Amigas Fuerte - Strong Girlfriends



  • nicolet04
    went to zumba today (480 calories burned!)

    tomorrow i have a special 90 min zumba that i am going to, so im gonna burn some major calories tomorrow!!!

    hope u all have a safe and happy new years!!!:drinker:

    be back next year!:laugh:
  • nicolet04
    nicolet04 Posts: 830
    man it sure is slow around here!!! went to zumba this morning and burned 900 calories!!!

    HAPPY 2010!!!!
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Hey girlies!

    I gotta make it quick cause i'm waiting for my boo boo cakes to arrive.. going to the drive-in tonight. I think we will see It's complicated Or maybe not :wink:

    Hey sandy - Yes the young boy is keeping my attention :happy: I've forgotten all about his age being that he acts like a gentleman.

    Nicole - You are Doing so great girl. I :happy: for you. I'm crossing my fingers for Survivor :bigsmile: I don't think I could make it on that. :laugh: I would love to do the Amazing race. :smile: Thank goodness you got that RC out of the way... starting the new year off right :wink: I'm so excited for you and your first day of school... do you anyone who attends already?

    I had a fantastic New Year's after 12 my honey and I went to the beach to enjoy the "Blue Moon" the weather was perfect, beffore we realized it was 5 am.... :love:

    I have not logged any food, but I have some of it written down on stickies :wink: I did go rollerblading on Tues or Wed. Hvan't done anything since. :ohwell: I'm sure I will be back in the swing when I start work.

    Gotta Go

    Have a great evening Amigas.,,, I know I will :bigsmile:
  • suzanne63
    suzanne63 Posts: 616 Member
    Ok.I'm back and praying I stay motivated.It's time to get and stay in great shape this year.I missed you all.Happy Happy New Year.
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member

    I'm starting to feel more like myself today & may just make myself do some exercise! I'm starting to feel gooey! I figured it out that I've been struggling with my energy & healthy lifestyle ever since I got the stomach virus about a month ago. It's now my TOM, but I actually feel better then I've felt in weeks!

    Nicole, what an awesome job you've been doing! How awesome that you burned 900 calories at zumba! That's just amazing! I'm sorry that I've not been around so much & that it's so very quiet around here, but know that you're in my thoughts - always - & that I truely do appreciate your dedication & inspiration! You ROCK! Congrats to you on the school thing! I know that you're going to love it! When is your 1st day?

    Spicy, girl, I'm so very happy for you! Sounds like you're having a wonderful time with a great guy! Enjoy the rest of your time off of work! I know that you'll be back into your routine & groove next week! Any ideas for some new challenges?? Seems like we could really use the motivation! I've been slacking in all areas so I'm up for ANYTHING!!

    Suzanne, welcome back!! You can do it!! Set yourself a mini goal & make it happen! Maybe try for your first 5lbs or add an additional day of exercise to your week or even add on an extra 15 mins to the workouts you already do. I find that small, mini goals achieved make me feel successful & keep me motivated.

    So, the Biggest Loser will be starting up again next week - just in time for me to get it in gear!! The motivation is priceless!!

    Make it a great day & weekend!!

    :heart: Sandy
  • KZOsMommy
    KZOsMommy Posts: 854 Member
    Happy 2010 Amigas!!!

    Well life has been busy here. A couple of days ago my son woke up in the middle of the night throwing up and then having uncontrollable diarreha (sp?). Then last night it was my oldest daughter the poor baby has it BAD. Just waiting for my little one to get it. I think today MIGHT be my turn :( My stomach is just feeling blah. Hoping I don't throw up. Other then that we have just been hanging out here at home and starting to take down our Christmas decorations. My husband and I have decided to move out of our house and back into the city (we live out in the country). So I think we will be moving around June. So starting to look for a place and things in order. Today is my first day of push circuit on Chalean! I can't wait it was really time for a switch for me. Still waiting for my heart rate monitor to show up I am really interested in seeing what I really burn doing Chalean.

