

  • 30 Day Shred, definitely! Also, BodyRock, if you can find their videos when they were structured and simple to follow.
  • My new favourite is a Twinings one I tried in Costa the other day: Gingersnap Peach - YUM!! Can't find it in the shops though :-( Otherwise I like ginger & lemon, cranberry and raspberry and peppermint :-)
  • In case anyone struggles to find unsweetened apple sauce (as I did!) then I made my own: 4 apples peeled, cored and sliced, put into pan with a cup of water, sprinkle of cinnamon, simmer gently until apples are tender, then blitz in food processor! Yeilds a cup or so! :-)
  • Hi. Thanks for replies. I used 30gm dry. I'll have a look at the link, thanks :) I had it with Petit pois and finely sliced leeks, both added for last 4 mins of cooking, then once all water gone I added some mint sauce. It was lovely! I also had it again today, cold, with chopped up cucumber, red pepper, tomatoes and hard…
  • Anyone? :-) There must be others that eat bulgar wheat!
  • Really? Even though all the calculates say to lose a pound a week I need no more than 1500? Haha yeah sorry my profile pic is Bill Hicks, the late comedian. As an aside, I was wondering if anyone could answer my query about whether I need a HRM...? Thanks guys!
  • I would also love to know this! You look truly amazing! Seriously, well done. What a motivator this is :o)
  • Nice! As I don't have a microwave, assume I just stick in a pan with a lid or do I need some butter/low cal spray in there? Or do I do that once it's popped?
  • Mmmmmmmarmite!
  • I heard that Optimum Nutrition is one of the better ones in terms of high protein/low cals. I have tried the double rich chocolate one (I mix with almond milk) and it's yummy.
  • Thanks you guys! I have spray sunflower oil, didn't know you could get spray butter. Is it a Flora one or something like that? I am going to give the salad seasonings a go! I heard about this nutritional yeast which apparantly tastes cheesy I'm going to go back to H&B and see if they sell it there :-)
  • Bumping for the later crowd... :-)
  • Hi :-) Sorry about that. Just calculated again, using a website which displays clearly BMR, TDEE and calorie allowance based on goals, and it gave me this: BMR 1596 TDEE 1916 Daily allowance 1533 So, assume that as I have said I am sedentary, whatever I earn via exercise I can eat back (if I feel I need to)?
  • Hello and thanks for your reply. I like your point about being under one day and being able to use them up on another day. My problem, however, is towards the end of the evening I look at what I have left and think what else I could eat to use them up. It's like I think about food ALL OF THE TIME! It's unhealthy, surely?!…
  • Google Bodyrock - they have done 30 day challenges (I hear the Jan one was better than May's) - all you need is your own body weight and a timer - either Gymboss or download a free app on your phone.
  • WOW! You look amazing. Very inspirational indeed! :-) As an aside, I too have started 30DS this week. Did day 2 yesterday - acheing like crazy (and I am relatively fit!) but that is a good sign. I put my 'before' measurements in a Blog post, and at the end will post again - with pictures too. Good luck everyone!
  • Hey everyone! Would love to join you all! I started yesterday, but unfortunately the only free weights I had were 4kg - could barely move my arms this morning!! However just invested in some 2kg ones so hopefully day 2 later on this evening won't kill me so much :-s Going to take measurements and before pics tonight and…
  • Yep, not even bothered finishing it - just making my own up too! (with a combination of previous days)
  • I didn't actually heat anything up - just mixed, shaped them (I did balls) and put them in the fridge :-)
  • I recently made some protein bars using oats (sorry - can you get gluten free oats?!), peanut butter (pure - just peanuts, nothing added), homemade almond milk and chocolate protein powder. Next time I will sweeten with some agave as it wasn't quite sweet enough for me - but then I ended up sprinkling these with dessicated…
  • You roast looks fine to me - just make sure the plate is mostly roast meat (no skin/fat) and veg - less roast spuds/parsnips. I started having steam new potatoes with mine so that I don't miss the roast potatoes but you're only having 2 anyway! Oh, and don't make the gravy with the meat juices as there is likely to be fat…
  • I looooove dates! If I have porridge for brekkie I'll have it with almond milk, and a sliced banana and a few dates chopped up on top :o) If I make cookies I usually do pecan and date ones too. Yum yum yum!!
  • That Equalizer looks ace! Might have to take a trip to B&Q this weekend. I would also point out that for those that don't have equipment, they always give you alternatives to do instead. Also, where I am not able to do the exercise in a particular workout (whether it's coz I don'y have the equipment or I just can't do the…
  • People who stand there and GAWP at you like they've never seen anyone running before. It's usually the groups of chavs. Insects - had them in my eyes and my mouth before! People who REFUSE to budge ever so slightly out of the way if you are sharing a pavement etc. (RUDE!) Blazing sunshine!
  • My lunches at work consist of tuna mixed with a relish like red pepper & chilli, tomatoes, cucumber, red onion and wholemeal pasta.
  • I also do HIIT - both when running outdoors (30 secs running as fast as I can, then walking/slow jogging for a minute or minute and half - for 20 mins maximum. Also do HIIT in strength training (Bodyrock) - 50 seconds doing as many reps as possible then 10 seconds rest, like circuit training.
    in HIIT Comment by sozzell July 2012
  • Wow, this is amazing! I can't believe that no-one else replied to this! Personally, I will definitely be using this as I am more than halfway through the 30 day challenge but couldn't figure out the rest of the challenge as the website is so hard to understand! Thanks a million, you are a STAR! :o)
  • Yep -double rich choc is good, espesh with almond milk. Yum yum :D