

  • wow, I feel like a baby haha… I aim to be in bed by 9:30-10ish…. and am up at 5:30-6ish to workout before my daughter wakes up. Right now it's 11pm, but I had a nap after she went to bed at 7 lol (migraine nap- it was mandatory!)
  • Thank you :) I think she's cute haha!! A typical day for me would be: Breakfast: Egg cooked in coconut oil (sometimes added goat cheese) with stir fried vegetables Morning snack: Berries and nuts, or a smoothie Lunch: Leftovers from dinner the day before (I ALWAYS cook extras so we have lunch) afternoon snack: whatever I…
  • We eat about 80% Paleo right now… we do our best, but sometimes we eat potatoes, and occasionally rice or quinoa
  • which is still irritating as hell hahah
  • I actually have seen a significantly lower reading than usual….
  • I also eat Paleo/Primal, which actually came out of my 2 year old's diagnosis of a dairy protein allergy (different from lactose intolerance), and gluten sensitivity, suspected celiacs but she is too tiny to be fully tested. My hubby and I both started this with her, almost 2 years ago now. She was so little that we didn't…
  • Great French Canadian Poutine!! I have to work really really hard to make up the large amount of calories when I eat it, but MAN is it tasty!! I just can't give it up... just have to eat it in moderation now!
  • I've been breastfeeding for 18 months now.. and thought I'd chime in with what's been working for me! I am in school to become a lactation consultant, and was doing a huge assignment on breastfeeding and weight loss, and read about "zig-zagging" for weight loss while breastfeeding. So, for 2-3 days, I eat below my MFP…
  • I have lots of additions lol but no time today... will add them later, but definitely marking for later!! So many great new recipes to try out :) thanks!!
  • Old post... but wondering if anyone ever figure out a good solution to this?? My HRM broke, and waiting to replace it after I go back to work from maternity leave... but I walk with my LO at a quick pace for the dog twice a day... it has to count for something!
  • I tried to get through it in March, but then my baby girl got REALLY sick and hospitalized, so I was thrown off completely. I'd love to start it again!! I will start it tomorrow morning, so will be a couple days behind you ladies, but will get into it!
  • I only got through 20 minutes of it today... I woke up eary to exercise, knowing I wasn't going to have time later, and apparently my body does not do well with that. I got dizzy and nauseous just as I got to the middle of the last circuit and felt like I was going to pass out... so had to stop :( I feel disappointed in…
    in Day 10 Comment by ckeachie March 2012
  • Ya my shoulders hate the side lunge raises too lol! I'm still really struggling with the pushups, and also getting through the 1st circuit cardio (jumping jacks, skip rope) my calf muscles start to spasm and seize up by the second set of jumping jacks and it's so painful I have to modify the rest, but everything else I…
    in Day 5 Comment by ckeachie March 2012
  • I was feeling a huge difference too, so did my measurements tonight, and am apparently 2 inches smaller on my waist and 1.5 on my hips already... SUCH a motivation... especially since the scale has not budged at all and I'm trying not to get discouraged! My husband mentioned my stomach looked smaller which is why I checked…
  • Okay seriously, that killed me last night!! I don't know if it's because I've been doing too much else (we've had fantastic weather, so i've been hiking with my baby, lots of walks etc) but my legs were absolutely JELLO!!! I almost couldn't get up the stairs after, and almost fell over (LITERALLY) because my legs were so…
    in Day 4 Comment by ckeachie March 2012
  • Hey everyone! I'm Christine, I'm 5'11 and 237 starting weight. It makes me sound huge, but nobody EVER believes that's my weight, including my doctor. At my lowest as an adult I was 175 and got a lot of comments from family and friends that I looked sickly... so my goal at this point is 190 and re-evaluate from there. I…
  • Hey Ladies! I'm 5'11 and starting the 30 Day shred at 237 :( wow that sounds so big!! But, I'm determined! I actually started last week, got 3 days into it and then got the wort head cold in the world, and my 6 month old baby girl decided it was a good time to stop sleeping... so this cold is lingering! I can breathe out…
  • Great job! How often are you doing the 30 Day shred? and anything else in addition to that? I just started the shred again yesterday, had great success with it before my wedding 2 years ago and need to lose the baby fat now!
  • BEAUTIFUL!!! you can TOTALLY see it in your face!!
  • Hey everyone!! I'm also BFing a 6 month old baby girl, who has some weight gain troubles, so I'm very careful with how many calories I eat (after meeting with a Lactation consultant!) so I try to stick around 2000 calories a day, but tend to be very active, and do a lot of baby wearing as well! I've tried dropping lower…
  • p.s. my daughter is 6 months old now :)
  • Hey ladies!! Love all the BFing mamas!! Under the snack category, you can find "exclusive breastfeeding" which gives you the additional 500 calories per day that exclusive breastfeeding takes up, if you don't add this and calculate your calories otherwise you will shortchange your calories and if getting too low, will drop…
  • Welcome back!! I have a 6 month old baby girl and am also working at losing weight! I was overweight before she was born, and lost while pregnant due to complications and hyperemesis, so figure the difficulty I went through and the weightloss in pregnancy should be my motivator to continue losing!! One positive out of a…
  • I'm still having a hard time with working out. I had a horrible 3rd degree tear, so anything with lunges, squats etc is PAINFUL!!! I can't even walk for too long before the pain sets in! So, any suggestions LOL? I'm almost 3 months Post partum, and have been told that it could take up to 6 months until I feel normal…
  • Thanks so much for the information!!! :)