    Nicole- You are AWESOME girl!!! I have my fingers crossed for you for survivor there is no way I would survive on that show! Good luck with your first day of school I am sure you will great :)

    Sandy- Glad to hear that you are starting to feel better! My family has that stomach bug :( I am so excited about the Biggest Loser next week!!! It will be amazing to watch them all and I am looking forward to those twin brothers that together they way almost 1,000lbs. I am so in for a challenge too I need something to kick my butt!!!

    Spicy- I am so HAPPY for you girl!!! Enjoy your time with your Man and your time off work I am sure you will be right back to working out and logging your food :)

    Suzanne- Welcome back!!! I agree with Sandy one step at a time, you can do it girl!!!

    Make it a GREAT day Amigas!
  • AmyT88
    AmyT88 Posts: 239
    Hello ladies!!! I have been MIA for no good reason. Yes, Nate was home but I was still logging into SparkPeople so I really have no excuse for not logging in here. But I'm working on getting back...I weighed in on the 2nd at :noway: 182.5:noway: It's bad, I know! So today I'm taking my water bottles to work with me and going to push hard to actually DRINK both of them. I'll try to update you guys better later. I'm sure there are a ton of posts I haven't read so I'll try to catch up on those sometime this week. I'm off to work now. I'll be back soon I promise!
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Happy Monday Lovely Ladies!

    I have to start Fresh with logging because there is no way I can remember what i ate and it really doesn't matter cause I was still at 148 this morning :ohwell: :happy: Although I feel very comfortable with my weight, I don't want to lose my new "lifestyle" and like Sandy mentioned... I don't want to get too squishy :laugh:

    We watched "It's Complicated"... most of it :laugh: It was cute...

    Sandy - Glad to hear you have fully recovered from that "bug" :bigsmile: We must do something to get us back in the swing of things. Are we still on our "toning" mission. How about we do challenges like. Workout ___ muscles per workout. For example:

    Week 1 - Upper Body: in addition to 20 minutes cardio, we must do 3 sets - 2 muscles, your choice to allow for recovery.
    day 1 - 3 set Triceps, 3 set Biceps
    day 2 - 3 set shoulders, 3 set Back
    day 3 - 3 set Chest, 3 set Abs

    Week 2 - Lower Body: in addition to 20 minutes cardio, we must do 3 sets - 2 muscles, your choice to allow for recovery.
    day 1 - 3 set Hamstring (deadlifts, leg curls, etc.)
    day 2 - 3 set Quads/Thighs (lunges, squats, step-ups, etc)
    day 3 - 3 set of Glutes ( think these are similar to the thighs/quads)

    You decide which 3 days between Monday - Sunday... It's less intense than we usually do, but I really don't want to make exercise a "Job". If anyone has any improvements or suggestions, they are more than welcomed :bigsmile:

    Amanda - So sorry you're babies are going thru another illness. Hopefully, they will be back to normal soon. :flowerforyou: How was the new Chalean? Good you have something new with the New Year.... I can't wait to know what your HRM shows too :bigsmile: What's taking so long :laugh:

    Suzanne - Nothing like the New Year to put us on Track... If you notice. January of 2009 is when I joined mfp :blushing: 1 quick, year later and I'm HAPPY with my weight :bigsmile:

    Nicole - Hey Miss Survivor :bigsmile: How was your first day of school? I'm imagining it was today. I hope it's all you expected it to be :bigsmile: Have you figured how you will still have time for Exercise? Thanks for keeping our Thread Recent :bigsmile:

    I have my gym gear with me and expect to start Fresh and New....

    2010 Goal - To lower Body Fat from 29% to 24% :happy:

    Anyone else Dare to Write their 2010 Goal :flowerforyou:

    Make it a great day!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hello Girls!!

    What a day this has been! Makayla has been such a brat today that I'm finally just getting her calmed down & settled. We tried for step class this morning, but since her favorite little friend wasn't there, she refused to go into the babysitting area. We ended up leaving.. I put her in time out as soon as we got home. It's been down hill ever since. She's just been testing me & trying me all day. Oh the joys of motherhood!

    Anyway, I was able to do my Biggest Loser Cardio Max dvd on Saturday - 350 cals burned. It had been so long since I'd done that dvd that all the front & side lunges have left me very, very sore! I rested on Sunday & today I ended up hitting the treadmill for an hour - 340 cals burned.

