shannan74 Member


  • It's the best exercise I've ever done. It goes beyond the "I just want to be a physically fit person" to being an athlete. I would have never push myself beyond my comfort levels . Crossfit is about pushing yourself over and beyond. It's about not letting the mind overpower the body. The body can do so much more than the…
  • I did the 30 day shred last spring and didn't lose much weight but lost 10 inches. I think it is a great workout. I actually thought Level 2 is almost as difficult as level 3! Good Luck.
  • I recommend reading " Manage your Metabolism" byJillian Michael's.. It is eye opening as to how many excess carbs we take in and what foods actually do to our body. I try to take my lunch to work and eat at home as much as possible, for I know I am weak and do not want the temptation.
  • Spartanburg, SC here. Log in everthing you eat. EVERYTHING. LOG IN all Exercise. Exercise all the time. The computer does the rest. It keeps up w your progress., your job is to just keep on keeping on logging and exercising.
  • I still found ya! haha. I'm trying to learn to run. I want to run the 10 K Cooper River Bridge Run in Charleston, SC on March 27, 2010
  • Thanks Biloxi. Your info was helpful especially that Jennifer Anniston follows this diet. Kelly Clarkson follows Crossfit which is the exerciseprogram I'm on. Between the two combined, I should be hot by Christmas!
  • My advise is to be active everyday. Log in every morsel of food you put into your mouth. If you can only do 20 minutes of walking or 2 hours of cardio, do something. When you start to plop down on that couch. Don't , move around first then plop!
    in Newbie Comment by shannan74 March 2009
  • I'm attached to a radio with no windows. Everytime somebody heats food in the microwave I smell it. I just try to bring something that smells just as good.
  • I've been really good about not snacking and taking healthy food to work for my meals, we can't leave so i tend to pack my meal the night before so I can grab it and go. I've been really sticking to my calories. I wish the job were more physical so I could burn so calories at work instead of being stuck to a chair and radio
  • I just started in October. Working crazy shifts, makes it difficult to diet.
  • Why does my HRM show me burning calories when I'm just sitting around? Is this acccrate? Did I really burn 700 calories just cleaning the house w/o breaking a sweat? Can this be real? I just bought it this weekend.
  • I've actually been there. Beautiful Place. I dispatch for the RR in SC.
  • I dispatch for the RR. I'm sure my sense of humor is just as sick.
  • My son and boyfriend swear mine smell just like pure sulfer. I can never deny mine.
  • Log in your food , read your labels and stop yourself from plopping on the couch. Keep Moving Start low and build on it every day. Don't estimate your food diary. Look it up and be as accuarate as possible. Measure your food! Good Luck Shannan
  • sounds like you ladies have had a productive weekend. I've been slack and have went over my calories every day. So, I am about to get up off of my tooch and go upstairs and do my elliptical. Welcome to the newbies.. We' will be looking forward to seeing how you begin your progress. Shannan
  • Thanks FC... It sounds like it is back to basics...Don't buy it if you can't afford it.... Don't eat it unless you're going to burn it.... Shannan
  • Congratuations, You've already come a long way. you Look Great. Keep up the good work. 140 is my goal also. :) I'll be 35 on my b-day in April
  • I went out to eat mexican and have no idea how to log on my calories. I don't think I did it right b/c it is showing over 2000 calores .... I had a stuffed portabella mushroom dish w/ lots of chips. it says one container of mexican restaurant chips is 1400 calories... Is that right? Between me and my bf we had about 2…
  • One more thing.. I know my weight isn't reflecting any loss but I originally signed up in January and used it for about a week, then quit and gained roughly 10 more lbs. In the past two weeks since I have met this wonderful group, I have manged to lose 6 of those lbs. Hopefully, I can get below that original weight and…
  • I have been slack and didn't work out for two days but I got back on track today. I only worked out 10 minute but burned 145 on my elliptical I increased my resistance to a 9 out of 12... I had a rough day at work yesterday so I needed to rest and decompress last night. Today all I've eaten is a banana for breakfastg…
  • Well today I still had 2 packs of oatmeal. and a banana by 10:00a.m. then steamed chicken breast and vegetables in one of the zip n steam bags . I have 500 calories left for supper. Awesome.... It is now 4;00 and I am resisting the smell of brownies and coffee at a starbucks/ Barnes and Noble while logging in my calories.…
  • Good for you... I wish I had burned that many. I'm not sure how I'm going to burn any tomorrow night as I am going to see Motley Crue
  • OK I burned 603 calories today and am still 300 calories over 1200... AAAUUUGGGHH . I'm frustrated.... Also, i weigh every morning and night and tonight I was up a pound from this morning. I hope it is gone by morning.
  • spicey, I was about to type and hit my touchpad ( it is sensitive) Spicey: you sound like you are a machine right now. Good for you!
  • I'm off today. I got up and ate a 385 calorie breakfast and then did 23 minutes on the elliptical to burn 307 calories. Yeahhhh... My goal was 12 minutes. I'm also going to do more working out today so I'm excited to see how many calories I can burn. Spicey
  • So today I had a banana for breakfast and a salad for lunch and I'm full so far,( not sure how long this will last.) I think i want to buy the px90. I hear everyone talking about it. I was torn between spending the Money for the gym or the px90. Seems like px90 may be more convenient as their isn't a close good gym near my…
  • Well, welcome to the support group. Congrats on walking the dog for 30 minutes. Keep Moving!
  • OK... I wasn't very good this weekend. It is now Sunday and I didn't work out Friday or Saturday. I went over my caloric intake limit by 500-600 calolories both days. I t hink I'm taking in too many calories first thing in the a.m. . I've been eating 2 packs of oatmeal and then an hour later eating a banana. I think I need…