

  • you could try http://www.glycemicindex.com/ or just use plain ol google-fu to search the food. honestly there's no go-to place for me.
  • A) I'm glad to see this thread still alive and kicking and that it's turned into a full-fledged discussion on the issue. B) For the Intermittent Fasting camp, i'd advise you take the following into consideration: Do not make up for an unplanned binge by skipping meals. A lot of people will eat an unplanned crappy meal,…
  • i forgot what report i heard that stated you could save something like 60% of calories on starbucks drinks just by ordering anything that doesn't have the word "mocha" in it.
  • Sure thing. This is suited to my current goals, keep that in mind. BREAKFAST: - 6 Egg Whites - 4-6oz. Top Sirloin or Top Round Steak - ON Whey Protein Shake Calories: 470, Carbs: 4g; Protein: 114g; Fats 15g SNACK: One serving Blue Diamond Oven Roasted Almonds One Fage Greek Yogurt Calories: 270, Carbs: 13g; Protein: 22g;…
  • Whole wheat bread flour means hard whole wheat, not soft whole wheat. It is more challenging to make bread with whole wheat flour than its counterpart.
  • As an aside, people. Please remember to apply these meals to your current goals. If you're not particularly interested in dropping to single % body fat, then all the tips may not apply to you. Just remember the basic rules of how carbs function and it'll help you understand your meal planning that much more.
  • Oatmeal in the morning is not a bad thing. Upon waking, the muscles are primed to take in large amounts of calories (especially carbs) without inducing high levels of lipogenesis. In addition, a large breakfast will rev up the metabolism for the rest of the day. So it's safe to have that bowl of oatmeal in the morning (as…
  • You should really make an effort to eat breakfast every day. Studies show that people who eat breakfast on a consistent basis tend to be significantly leaner than those who don't. Additionally, breakfast is a great way to stunt the release of cortisol (a hormone that tells your body to store fat). Additionally, breakfast…
  • 6 Egg Whites 6oz. Top Round or Top Sirloin Steak 1 Glass Motts 100% Apple Juice (to spike insulin) 1 Cup Slow-Rolled Oats. 1 Banana.
  • Alcohol may be an energy containing nutrient; however, it is not classified as a macronutrient because it is not essential to our survival.
  • How could you not agree with anything i've written? This is the basic function of carbohydrates in the body, it's not opinion, it's based on fact. But if you have another model of how carbs work within the body, i'd love to hear it. And there are people who argue that liquids are a macronutrients, which I don't believe…
  • Well then i apologize, i misread your post. (p.s. - i am calm :bigsmile: )
  • That's just plain ignorant. Although people will react differently to different macronutrients due to things such as genetic makeup (for example some people handle carbs better than others), to say that the science of nutrition should be disregarded because no one knows 100% of it is foolhardy, to say the least. The fact…
  • Clearly, you didn't understand. Let me break it down even further. Go back and read the section on the Glycemic Index to reinforce what i'm about to say. Every carb you eat will prompt an insulin response in your body. How your body reacts depends on the carbohydrate makeup of the food you're eating. So simple carbs…
  • I'd cut out the carb sources at lunchtime like the bread. Stick to your lean protein sources and it'll help out your body comp tremendously. Read more about carbs at my post here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/99529-people-get-to-know-your-carbs
  • ...And ridiculously high in sugar. People tend to forget that these bars are meant for individuals who will be engaging in sports such as mountain biking, trekking, rock climbing, etc. In other words, people who are actively working out and whose bodies will do something with the blood sugar spike caused by the simple-carb…
  • That's exactly what i'm telling you. Other Fruits are listed as an occasional carb source which means that you can ingest them as a snack or two throughout the day. Brown rice and pita bread ARE rare carb sources, I wouldn't have more than one meal that relied on these as a side dish. If the brown rice and pita bread are…
  • Amen. End thread.
    in Yogurt Comment by emederos June 2010
  • Ugh. Consumer reports and nutrtition. No thanks. Protein shakes, like everything else in life, are fine in moderation. They're a good way to supplement protein intake or good for a meal replacement if you can't take in a solid healthy meal. If you're looking to build any sort of decent physique then you should be looking…
  • Stay away from white and stick with whole grain. As for making it interesting, I'd suggest mixing in beans which are a good source of carbohydrates and fiber.
    in Rice Comment by emederos June 2010
  • Unless you're doing interval training, sustained distance running is not an effective fat burning exercise. Look into Tabata exercises. There are high-intensity four minute interval exercises that fry fat. You can build your own Tabata from any exercise group. Find Tabata fully explained here.:…
  • If you're going to have a "dessert" (grazing), definitely begin by portioning it off. Do not eat straight from the container or else you'll go overboard. Also, try eating sweet foods such as strawberries, bananas, etc as your "dessert" to satiate your sweet tooth and send the signal to your brain that meal time is over.
  • Considering you've posted nothing about what your goals are or what kind of diet/exercise plan you have going, I can't even begin to offer any sort of meaningful suggestions.