    Spicy, I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed your movie or at least what you saw :wink: That did look like a funny one. I love your challenge ideas & just printed them out so that I know what to do! I also love your 2010 goal! Sounds very, very good! I'll have to check out my body fat & see what I can do about that as well.

    Nicole, how's it going with you?? I hope that you're enjoying school & I hope that the kids are keeping healthy! How's the zumba coming?? Were you very sore from your 90 min class on Saturday??

    Amanda, how's the new workouts?? Sorry to hear that you were fighting the stomach bug thing - no fun! You are just going to love that HRM!! It's a real eye opener!

    Amy, welcome back! I know that you enjoyed your time w/ Nate! As far as your weigh in, don't let it get you down. Just really concentrate on drinking your water & getting yourself active & accountable by tracking your food. There's really no secret. It's all calories in / calories out. You can do it!! Set yourself a mini goal to complete by the end of the month & set yourself up to achieve that success!

    Have a great day ladies!!

    :heart: Sandy
  • suzanne63
    suzanne63 Posts: 616 Member
    Ok,I did my workout for today.The little ones are back in school today so I am tired.But I got some toning and stretching in and no sugar or fat in my diet so far.Have a happy day today.:smile:
  • nicolet04
    nicolet04 Posts: 830
    hey buddies, gotta be quick now that i have school, i probably wont be replying much until friday, but i will still keep u all posted with my workouts! i go to school in the evenings so i will still get in my workouts!!! today i did an hour of zumba (430 cal) and then 15 mins of walking and sprints (115 cal!) i didnt workout saturday, cause i was soooo sore from opur 90 min zumba! sounds like u girls r doing great!!! sandy, i feel ur pain with the kids being crazy, it must be in the air cause niko has been throwing the biggest fits ever the past couple days:grumble: spicy, i totally want to see a pic of ur man!:bigsmile:

    my goal for this month is to not log my food and see how i do...i am pretty confident that i can do it! just one week at a time.....also i need to start drinking more h2o again and not eating past 8, cause i have slacked the past couple weeks, :huh: my new years resolution is to go organic!

    well off to the shower, then school!! wish me luck:wink:

    hope u ladies have a super night!
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Morning Amigas!

    I went to the gym and did my "New Year" workout :bigsmile: I did 25 minutes on the bike and then my sets. Completed the whole thing in 40 minutes and it felt great. I had to keep reminding myself that I DON"T have to be in the gym for a full hour to achieve what I want :wink: .

    So this morning I was feeling "thin" so I weighed myself again... still 148, but I decided to try on this dress that has not fit yet... BINGO it fit perfectly :bigsmile: Also, my "goal" jeans which I thought were a size 8, were fitting too tight to wear out the last time I tried. They fit just right and when I checked the tag.... Size 6, Junior :noway: Don't let that number on the scale mess with your head Amigas... Keep trying on those smaller sizes :)

    Sandy - I hope MJ will cooperate today... kids have bad days too :tongue: I wish I had those issues to deal with, instead of "teenager" issues :laugh: Really Proud of you momma, for not letting the "tantrum" distract you from getting your Burn On :bigsmile: Have you kept the CL out of the house? Have you tried putting lemon in your water... I notice that I can drink more water when it's room temperature, I just guzzle down as much as I can :wink: I posted the weight exercises I did in my "Note" Section of my Food Journal, just to remember which muscle not to overwork... not that I'm lifting much weight :laugh: I also just figured out that I never click on "done logging food". I noticed my homepage will show me "friends" that completed there Food/Exercise Log. Did it show me on your page?

    Nicole - How was class? I can't wait to hear :bigsmile: I will definately post a pic of my Boo Boo Cakes soon. :wink: Good that school will not inturrupt your workout routine. You have some great Goals for 2010 Girl :bigsmile: I would be a little nervous not logging my food before reaching my goal... :flowerforyou: I hope you don't leave us for too long, we need your energy around here too :laugh:

    Amanda - Hope you Keeping yourself healthy :flowerforyou: Will it be a Big change for you to move to the City? Have you always lived in the country? I'm a "City Girl" myself :smile: I guess you won't be moving to Florida after all...

