

  • sounds great I will take it to the family thing this weekend...:)
  • I want to know what you guys eating that you can easily stay under 1200 calories as well? Mine is set at 1470 and I sometime eat my exercise calories and have my wine at night.
  • hello!! Im fairly new too. I love it here because anytime I have a question I know I will get the best answer here. Everyone is great. Any help with anything get ahold of me.
  • thank you for all the ideas!! Then there comes the sodium we have to watch.....HELP.
  • thank you. I know it hides in some places you would not think. I do make home made things on the weekends but its hard!!!
  • oh I'm eating fruits and veggies. Just somethings no matter what you do its hiding!! LOL. Thanks and any more advice send it my way.
  • thanks, I have been weighing once a week but was thinking about doing it every other week. Thank you for all the great advise!!!
  • some of the snacks and meat I eat are sodium rich!!!!
  • yeah thanks. It is amazing what has sodium in it!!! I truly keep an eye on it but it sure sneaks up?
  • different recipe that mine but it will work. I will post my later!! Thanks for the help.
  • hey thanks for the advice so far...I'm leaving on Friday afternoon to head there. I will take healthy snacks and do my best. Start fresh on Monday sounds good. I will work it out. Any more advice is welcome. Thanks.
  • I had a hard time to at first. now it's just habit!! I feel so much better when I drink water. My skin loving it too.
    in Help! Comment by mclark1588 June 2010
  • thanks, I was kind of worried at first. It's been two weeks since I started the fitness pal and the first week I didn't lose anything. So yeah I'm excited now!! Thanks again!!
  • ground turkey, tomatoes, beans, garlic, onion, water, salt, seasonings, I don;t know what else I maybe missing since I through it together and it comes out so good.
  • I still have my glass of red wine in the evening after work.
  • Ahh yes my cycle is very near like in a few days!! Hey thanks. I do feel my clothes may be fitting better but taking it slow maybe the best way huh????
  • Yes exercising and watching food intake. I eat veggies and try to watch the carbs. I do 40 minutes on my elliptical almost every day...or at least every other. I do some weights and stomach exer. What to do????