I need a fitness buddy....



  • ttoombs- I just had foot surgery a month ago, so finding low-no impact is a huge challenge. I can recommend CRUNCH YOGA. It has a 45 minute part in there that is no impact and all of it is low impact. I always do water aerobics at my local gym. It's very easy on the feet and joints. Let me know if this helps you.

    Great job everyone!! I have decided to get a wii fit too. You guys make it sound like so much fun, how could I resist!! I have to wait 7 months though until I can do medium-high impact:grumble:

    So I'll sit here and be jealous. But I'm still rooting for you! And I'll get to see if there's good long term results I guess.
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    spicey, I was about to type and hit my touchpad ( it is sensitive) Spicey: you sound like you are a machine right now. Good for you!

    Far from it, but thanks :)

    Good job on burning those calories! You are on your way.

    I have a Heart rate monitor... I love seeing how many calories I burn... I think it makes me want to work out more. :)
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Workout done today!!

    I did the BL cardio max dvd & then some jump & jacks & ab work to bring my burn up to 425! I'll probably play around with my Wii Fit later tonight but I won't count it, it's just an extra burn & better then sitting on the coach watching tv!!

    Have a great day everyone!! :drinker: And keep up the great work!! :drinker:
  • shannan74
    shannan74 Posts: 115 Member
    OK I burned 603 calories today and am still 300 calories over 1200... AAAUUUGGGHH .

    I'm frustrated.... Also, i weigh every morning and night and tonight I was up a pound from this morning. I hope it is gone by morning.
  • hey buddies! i am on week 2 day 1 of p90x and i feel great! today i did core synergistics and i can already tell a diiference in my abilities from last week! this is such an awesome program!!

    shannan- i am ALWAYS 1-5 pounds heavier at night, so dont worry about it at all

    great job on all the workouts today! keep it up!!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Busy day planned but I got to hit the treadmill for sure this afternoon!! I love coming here & seeing all of my active buddies making time for themselves & their health!! Keep at it & keep strong!

    You all inspire & motivate me!!:drinker:
  • I did 45 min with my fitness coach last night. My DH quit smoking and has gained 6 pounds in 4 days. He's so use to being skinny he's getting irritated. Thankfully he's now working out with me and fitness coach. He chose to do 45 min core work out. Boy did she work us. I can't remember when I did so many crunches!! But, I made it through! I also did my bowflex routine last night. Same thing planned for today!
  • Hey buddies!! i just got finished with cardio x and i feel awesome!! the past couple days i have had a hard time getting motivated because i am getting sick again, but after i workout i always feel a little better!! on sunday i was thinking about all the days i dont want to workout and all the "Treats" i want on the weekend and something just clicked......everyday that i dont workout and every treat that i allow myself, is one more day that i will be from my goal!! i dont know what happened but since i started thinking like that, i have not given into 1 temptation and i am more motivated than ever( even if i am sick!!!)

    oh so i have to share something really exciting......IM GOING TO BRITNEY SPEARS' CONCERT!!!!!! my hubby got me the tickets and im sooooooo excited cause i am her biggest fan ever and it has been one of my dreams to see her in concert!!! the tickets r on the floor and i sure hope i dont pass out from excitement when i see her...lol!!

    hope u all have an awesome day!!!
  • shannan74
    shannan74 Posts: 115 Member
    Hey buddies!! i just got finished with cardio x and i feel awesome!! the past couple days i have had a hard time getting motivated because i am getting sick again, but after i workout i always feel a little better!! on sunday i was thinking about all the days i dont want to workout and all the "Treats" i want on the weekend and something just clicked......everyday that i dont workout and every treat that i allow myself, is one more day that i will be from my goal!! i dont know what happened but since i started thinking like that, i have not given into 1 temptation and i am more motivated than ever( even if i am sick!!!)

    oh so i have to share something really exciting......IM GOING TO BRITNEY SPEARS' CONCERT!!!!!! my hubby got me the tickets and im sooooooo excited cause i am her biggest fan ever and it has been one of my dreams to see her in concert!!! the tickets r on the floor and i sure hope i dont pass out from excitement when i see her...lol!!

    hope u all have an awesome day!!!

    Congratulations on your new realization and most importantly your Brittney Spears Tickets. I personally may be Christina Aguilera's biggest fan.
  • SammyD
    SammyD Posts: 50
    Hi Fitness Buddies!!

    It was really nice here today so I made myself get outside and walk. I did 28 blocks in about 30 minutes. It felt sooo good!!! And it burned 222 calories according to the exerise tracker!

    I'm also going to my Physical Transformation class tonight where I expect we'll do a little cardio and a lot of lifting. I'm so glad to be back on my feet!:tongue:

    Keep moving,
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hey buddies!!

    I burned tonight on the treadmill - 473 cals!! I feel great but I am so ready to go to bed & get some rest! I've been using my wii fit in the evenings & it's made me aware of another part of my quad that I didn't know was there! It's been sore for a few days & it took me a little time to loosen it up tonight while working on the treadmill. It's great to feel it working!

    Have a great night everyone!:drinker:
  • shannan74
    shannan74 Posts: 115 Member
    Hey buddies!!

