Fresh dates...

Lyra89 Posts: 674 Member
...are sooo addictive! I usually have 2 or three with some other fruit such as pineapple, or a few nuts.

I don't know much about this fruit, but it is one of my new favourites.

What do you guys think of dates for weightloss? Did you find that they helped/hindered you in any way?

They taste too good to be fruit...almost like sticky caramel...mmmmmm :tongue:


  • sozzell
    sozzell Posts: 166
    I looooove dates! If I have porridge for brekkie I'll have it with almond milk, and a sliced banana and a few dates chopped up on top :o)

    If I make cookies I usually do pecan and date ones too. Yum yum yum!!
  • Lyra89
    Lyra89 Posts: 674 Member
    Oh my god, that oatmeal sounds so good! I usually eat it with chopped banana and almond milk too...the dates would make it extra amazing! :happy: