jaquwa Member


  • What an absolute inspiration. ps I have requested to join your facebook group :)
  • I love them, it depends on personal preference, they do samples of some of the stuff
  • Almond butter? Thats lush. I get my protein from myprotein.com, they do a total breakfast protein with balaced carbs and protein in it and its about 250 cals mixed with water, you have to vigerously shake it to get the lumps out but its nice. That would be a good breakfast or a snack substitute.
  • I just do 1 egg and 3 egg whites, 50ml of skimmed milk, 30g of feta, 30-50g of chicken and ham, handful of spinach and a tomatoe. Add the egg and milk mixture to pan, let set slightly then chuck everything else in, after a few mins put under the grill, leave to set. Its lovely and about 300 cals. Also, have you thought…
  • Well done on your weight loss so far, 51lbs is brilliant If your diary is a true reflection the last few days have been very low in calories, its recommended that you should have a minimum of 1200. I always make my breakfast the night before, egg white frittata with chicken or ham, feta and spinach and tomato. Then eat it…
  • Are you logging your food on here and being 100% honest? Forget exercise, you can never out train a bad diet. So get the food part right and the weight loss will come, the exercise will then aid the weight loss. Good Luck
  • Don't give up. It may sound a stupid question but are you logging absolutely everything? If you are finding it hard to eat 1250 and are logging everything, I would suggest maybe having a handful of almonds or some peanut butter, quite calorie dense food, high in fat, but its good fat.
  • I was like you, staying the same, fluctuating, doing 5-6 hours exercise a week, wearing a heart rate monitor so not over estimating calories burnt (I would recommend a heart rate monitor if you don't have one). But the simple fact is, if you aren't in calorie deficit you won't lose weight. This was a really hard fact for…
  • You will never out train a bad diet. I have had 18 months of gains, tracking food on and off and not being focused, but was still buirning in excess of 3000 calories a week in the gym..... I am back to tracking now, back losing weight and it is all because I am weighing, measuring and tracking everything.
  • Do you use the calorie estimate from MFP for exercise? If so, I would recommend buying a heart rate monitor watch, then you can get a more accurate view of what calories you are burning. Just make sure you are logging and weighing everything, I know sometimes this isn't possible or a pain, but it really is the key. Good…
  • I am a bit bigger than you, 5'3" and 241lbs and I did something very similar to insantiy at the gym, I did it the best I could. Its hard and obvisouly I wasn't perfect at everything but I kept up pace. I also have dodgy knees and sometimes had to modify some things but wow did it burn calories and start to shape me up and…
  • Give it a shot and good luck. If you like it, go and get fitted with proper running trainers, which will support your joints. That is really unkind of your friends to discuss that, I really hope you prove them wrong!
  • Feel free to add me, I'm 240lbs and I've found my healthy lifestyle mojo again this week :) Also, booked to trek Kilimanjaro in October 2014.......thats my motivation :)
  • Brilliant.....I hate dating, its so awkward, but it all changes when its just a "bang" haha!
  • Yummy...bookmarking!
  • Its more about what you eat than working out....abs are made in the kitchen. Eat more protein and less carbs, this will help.
  • I had little upper body strength and couldn't do push ups, once I'd finished Insanity level 1 I was able to do them. This programme really increased my upper body strength
  • I exercise to lose weight in the week and then exercise at the weekend to eat more :) I do about 7-9 classes a week, mixture of spin, circuits, combat, sometimes throw a few Insanity workouts in there too and then maybe at the weekend I run/walk if I need extra calories for those meals :)
  • I've cut the bread too and will have a tin of tuna, chicken breast or some sliced ham. Protein fills you up longer, helps repairs muscles and it satisfies me more.
  • There could be lots of reasons for this. I only weigh after a rest day as muscles retain water when mending. It could be hormonal, I always put a few pounds on during time of month. Make sure you are drinking lots of water to flush the body, whats your salt intake like, try reducing this?
  • Don't we all love the British sense of humour! Come do the Manchester 10k Ian, it will be fun, its on bank holiday, so that means its obligatory to get drunk on a sunday :)
  • Definately don't quit, losing weight is about 80% diet 20% exercise. About 10 years ago I lost 6 stone in 10 months on slimming world and didn't work out once. Good luck and I hope you are back on your feet soon
  • Lunges, Squats and a lot of cycling spin classes have helped me. When you squat, sit against a wall, feet hip width apart and turn your feet out, this works your inner thighs.
  • I try and burn 3500 a week through exercise, although at the moment its been over 5000 a week, I have been known to spend 10 hours exercising though. :smile:
  • Nothing is bad in moderation,.......however, you can get much more protein from a grilled chicken breast and its much less fat and less processed and will fill you up more.
  • I have done legs,bums and tums class at lunch, after work I have Kombat, another legs, bums and tums, then some boxing and finish with some spinning, all 45 min sessions! Tuesday is CRAZY day!
  • I get my biggest burn from Spin (indoor cycling) or circuits, it depends how much I push myself and my heart rate up though!