cant seem to lose the weight

hi everyone, im 23, im short and I weigh close to 100kg....I exercise 6 times a week and I eat better than I did last year, im more health conscious and I became a vegetarian 2 months ago....I started my healthy living plan in January and I haven't seen any motivated to work harder if need be ....I really need help I just want to lose weight. im thinking of going to see a doctor now as I don't know what I am doing is really just such a let down when I have been working so hard............any help would be welcome.....thank u


  • quietvibes
    Are you exercing or doing any cardio? You cant expect to see quick results if your just eating right you need to balance your exercises. Try running ever other day and drinking lots of water.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    Do you count calories? Weight loss happens in the kitchen!
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Weight loss comes from more calories going out, verse coming in.

    Are you sure your weighing and measuring all your foods?
    It's very easy to underestimate how much we really consume.
    For example, one day I decided I didn't need to measure a dry cup of cereal anymore. I poured the cereal into a bowl, but then went back to measure just to see. Well, it was actually 3 cups!!

    So it's really easy to mess the weighing and measuring thing up.
  • FckUrExcuses
    Do cardio, and mix it up a bit, play with different speeds and elevations on the treadmill, or try getting on bikes and ellipticals from time to time and always move the resistance around to find what makes you exert the most energy. If you do any type of strength training try moving up in weight if it's too easy. Of course drink pleanty of water, or even tea is nice, just don't add sugars or creamers. Just remember to train hard and stay true to your diet!
  • jaquwa
    jaquwa Posts: 99 Member
    Are you logging your food on here and being 100% honest?

    Forget exercise, you can never out train a bad diet. So get the food part right and the weight loss will come, the exercise will then aid the weight loss.

    Good Luck
  • Misscherokee3
    If your on a hormonal form of birth control, that can effect your weight loss.
  • amjfox
    amjfox Posts: 17 Member
    Hi, you also need to make sure you eat enough... My personal trainer went through a typical week and noted I wasn't eating enough. Since adding protein rich snacks into my diet and weighing my food, I've gone down in weight for the first time in over a year. I've also noticed changes when I mix up cardio and weights. I used to just do cardio but my bodyshape etc have changed a lot since I've started adding weights to my sessions- I've also felt fitter than I have in years.

    It may be worth if you can meeting with a trainer for a couple of sessions to see what they think and ask for recommendations. What works for me is lower carb days when I'm not training and increasing my protein.
    Plus it shouldn't be all about the weight (although I do get a bit sad when the scales don't change) Your body shape will be changing and you'll be toning up.

    Good Luck with it all x
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Have you been logging your food consistently and accurately? A lot of folks think just eating right and execising is the key but the problem can be that you may be eating more than you realize and not burning as many calories as you think (MFP and cardio machines overestimate burns).

    Try this for the next six weeks - weight and measure your food and log absolutely everything and only eat back half of earned calories. Oh and make sure your weekly weight loss goal is set to 1.5 pounds per week (2 per week is unrealistic for you). Also try planning and prepping foods as this can help keep you on track.
    If you haven't lost weight or inches after that, then I might go see a doctor to check thyroid levels, etc.
  • amtatusko
    amtatusko Posts: 16 Member
    hi everyone, im 23, im short and I weigh close to 100kg....I exercise 6 times a week and I eat better than I did last year, im more health conscious and I became a vegetarian 2 months ago....I started my healthy living plan in January and I haven't seen any motivated to work harder if need be ....I really need help I just want to lose weight. im thinking of going to see a doctor now as I don't know what I am doing is really just such a let down when I have been working so hard............any help would be welcome.....thank u

    Sometimes going vegetarian can hurt more than it helps if not done in a healthy way. I know of many who expected to see weight loss when switching to a vegetarian diet and actually gained weight! The problem is that they went to a high carb load and consumed more cheese which actually increased their calories for the day. Not to mention these are good ways to jack up fat and cholesterol.

    I agree with most of what everyone has said here. Portions are tricky in the US since what equals one portion looks ridiculously small compared to what we have grown used to. A typical cereal portion is 3/4 of a cup and the milk is 1 cup. That looks small in a bowl!

    I came to a point where I used measuring cups and spoons for a long time just to see what a right portion looked like. I still use them fairly religiously. Otherwise I have no real gauge on how much I am eating. I am amazed at how quickly those calories add up.

    Otherwise tracking how much I eat and how much I burn off here has done the trick. I am not as hungry as I used to be and can handle longer workouts. I get my heart rate up to a safe maximum for my age and keep it there for at least 30 minutes.

    These are all behaviors others have taught me and I am still learning. Once I realized that all of this is fun and helps me keep up with my kids, I loathe days where I don't eat right and workout because I know I won't feel quite as good!

    Hope all of the suggestion here help you out. If still puzzled talk to a trainer at the Y. There are people there who can get you on a good workout regimen.
  • amtatusko
    amtatusko Posts: 16 Member
    only eat back half of earned calories. Oh and make sure your weekly weight loss goal is set to 1.5 pounds per week (2 per week is unrealistic for you).

    This is a great idea. Sometimes that extra "credit" we earn with calories can lead us back down the path of bad behavior. I know I did this for a long time before catching myself with my hand in the cookie jar - often literally!
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    Sometimes going vegetarian can hurt more than it helps if not done in a healthy way. I know of many who expected to see weight loss when switching to a vegetarian diet and actually gained weight! The problem is that they went to a high carb load and consumed more cheese which actually increased their calories for the day. Not to mention these are good ways to jack up fat and cholesterol.
    ^^^ This. Lots of people cut out animal proteins and replace them with more carbs, so their new vegetarian diet is more unhealthy than what they were eating beforehand. If you just remove meat and don't add things like eggs, cottage cheese, greek yogurt, nuts, beans, soy (if you are okay with soy, it's really highly processed so I try to stay away from it), you won't be successful in the long term.

    It's absolutely possible to eat a healthy, balanced vegetarian diet, but it takes paying a lot more attention to balancing your macros than you were before. It takes a lot of effort and planning to get adequate protein as a vegetarian. Feel free to look through my diary if you'd like -- I average 120g of veggie protein per day.