    I burned tonight on the treadmill - 473 cals!! I feel great but I am so ready to go to bed & get some rest! I've been using my wii fit in the evenings & it's made me aware of another part of my quad that I didn't know was there! It's been sore for a few days & it took me a little time to loosen it up tonight while working on the treadmill. It's great to feel it working!

    Have a great night everyone!:drinker:
    Good for you... I wish I had burned that many. I'm not sure how I'm going to burn any tomorrow night as I am going to see Motley Crue
  • I've been using my wii fit in the evenings & it's made me aware of another part of my quad that I didn't know was there! It's been sore for a few days & it took me a little time to loosen it up tonight while working on the treadmill. It's great to feel it working!

    Which one is hurting your quads? I want to try it. :happy: The Shalom jump on skis tears my booty up. But, I have become a champion on it and in my house. :bigsmile:
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    I've been using my wii fit in the evenings & it's made me aware of another part of my quad that I didn't know was there! It's been sore for a few days & it took me a little time to loosen it up tonight while working on the treadmill. It's great to feel it working!

    Which one is hurting your quads? I want to try it. :happy: The Shalom jump on skis tears my booty up. But, I have become a champion on it and in my house. :bigsmile:

    LOL! I wish I knew!! I've done so many things on there! I'm thinking it might be the hula hooping though!! I kinda go crazy on that one!! I love the ski jump too! So much fun!!
  • I am getting ready to head out to the gym right now and I really have to tear it up today cause I had 2 paczkis yesterday and went way over my plan. At thbis point though, I really feel like junk food is out of my system forever. I can't even look at it right now!! Wish me luck.
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Hi Buddies!

    I didn't do a dam thing since Saturday... Aunto Flo is in the house. :(

    I had my clothes on for the gym and had to stop at home because I forgot my headphones.. can't workout without my tunes. Well, I never made back out of the house :( I felt so tired, I actually fell asleep at 6 pm. :blushing: Oh well the good news is I still had 21 calories left yesterday :wink:
    Today I'm all set, got all my tools with me, and will be back tomorrow to report how many calories I burned.

    You guys are keeping it moving and I so appreciate it... I was really thinking of this thread and how dissappointed I was going to be not being able to report any exercise. That is a good thing.

    Nicole - I looked into the PX90 and it has all this other equipment... do you also have to buy those things to get the full benefit... do you have the equipment?

    Superjewels - you are on a roll girl, Keep up that momentum? :)

    Shannan - how is it going with the calories? have you checked out some of the others choices for the day... this morning I had:

    7:00 a.m.
    1 banana
    2 cups of coffee with 2% milk and Splenda
    9:30 am
    1 - alternative bagel
    1 wedge of laughing cow cheese spread
    2 turkey sausage patties - Jimmy dean

    all that was only 432 calories. BTW, How the motley crew concert? You should have burned calories jumping around :)

    Sanifrey - So glad you are discovering different muscle with the Wii ;)

    Kerimcdonald - What is paczkis?
  • shannan74
    shannan74 Posts: 115 Member
    Well today I still had 2 packs of oatmeal. and a banana by 10:00a.m. then steamed chicken breast and vegetables in one of the zip n steam bags . I have 500 calories left for supper. Awesome.... It is now 4;00 and I am resisting the smell of brownies and coffee at a starbucks/ Barnes and Noble while logging in my calories. I'm about to meet my friends for the Motley Crue concert so maybe I'll burn some calories. They want to meet for a drink.... UUGGGHHhh I didn't want to drink my calories til the weekend ! I know I can't resist that and I also don't have any time to work out. I'll check back in when I get home if it isn't too late.

    Thanks my skinny friends.!

  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    I went to my step class today! It was great! My regular trainer is back from vacation & it was great to be back into the old routine again!! I just love step aerobics!!

    This afternoon I ended up getting a very bad headach! I was able to rest a little this afternoon & now it's more of just a dull numb pain. My husband is picking up dinner & once I eat I'm going to bed! Gotta get my rest for tomorrows workout!!

    Shannon - enjoy your concert & stay strong against temptations!!

    Spicy - you go get em tomorrow girl!! maybe your body just relaly needed the rest!

    Keri - good luck!

    Keep movin' buddies!! You're all awesome!! :wink:
  • hey everyone!!! i just finished week 2 day 3 of p90x. today i did shoulders, arms and ab ripper. is such an awesome workout, i can already feel an improvement from last week!! the only thing that sucks is my middle toe on my left foot has been numb since last night....i dont know why, but its driving me crazy!

    spicy- i dont have any equipment except for 5 lb weights. if u have one of those bands those will work just fine. the pull up bar is more for the program for people looking to build muscle. i hope u get it...i know u will love it!!

    hope u all have an awesome night!!!
  • What a great workout. I did a water aerobics and freestyle laps class. For 1 hour, I burnt 839 calories and I burned 464 calories on the stationary bike. I hope I worked off those paczkis, cause I definitely feel like I worked something off. I am finally cleared to go back to work in March, so that will up my calories by 400 a day.

    Spicy- paczkis are like a jelly filled donut only bigger and fattier. They are generally eaten on fat tuesday to help you say good-bye to whatever you are giving up for lent. They generally run about 500 calories/pastry, and 30 grams of fat. Huge damage, but I have to say, so worth it. 1 day a year. I can fall off the wagon and get dragged behind it for a while once a year.

    I hope everyone had a great day!! See you all tomorrow:drinker:
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