yes it has been a lovely weekend, which helped me with my boost for training for the half Marathon. Went for 2 short runs over weekend, mixture of jog and walk, as the friend I am training with needs to improve fitnes..~ I am going this evening alone to see how I go and want my pace is like. I really have…
  • Thanks both I am glad that it is a pretty good course. Never done anything like this in my life, but I am so excited to be doing it. But I do have to register which will do next week. Enjoyed run/walk this morning, cannot wait for next one. I have been taking Glucosamine for a while as I do a lot of zumba and found my…
  • I lost 1lb 3/4 this week taking me to 164.8 (height 5ft 8) Rach (Southern Softie) xx
  • Morning guys, it is a beautiful morning here in South Wales, which is ace as I start training today, because for some reason I have decided to do Cardiff half marathon in October.... oh well it is a challenge. When do we need to post spring challenge way ins? Have a fab day everyone x
  • I would like to join in please, keeps me motivated. I weighed in last wed at 166lbs and I am 5ft 8. I am from Newport, South Wales :smile: SO assume I am in Southern Softies :flowerforyou:
  • Hi Guys can I sneak in :-) I am in Newport, South Wales Been following MFP correctly for 4 weeks now, and 5lbs down. I weigh in on Wednesdays, but not holding out for muich this week as we went to Yorkshire to visit friends. Although the last few days have been cold I am loving the sunshine. xx
  • Newport South Wales for me :happy:
  • Well that gives me hope then :laugh: Maybe I should change weigh in days to a Friday, that would be 2 days after my last toning workout. I shall have a little sneak on the scales on Friday and see what they say then. Thanks
  • Well I have weighed in and to say I am disappointed is an understatement. I have worked hard, ate pretty well and exercised a lot and I still managed to put on half a pound. I really thought that I would loose at least 2lbs, especially being 1st week back to it and having worked hard at all my classes. The only thing I can…
  • I try to eat when I am hungry and not when I think I should. I have breakfast, then snack about 10.30ish, lunch 12.30ish and then tea at around 6ish or later if working out. I am also trying to stop eating when feeling full, which I do most of the time now. Trying to get over the fact that I am not really wasting food.
  • Well done on being good, I am like you been very good all week, needed to get back on track. Your weekend sounds fab. It sounds pretty active so don't worry about the calories enjoy yourself x
  • Well I have been back for 2 weeks and I finally got on the scales and I put on 2 lbs, which is not that bad, I did swim most days but only managed the gym 3 times. I chose pretty healthy food it was the drink that was the let down. But I am back to it now.
  • I love Zumba, I started back in November 2009, when it was relatively new in the UK. It is now massive, with loads of classes where I live. Our teacher is brilliant and she does songs that are currently being played on the radio, so people think Ia m mad when I start dancing around. I have no co-ordination when it comes to…
  • Hiya can I join you? I have not been doing the diet for the last month due to holidays, so I stepped back on the scales on Wed and I have put on 2lbs in 4 weeks, which is not bad considering I went on an All Inclusive Holiday. So currently weigh 161 Would love to get to 147 eventually.
  • Thanks for all the positive replies, I am going to enjoy my holiday but incorporate what I know into it. I do not want to undo 8 months worth of work in 2 weeks. I shall let you know how I get on. :drinker: