Just going to keep it real

Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
I am super duper proud of me! I'm going on day 5 of staying within my calories and not eating out(having absolutley no cash has helped lol) but i got paid today. But I brought my lunch and I plan on going grocery shopping for the week. But the weekend is here thank the lord. And I have a very fun one planned. Going out dancing tonight with my girls, then fire/party tomorrow night at the boyfriends. Oh and the beach tomorrow too! FUNNN. BUTTTT I will be going over calories. But I'm still going to eat well. not going to eat out and if i absolutley have too then it will be something healthy.


  • rachie78sw
    rachie78sw Posts: 28
    Well done on being good, I am like you been very good all week, needed to get back on track.

    Your weekend sounds fab. It sounds pretty active so don't worry about the calories enjoy yourself x
  • ❤B☩❤
    ❤B☩❤ Posts: 634
    As "LainMac" mentioned in a previous post, "Diet" is not for the rest of your life. Healthy eating and learning to make healthier choices ARE for the rest of our lives! So go ahead and HAVE what you want! Within reason, and you might make an adjustment somewhere else in your daily diary. And drink lots of water before you go out!

    But for Heaven's sake, DON'T deprive yourself or you will resent the healthier way you are eating and go back to bad habits from your 'past life'!