    Amy - We must have been posting at the same time yesterday. Don't Give UP!

    Suzanne - Great Job! One day down, another day to go... slow and steady girl :bigsmile:

    It's freezing here... 48 degress this morning.:laugh: Sorry for you guys that are really experiencing "winter" :flowerforyou:

    Not working out today... I now understand how it can be very hard to workout during the winter months... I can't rollerblade or walk. Leaving the gym soaking with sweat into the cold air can't be good :ohwell:

    Make it a Great Day Lovely Ladies!
  • KZOsMommy
    KZOsMommy Posts: 854 Member
    Good Morning Amigas!!!

    I got my HRM in the mail yesterday :love: I did my fitness test on it last night and got a 44 which on their chart it says I have very good fitness for my age and gender 46 and > is elite! I used it this morning for my Burn Interval and Ab burner and burned a total of 471 calories in 55 minutes! I usually do another 30 minutes cardio in there but being that i am still not 100% from being sick I am playing it safe today.
    Kids are doing a lot better and for the moment my little one still has not gotten sick. She had a stomach ache and lots of gas the past couple of days so maybe that is how she fought it off with no puking as that is how my husband was too. Hopefully that will be our last sickness for awhile this is getting annoying lol.
    We are excited here as we are supposed to get snow wednesday night into thursday!!! We do not get a lot of snow here so the 3-4 inches they are talking is a big deal here. We do lots of ice storms though :ohwell:

    Spicy- That is AWESOME girl!!!!!! That is what I have learned too, I think after a point the number on the scale no longer matters. It is all in how your clothes fit since we all have bigger muscles in some areas then other and we all know muscle weights more then fat :wink: Keep it up girl I am proud of you! No big change moving to the city for me. I have been a big city girl as I am from around detroit but moved to this little town when my husband and I met. Florida is not out we just have to wait out his training which is another 1 1/2 years. We are not buying a home just renting.

    Sandy- I hope that you and MJ have a better day today!

    Nicole- I hope that school went well for you last night! Glad to hear that your class and workout class work well around each other for you. Good luck with your goals for 2010 they are great ones!!

    Amy- Keep going girl we are here for you!!!!

    Suzanne- Keep it up girl!

    Make it a great day Amigas! :flowerforyou:
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Good morning Amigas!!

    So, what to do today?? I'm thinking today is going to be a strength day. Maybe I'll do my The Firm Arms dvd. Haven't done that one in a while! There's no step classes until this evening so, I have to do something here at home today!

    Spicy, thanks for sharing your experience with your size & fit!! It's such a good reminder because we do all get hung up on the scale. Congrats to you, btw!! Awesome job! Can't wait to see your boo boo bunny! I've slipped up & started drinking CL again. I just couldn't drink water after I got that stomach virus & this is the only way I seem to drink anything. It's not my favorite flavor, so it shouldn't be too hard to breakk away again! Sorry to hear about your cold weather! Will it be around for long?

    Nicole, how was your first day?? So proud of you for balancing so many demands in your life! Momma, student & athlete! You go! I hope that you'll check in with us as often as you can, we just love your support & motivation!

    Amanda, sounds like you're enjoying that new HRM!! And for it to tell you that you're "ellite"! AWESOME!! But, you probably already knew that! MJ seems to be in a better mood today, so I'm hopeful that it'll be a good day! I hope that you & your family are outta the woods now & all feeling better!

    Suzanne, great job on that workout & for keeping your fat & sugar intake down. Sugar is the killer for me! It seems that if I cave & have something sugary during the day it messes me up & makes me crave it all day long! I hate that!

    Make it a great day!

    :drinker: Sandy
  • shannan74
    shannan74 Posts: 115 Member
    I still found ya! haha. I'm trying to learn to run. I want to run the 10 K Cooper River Bridge Run in Charleston, SC on March 27, 2010
  • suzanne63
    suzanne63 Posts: 616 Member
    Thank you.You all are great.Ok,I got my workout in today.I toned and stretched some.I need to start some aerobics soon.
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    I still found ya! haha. I'm trying to learn to run. I want to run the 10 K Cooper River Bridge Run in Charleston, SC on March 27, 2010

    Hey Shannon Happy New Year!

