Any Crossfit junkies out there?

shannan74 Posts: 115 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
Would like to know if anyone else is a Crossfit Junkie?


  • Mando55
    Mando55 Posts: 140
    I am not, but I really want to look into it. Been looking for some with expertise on it. How is it?
  • shannan74
    shannan74 Posts: 115 Member
    It's the best exercise I've ever done. It goes beyond the "I just want to be a physically fit person" to being an athlete. I would have never push myself beyond my comfort levels . Crossfit is about pushing yourself over and beyond. It's about not letting the mind overpower the body. The body can do so much more than the mind thinks it can.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Given my background, I am always wary of any exercise or program that claims to be the "true faith". I have looked at some of the lecture tapes and I think some of the "theory" behind it is untested and maybe unfounded.

    Having said that, there's nothing wrong with the workouts. For the person, like yourself, who is inspired by the idea of "pushing yourself over and beyond", it definitely provides not only the exercises, but the whole emotional mindset to do so.

    I am not sold on Crossfit as my only form of exercise, but I like a lot of the movements. Right now, I prefer to cycle through different types of routines, and I have added some crossfit exercises to one of my cycles. At my age (56), I have to introduce new exercises--especially ones as vigorous as Crossfit--with a certain amount of caution. I can't really afford to spend time on the shelf due to injury. And some of the exercises--pull ups, muscles, etc--require a muscle to body weight ratio that I just don't have.

    But it's fun stuff. Looks a lot easier on the tapes than when you try it yourself ...:ohwell:
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    I am not, but I really want to look into it. Been looking for some with expertise on it. How is it?

    I am not an "expert" or even someone who wants to do it all the time. I got interested in it because I have gone through what I call "stage one" of my weight loss journey and felt like I needed to change my program.

    If you haven't gone there yet, has a lot of information. It's not that well organized IMO, but they have a ton of videos that include some instructional lectures as well as dozens of exercises and some "challenge" routines. It's probably the best intro.
  • Mando55
    Mando55 Posts: 140
    I am not, but I really want to look into it. Been looking for some with expertise on it. How is it?

    I am not an "expert" or even someone who wants to do it all the time. I got interested in it because I have gone through what I call "stage one" of my weight loss journey and felt like I needed to change my program.

    If you haven't gone there yet, has a lot of information. It's not that well organized IMO, but they have a ton of videos that include some instructional lectures as well as dozens of exercises and some "challenge" routines. It's probably the best intro.

    I'll check it out. Thanks!
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