    Wow Girl, You are doing Super in that BootCamp. Keep up the great work... look how strong you are :noway: :drinker: :bigsmile:

    You can do it!
  • nicolet04
    nicolet04 Posts: 830
    hey buddies!! gotta hurry so i can get ready for school, but went to 3/4 of zumba today (350) and then an hour of yoga (200.) first day of school was great! its going to be a tough year though, with me going to school mon-thurs 5-10pm and my hubby going to school 8am-5pm mon-friday. wont see him much, but it will be worth it!! there is only 8 in my class, so its kinda nice! well gotta run! :wink:

    have a fab day!
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Morning Lovely Ladies!

    It's 32 degrees this morning. Brrrr :wink: It's a nice change, but DAM :laugh: I was late to work this morning because I was so snug I overslept :laugh:

    I feel the upperbody workout I did on Monday... I like that it wasn't even intense and I feel the soreness. :bigsmile:

    A girlfriend of mine called me yesterday and asked will I be her Workout Buddy :happy: She said when she thought "who can I get to workout" she thought of me :blushing: That made feel good :bigsmile: Well, we worked out a schedule and tonight we start with ZUMBA :happy: then Monday and Thursday we will walk at the park where I Rollerblade... the track is 4.5 miles 1x around so that will be a good burn :bigsmile: Although I don't want to lose "weight" this will keep me with enough calories to be able to eat almost anything I want :laugh: At least during PMS time :bigsmile: Don't worry Sandy I will continue with our "Toning Mission" :wink:

    Nicole - So glad you have a "small group" class... that is definately a plus. You are definately going to have to get creative for whenever you and your hubby DO get some time together :wink: :blushing: You guys are Awesome going back to school :happy: that is always a good investment and example for your kids. The time will fly :flowerforyou:

    Sandy - Are you feeling sore yet? What did you end up doing yesterday? How is the scale treating you; are you accustomed to your new Maintenance calories or did you change them? I'm at 1400 daily allowance and that seems to be working pretty good for me WITH exercise :wink: I went over by 300 yesterday because of some animal crackers :ohwell: that was actually only 50 calories I went over if I include my deficit calories = no guit :bigsmile:

    Amanda - Glad to hear you guys are doing better :happy: Wow, that is a great burn in that timeframe... How much more do you want to lose?

    Suzanne - Keep up the great work!

    Passion - I saw on my homepage where you've lost some pounds recently :bigsmile: How much more till we see a Picture? :flowerforyou:

    Make it a Great Day Amigas!
  • KZOsMommy
    KZOsMommy Posts: 854 Member
    Good Morning!!!

    It was day two of working out with my monitor and I am still loving it! Don't care much for having to wet the chest strap before I put it on ( a little cold at 6am lol). Today I did my turbo jam fat burn extra dvd I got with Chalean and burned 210 calories in the 30 minutes and then I did my CE burn circuit 3 (all lifting for 30 minutes) and burned 147 calories :happy: Not doing a lot today. We are going to the place that we are looking to rent so they can meet the dog to see if they will approve her. Then just hanging out at home doing school time and waiting for our 4 inches of snow that will be here tonight into tomorrow! I did all my extra food shopping yesterday while everyone was working before they all rush to the store tonight :wink: We do not usually get a lot of snow here so this is a big deal for us.

    Spicy- That is GREAT that you have a workout buddy!!! It really does help! I am honestly not looking to lose weight. If I do great if not I am ok with that too. I really need to tone up more then anything. Wow 32 in FL is really cold I don't blame you for wanting to stay in your nice warm bed! It is only 9 degrees here this morning and I did not want to get up and work out but I made myself anyway lol.

    Sandy- Glad that MJ was in a better mood yesterday! :flowerforyou:

    Nicole- Wow both you and your husband are in school that is GREAT!!! Like you said it is all worth it in the end. I want to go back to school so badly for exercise and nutrition. With homeschooling the kids I am just not sure that I can do it. I will teach myself but the commitment would be a lot for me. WTG Girl!!!

    To all my other buddies- :flowerforyou: hope you are doing well and keep it up ladies!!!

    Make it a GREAT day buddies!